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Posts posted by Swampfot

  1. Haven't read more than the first page but will add my experience anyway.


    I have a rather new rig. Bought the parts and set it up in september. Have played numerous different games since then with no real problems. With Swtor however on "max" settings, my fans suddenly started getting really loud. The temperature went up about 15 degrees Celsius compared to other games.


    I had to start a cpuid hwmonitor to track my cpu temperature to make sure it didn't get into dangerous levels. It didn't, but it reached the low 80´s C. Normal is maybe 60-65 C.

  2. I am almost embarrassed to say this but I actually enjoyed reading this thread. :p


    I unsubbed 4 days ago so I don't really care about the CS in this game anymore. But it is kinda fun to see a company do such a bad job that a thread like this pops up. Doesn't matter if it is BW or Blizzard or whatever. A game with a budget like this one should be better cared for than what I am seeing.


    Good luck with your problems though. As much as I love reading about these kinds of failures I also like to see stuff getting fixed.

  3. The travel sure was one of the annoying things about this game. Especially going to Coruscant to meet the boss as a trooper. You couldn't just jump on your speeder either, you had to run like a mile in the spaceport. Just one of the reasons I unsub'd.
  4. I don't understand why people think "No LFD = Sitting in Fleet for hours" :rolleyes: I have never waited for more than 10 minutes to get a group. (Up to and including 35).


    I'll bite though, the longer you wait for a group, the more valuable it is, the more valuable it is, the less likely you are to be a dick to increase your chances that next time <player A> needs a <your role> they will send you a message.


    Not everyone thinks the way you do. I don't think a group is more valuable after waiting for hours to get one. Instead I think my time is better used doing something else than sitting in fleet. Therefor I quit the game. You might not like LFG tools, but for me they make my experience more "fun". Combine no LFG with no server forums to find a good guild that suits me... and there is no reason for me to waste my time on this game.


    Not that you would care. But I bet there are alot of others who feels the same way and find other games. I either get very "into" a game or I move on.

  5. A nice bit of hyperbole there. Sure, the people advocating for a LFG tool find looking for groups in chat annoying, but it's not deilitating. I've rarely struck out looking for a group. Of course, others will come in saying they have a lot of trouble finding one. I'd bet those experiences (mine and theirs) are on the edges, and the most people find groups, but do have some trouble.


    I can't believe how much of a big deal people make out of this.


    Actually, this was pretty much the last straw for me. After spending hours trying to find a group without much success I simply decided this game wasn't for me. I almost had a full group twice but always lacking a tank or healer. I have better use for my time than spending it waiting for a group. If the game doesn't give me an "easier" way to do it then to hell with it. It was fun to level to 50 but not worth this.

  6. It doesn't really matter if he is a real analyst or not. He's making a good point as to why this game isn't worth investing in. Unlike most of you I actually read the whole post and most of what he wrote is spot on to what I felt when I quit 3-4 days ago.


    The game isn't bad. It is quite alright. I especially liked the quests and not having to spend so much time to find the quest objectives, green doors etc if fine with me. I know some of you think that is bad, but from my point of view it was good.


    However, the game doesn't feel like a next generation MMO to me. It feel like WoW with a facelift... but the doctor was a drunken sod with no skill. Sure, it looks better graphically than WoW, but the feel of the game isn't up to par with WoW. There is important stuff missing that should be in a new MMO and some things I wouldn't want to play without, like server forums in my case.


    There were lots of bugs when WoW came out as well, but back then the "audience" didn't have great expectations, the game was ground breaking after all. Nowadays instead of putting up with it, I and probably lots of others, will quit instead. It is not worth my time to play a game that doesn't meet my expectations. Sure, some things can't be helped, but there are too many little things that annoy me like crazy with this game.


    I sure hope you will like it better than I did. I gave it a chance atleast, leveled a commando to level 50 before I quit.

  7. Frankly, I don't see much use of the auction house.


    Why would anyone try to sell something when you can buy equal or better gear from an NPC on every planet.


    Why would you do missions for mats or farm mats to sell when you find soo many nodes... everywhere! There will never be a shortage of crafting mats. The prices will always be low.


    I just went to a 47-50 planet as lvl 31 and checked the "slicing boxes" that litter the floor. 1300 gold every minute or so in profit. No mobs are guarding them. The gear you could buy with "commendations" sure makes it meaningless to buy anything up to lvl 50.


    The feeling of accomplishment in this game has me severly underwhelmed. Am actually thinking about quitting since there is no sense of individuality. By doing slicing missions I get the same schematic 5 times. Everyone will have everything in the end.

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