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Posts posted by Swampfot

  1. Yes, he is serious. Kids that have no idea of how Business works (especially a business liek running a MMO) can't understand the basics:


    a game that has had 4-5 years development plus 7 years running (patching, expansions, income) will always have more features than a game that just came out.


    You can't understand that? Fine. But when you grow up you probably will, don't worry


    Why would an "old" game have more features?


    A new game has the advantage to "take" stuff from other games. It would be alot easier to steal a good idea than to invent something new from scratch.


    If a new MMO really wants to compete with an older established MMO, shouldn't it have more features or atleast as many features as that game? It is after all trying to steal away customers from something they have invested time into? And the features they do steal should preferably be improved on, not made totally worthless.


    Just take the AH TOR has in-game, what were they thinking?

  2. You kids are blinded by the belief that every new mmo should be just like wow, have the same exact features as wow, and the list goes on. Still you always manage to find something to QQ about. I don't get you kids and your silly way of thinking, if it can even be called "thinking"...


    This game has only just been released, how can you claim that it has only taken steps backwards?


    Grow up please. If you do not want this game to prosper, i suggest you just remove yourselves from these forums and find something else to do with your time, other than filling up the forum space which could've been used for more constructive threads.


    Well first, I wouldn't really call myself a kid since I am 36.


    Second, you didn't answer my question. What steps has the game taken forward?


    I don't really care if this game prospers anymore. I did want it to be a success, I bought it after all to enjoy it. It hasn't impressed me very much. I think the questing was ok, the idea of companions was ok. The rest was either bad or just "meh".


    Being a new MMO doesn't give it an excuse to be bad or boring. You don't make a new car or TV that is worse than its competition and say: "But, hopefully they will fix it!". If they wanted to retain people in the game they would have tried to perfect the game alot more than its current state.

  3. Hate to say this but, you're actually wrong. WAY wrong. Made me giggle a bit there!


    Evolving sometimes requires taking a step or two back to perfect the process before taking the next steps forward.


    I do wonder. Did you drop out of school?


    What steps forward are you refering to? Please specify what improvements you seen compared to for example WoW.


    If you only take steps backwards it isn't evolving... just devolving.

  4. Here you go with that LFG crap again.


    Maybe it'll be implemented, maybe it won't. Point is, show some freaking patience. The game hasn't even been out a full month yet.


    There are greater concerns like bug fixing that takes prio to adding new features or content, this early after release.


    Shouldn't a game be released when it is ready? Why should we have patience for things that should be obvious to have at release? Why should we pay monthly subscriptions so they can beta test a so-called-finished-game?


    Those that like the game should be patient, while those that don't like it have the right to say their minds. Will anything really change if we all have the mentality of "We'll see what happens?".

  5. Complaints are always louder. People who aren't complaining are busy playing the game.


    Could be true. But maybe those who aren't complaining has left the game already and won't put in the time to complain. Think it could be both.


    But people complaining this much indicates there is an issue. Whether it is a big issue we will see in the coming months.

  6. Without decent endgame this game will never compete with games like WoW or new MMO's that come out.


    You might argue that BW don't care about the rushers, but those rushers that quit often make their friends quit as well. And as a new game on the MMO-market it isn't very good to have people out there telling friends and family they quit for lack of content, bugs or bad mechanics.

  7. I doubt it too.


    I remember games and early mmo's being much more challenging, now it's all mainstreamed, mostly.


    I don't mind it too much tbh, but sometimes get nostalgic about the retro stuff heh.

    But mainstream will pull more subs in, so thats the model most will go with, anything else is probably a niche market now, those days are gone I'm afraid.


    Might one day come back though, we'll see.


    Then again, memories play on you, go back to these old mmo's and games, they don't feel quite how you remember them :rolleyes:


    Yeah, much is probably nostalgia and false memories. We would probably steamroll over the old "challenging" content nowadays too. Though "resist-gear" sure made it harder.


    But I still want an MMO to have that progression of old. Where you needed to kill a boss a few times to gear up tanks etc so you could manage to kill the boss after. It is too easy nowadays.


    Another thing that is too easy in TOR is the crafting. It should take time to reach max level, not just send out your companions every 15 minutes. No sense of achievement in this game, which is part of why I unsub'd. The main reason was no LFD and no server forums.

  8. I think a lot of players try every MMO because they are searching for that game that they wish an MMO should be like. With better graphics and maybe new interesting features. When that doesn't happen they will leave again. These "wow-clones" will never succeed for those kinds of people.


    Myself, I would like an MMO that was much like vanilla WoW, but with alot of features from later versions of WoW + clones. The best experience I had was in MC, BWL, Naxx (old). That was when content was challenging and you actually felt like you wanted to do them over and over again for gear. Gear that helped kill the next boss. Nowadays you just roll over everything.


    Attunements and "fireresist"-items should be back imo. Those were the days. Seriously doubt I will ever see a MMO like that again though.

  9. ALL MMOs say that crap.


    Like Arenanet claiming traditional MMO aspects are out the window with Guild Wars 2

    Yeah right, it'll be the same old, it'll just have a different coat of paint painted over the fresh coat SWTOR just did.




    Judge a game for what it is, never buy into the developer's hype.


    Which is probably why I will stick to Blizzard games. Atleast with Blizzard you know it is a quality product. They know what they are doing atleast.

  10. its really sad how you are literally on these forums all day whining about a game you dont like, obviously attempting to give the game a bad image.


    in reality you are only giving yourself one.


    Just because the game isn't up to his standard, or mine, doesn't mean we aren't interested in what happens to the game. He has spent alot of time on this game already and has interest in discussing what he thinks should be changed or what went wrong.


    After the free month runs out you won't see many of us here anymore.

  11. It will probably do better than most "wow-clones", but it won't be a big hit. Maybe half will stay after the free month is past. After 3-6 months maybe 1/4 will be left. Of course it all depends on how much money BW puts into improving the game. But right now it is not up to par with what most MMO-players expect from an MMO. The fanbois will still like it though for the feeling of being in a Star Wars universe.
  12. I am glad that BW is making atleast some money back. They are a good company.


    Sadly, in my opinion the game isn't worth subscriving to. I think it will do well the first couple of months but after that it will plummet pretty fast. There isn't anything to do really once you hit 50.


    The game is lacking some very core stuff and other fluff that players want and need to play it for long. It will go the same path as other failed MMO's.

  13. If you are going to compare the content in WoW when it came out and TOR now, then you need to take into account the speed players go through the content as well.


    When WoW came out I had never heard of macros, bossmods, damagemeters, ui for healers etc etc. I had no idea that I needed to do 5-mans to get better gear to do harder content. I had no clue which zone I needed to head for. There were very few sites that told you which boss dropped what gear, or how you got attuned to an instance.


    Nowadays people are experts in finding that stuff even before they reached level 10 and left the starter zone. In TOR that doesn't really matter since the game holds your hand with the class quests. In WoW I spent hours upon hours running from zone to zone just to explore. Running through the continent when you don't know the way isn't easy, and takes time. But the scenery in WoW was soo nice it was worth it. I doubt I would say the same about TOR with the dull depressing stuff that almost every planet consists of.

  14. One big difference I noticed with Swtor and WoW is the exploring.


    I always enjoyed going to Stranglethorn Vale or Desolace just to look at the scenery. The swimming quests were soo lovely. Overall the quests were better and more fun in WoW, which could be due to nostalgia. No voice-over but they were still more fun imo.


    In Swtor the scenery is just dull and depressing. I don't want to just stand on a cliff and look at the graphics. Who really wants to see a broken city or 2D graphics. The only place in Swtor I found somewhat cozy was the prison jungle, but that was soo heavily tunneled that I was just annoying to go through.


    In WoW you spent alot of time exploring and doing things that had nothing to do with getting experience. Crafting was alot harder to get mats to and gave a sense of accomplishment. Everything like that was soo watered down in Swtor. Just take the "bagslots" for example. In WoW you actually thought it fun to get bigger bags. Here you just spent some of the soo easy credits you got to increase your storage to ridiculous sizes. Same with mats, just take your speeder on the road and you have to stop every 5 seconds because there is a mine to farm beside the road. Nothing guarding it at all.

  15. 7/10


    It is an average MMO. I can't believe a company like BW can release a game with mechanics this bad. The crafting system, the UI, the AH etc etc. They are all very poorly done. Seems they have spent 90% of the time on voice and just rushed everything else.


    The only chance they had of rivaling WoW would be to produce a nearly spotless game. Nobody will switch to another MMO unless it is atleast as good as WoW. This one doesn't even come close.

  16. I doubt this game will ever grow more than it is right now. Maybe a little more than half of the ones that bought the game will continue to sub it.


    Let's face it, we all wished this would be a MMO that rivals or even beats WoW. There is no chance of that happening now. It is an alright MMO, but it is more on par with Warhammer, and AoC than something that rivals WoW. To me it feels like a single player game with bad mechanics.


    Now I am sick of WoW, but if I were to start playing an MMO in a serious manner then I would rather chose to go back to WoW than keep playing this. Sure, WoW has its flaws, but it is a more complete game than this. This game doesn't really bring anything special to the mix that appeals to me. Just more bugs and stuff that are missing or badly coded.

  17. What issue? Before acting like a child and calling people names, realize what you're saying. Now find a person with a heat issue. Just one.


    Even in this thread full of people discussing potential heat issues, not one person has come forth saying they're actually having an overheating problem.


    And look, I didn't have to insult you to say any of that.


    What thread have you been reading? Many have seen higher temperatures than normal for a game like this. Just because I, and others, can play the game anyway doesn't mean it isn't a problem.


    Sure, you can blame our setups, lack of cooling etc etc, but the fact remains that we don't have the same problems running other games at max settings. This to me mean a heating issue. Maybe not the most serious, but still troubling.


    Bad coding and software related heat issues shouldn't normally affect hardware that much, but it is a well established fact that higher temperatures give hardware shorter lifespans and higher risk of breaking.


    I am not saying that this is Swtors fault, but it is a problem that should be fixed if it can be. I am sure the code can be altered in ways to ease up the strain on computers so everyone is happy. Ofc, people can just run the game on lower settings, but I doubt BW wants people to do that if it can be helped in others ways.

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