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Posts posted by Sabatiel

  1. Sure, subjectivly seen, all of those can be beaten, have been beaten by me, but that hasn't much value because that can mean that you were the better player or had the advantage otherwise.


    Looking at just what the classes are able to do, Madness is in almost every case at the disadvantage.

    If you have much success as Madness that is certainly good for you, but I can guarantee that you would fair much much better with almost every other spec/class.


    i just couldn't agree more :)

  2. The need of having Force Breach on the target is kinda insulting to me to, anyway, Force Strike in general is pretty horrible designed for the Assassin in general, but that isn't the topic right now.


    Sure, you can kill others if you are a good player, but they can kill you as well if they are not terrible.


    Assuming all CDs are up for both.


    Jedi Guardian

    Tank ---> This Battle will drag on for forever and should be relativly even.

    that is win for balance

    Vigilance ---> You have literally nothing to keep that Knight of your back for as long as you would like to while he takes away approximatly half of your health with one well played Ravage.

    not many Jugg runs this spec on my serv.. haven't done many 1vs1 can't really say, i've won most of which have done.

    Focus ---> Mobile and bursty as hell. By the time you have applied your dots, you have already eaten lots of damage.

    If you mange to res before smash, it's a win for you. if you eat it you will lose it


    Jedi Sentinel

    Watchmen ---> Honestly I have no idea how they are doing atm. They have the supreme Def CDs and a lot less Set up to do while also being a bit more mobile and having an almost passive slow. I think I would give the cake to them.yeah, met one in areana and got focuesd fast. can't reall tell

    Combat ----> Destroys you if played right, their burst is just that impressive.

    this one is hide and seek, if you don't get into a meele you should be fine, blade storm is a pain though ;.

    Focus ----> See Jedi Knight.well 99% dmg reduction is a big deal actually, FC or stun and you'll win if you res the smash


    Sith Assassin

    Tank ---> He is much more durable then you, has the better/more consistent heals, the much better mobility and the better Def CDs. Their damage isn't bad either, also more CC. Tank wins. Easily

    i've dueled iwth one who i consider the best on my serv.. really really hard but doable.

    Deception ---> I think I do not need to say much about this. Better defense, better offense, more CC.

    not much to disagree about here but it is duable but perhaps the hardest form all

    Madness ---> An even match!


    Sith Sorcerer

    Healing ---> Doable but hard as ****. Then again, he is a healer, thus a demigod.


    Lightning ---> Lots of CC, but not as mobile. Not easy, but I would say, doable.


    Madness ---> Much better and much more fluent than Assassins Madness while keeping allmost every strength Madness has to offer while adding the Sorcerer Percs onto that which, in my opinion, overshadow those of the Shadow, mostly. Sorcerer wins.

    if you are able to stay in meele shadow wins.. other scenerio sages wins easliy


    Tank ---> Haven't really played with or against Shield Tech much to be honest so no opinion here.

    tbh.. we lose here badly. imho far better dmg reduction and dmg output than tanksin

    AP ---> Depends strongly on the player. A good AP will find enough ways to destroy the Balance Shadow, but at these stage of the game, most AP Powertechs tend to suck.


    Pyrotech ---> I think we had that topic. They are more or less like the Balance Shadow, but better in pretty much everything in my opinion. They should destroy them easily.




    Healing ---> The weakest Healer. Very doable, but could take a while.


    Arsenal ---> Assuming they have Electronet, you have lost right there. Assuming they don't it may take a few seconds until you have lost.

    if start form meele and stay in meele you'll win

    Pyrotech ---> Not as strong as Powertechs Pyrotech. Doable, but the Mercenary still has the odds in his favor in my opinion.

    same as above


    Marksmanship ----> Destroys you. Big time.

    same as arsenal i guess.. if you stay in meele you should win easily

    Engineering ----> Haven't played this one at all and haven't seen it often as an opponent, so no opinion here. In generell, though, reading through what they can do, I think I give the favor of the odd to them still.

    hate their probe.. i guess i'll go with snpier here, hanve't done my 1vs1 though

    Lethality ----> Definatly the Sniper wins here. Easy.

    i find them quite average



    Healing ----> Hahahahahaha!

    yeah op just outheales your dmg like by 4x

    Concealment ----> Depends. If the Concealment Operative gets you, odds aren't in your favor. If you do get him, it may look a bit different.

    i'd go for Op if you opens on you, if not i go for balance

    Lethality ----> I/we have talked about this plenty already somewhere, so my opinion on this should be known already.

    same as snpier



    So out of my point of view, the Madness Assassin has a very hard time against most classes Specs with some very few exceptions.


    this is all based on my experiance on my serv. i'm not winning like 100% of the time.. 7/10 sometimes less sometimes more.. but i think taht we are vry capable of 1 vs 1 ;]

    still i might be playing against bads.. so my percepction might be bit off..

    That being said.. we are nowhere near infli as far as pvp is concern..

    Main problem with us is that we need too much time to get the dmg going..

  3. not entirely true..

    we have problems with the classes who can cleanse our DoTs that is othera Sins. Sages and Op if i recall correctly

    and i rather do not take 1 vs 1 against infli shadows.. sure if you tmie res so theirs FB and project so it won't hit you, you will win.. but this is so hard to do i'd rather don't play that rullet..

    anywyas if you'll get you force strike proc in 1 vs 1 and you're not terrible you should win.. but gatting that proc it's different story entirely.. sometimes i not seem to get it.. (FB is on traget ;p) guess one of the problems why this spec is so dead..

  4. Well every measured record that exists says you're wrong on every issue so yea


    well sins imho are underpreforming in general.. true

    but solorating is just based on statistics.. and statistically.. me and dog have 3 legs...

    so pls stop BS that solorating is a good way to measure someone's skill, becasue simply it isn't

    this is due to various variables which need to be taken into account and are totaly independent = meaning you as a player can not really affect them..


    same may implay to group rating.. but there are far less variables which makes it far more accurate..

    that being said.. imho best way to evaluate someone's skill is simply to play with them.


    you can't play with everyone... so only thing that is left is this rating system which just shows approximate skill..

    better this than nothing i guess..


    if you really believe tha this is accurate, please do.. you can believe what you want really

    but trying to convince somebody that they are wrong being wrong yourself is just bad..

  5. Any way to apply Mind Crush without having to Double Strike your target before is a good way in my opinion. The out of stealth method, being the one tied to your idea or something simpler like just a "Yo dawg, one instant Mind Crush for you because you popped out of stealth" would make me a much more happy man already.


    perhaps somthing similar to infli.. Force Potency would give Force Strike proc :)


    that would help this spec alot....

  6. You are the only common element in all of your solo matches. Your ability to improve a random teams odds of winning against another random team is an accurate measure of skill.


    sure but this works both ways...

    you might be that best player out there but still you're just good as rest of your team..

    being match constantly with bads or pve guys your win/lose ration will be low...

    des it mean that your skill is low?


    This doesn't add to the gameplay. This is a static talent. It may be somewhat useful for PvE, but we already have Spinning Strike for targets below 30% hp. We don't need more. For PvP, these talents are largely useless because once a target gets below 30% hp, chances are they are not going to be alive for much longer. If they survive due to healing, then they'll leave the 30% mark quite fast.


    So, for the greater good, this talent simply has to go.


    i think it has its uses.. especially against Op healers :) when they're trying to escape the inevitable;)

    i really like that talent and i'd like it to remain.

    and no, Spinning Strike is not enough for targets below 30% hp:cool:


    Personally I would advise not getting the crit boost. You get the passive 45% boost for your breach/discharge from the tank tree.



    as far as I know that gives boost only to Force Technique's crit chance not Breach, nor any other DoTs...


    And believe me higher crit chance = higher survivability

    my two cents...

  9. for max dps go.. 7/2/37

    as far as crit i'm around 26,5 % with full buffs.. rest power

    gear stalker...

    power and crit relics.. you can swap crit for matrix cube..

    aug willpower


    as for rotation..

    FiB before dots.. rest is up to you.

    Use your brain and you'll be just fine ;]



    Balance sages do far more damage though..

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