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Everything posted by Darth_Xzygy

  1. This thread could use moderation. So much condescension and so little information.
  2. Personal attacks based on your interpretation of my post. Classy. People like me are why we win games, because I'm the only one in the match selecting a target and dropping it. There is a time and a place for all things. If we're halfway through a cap and one guy shows up, I'm not going to dot him, because hell be in a ww. By me. Because nobody else in the match thinks about what they're doing before they do it. I'm not sure what scenario you're referring to where I would be in a position to tab dot where long term cc would be possible to prevent interrupt seeing as there are multiple people within ten meters of me and long term cc is single target, with the exception of flashbang, but if I stake my life on a competent Agent, I may as well go coffin shopping.
  3. 1900 protection? For a darkness specced sin, that is somewhat embarrassing :/ Hybrid is viable, sure, but this doesn't really go to prove anything positive other than you needing to use your taunts and guards more often I'll have to disagree with Shalashaska, here. The end of match meters are much like damage meters in WoW. Subjective to be sure, but they are an overall indicator of who is on their stuff and who isn't. In this example, the lack of protection is an indicator that the OP is doing something wrong, and focused on damage when he should be playing true to the hybrid nature of his spec. I wouldn't discount that meter completely. Any kind of data which provides feedback on your matches is good data; what we infer from that, however, is where we start to have problems.
  4. I would shock before you begin melee, you'll hit 10% harder. Its counter-intuitive from Deception, but it works very well. I will also death field and Tab Discharge in a group of people. I get a lot of damage rolling, which also generates a lot of healing, then I'll start focusing targets down while off-target interrupting the healer and CCing them if possible. I have to get better at looking for Raze procs, but with a 60% chance, I should be able to just thrash once and attempt to cast CD, but overall, I'm having a heap of fun with this spec. It is a true melee caster now, and was what I wanted to play from the start, not a lightsaber yo-yo wielding dude in red goth raver gear.
  5. It really never ceases to amaze me that players will, in their deluded minds, turn a 30-40% nerf to their opener and a 20% loss in arpen into a buff. at level 48, Operative is still playable. I still get kills. I still, much to my shock and disappointment, manage to top the damage in most games, though that is more reflective of others than myself. Make no mistake, my damage has gone down significantly. This was most certainly not a buff.
  6. The nerfs should be accompanied by buffs/fixes to our other abilities. Evasion needs fixing nao. And I do need a damage nerf. I shouldn't be able to drop a target in 4 seconds, vanish, and do it again. The value of dropping one target in an 8v8 is immense. Taking a healer out of commission? A high damage range? A sorc positioned to pull carriers? I bet I could change the outcome of the superbowl by sniping a quarterback...
  7. Alright, part of the problem is you're coming at this from the mindset that you should be doing more damage. This is incorrect, all other classes should be doing the same damage as we do. The game would be otherwise imbalanced. We are designed to front-load a massive burst, and this is very very much accomplished. On my Assassin, I've been crit for upwards of 7.5k in full pvp gear. This is also why we are getting a justified nerf. The trick here is that we can maximize those 15 seconds where we've got adrenals, relic buff, etc. Other classes do not get the same benefit. This will continue to be a strength of the Operative going forward. Kiting is something that has been somewhat a refreshing change from my Assassin. While I don't get my big damage from ranged, I have a full 30y white attack and a DoT. If I'm just out of melee, I can root/snare (which completely bypasses resolve and has led to many a fried ball carrier). I can't tell you how many people I've just chipped to death from 20+y. I believe that mobility is a core problem to the class, but I am not convinced that this is not intended. I play as an extreme opportunist. Kill the guy at half health, or the sorc with no shield, or the sniper who thought it would be good to put his back to a wall. I believe the class needs a sprint associated with vanish that is comparable to a few seconds of force speed, as the ability simply doesn't work in melee situations. I think we could also use an ability similar to force shroud, where we can become immune to CC for a short period (though not break existing cc).
  8. Had to fix that. This would have ended up in the ban section of EJ in its prime for misinformation. The real math is impossible to determine at this point as there is no combat logging. Any numbers you create will be just that. Also, you seem to have missed the point of speccing into darkness. The real win there is the cooldown reduction of force speed.
  9. Ironically your sniper will be better at killing sorcs. You are more than support. You are a very capable damage class and can kill quite a lot. Always go for the hit and run. If there is a target being beaten on, be on that target. If there is a healer, be on that target. Save your Force Speed for escapes and use LoS to make your getaway. It makes me sad to see an assassin burn that to get into combat. You need it during. Always keep an eye out for a large group of people and AoE taunt them, even in stealth. Use taunt liberally. Knock people into acid, fire, or off a ledge.
  10. This is totally not the thread I was expecting based on the title.
  11. Warhammer online didn't fail because of gear or renown. It failed because one side was blatantly more powerful than the other and because the most popular class on that side could stun a group of people and kill them all in the duration of the stun. You build a group based on keeping a few of those people alive, and one to aoe pull them in to be stunned, and voila: You have the failure of Warhammer. It was due to this and avoiding the other faction being more rewarding than fighting them, that killed the game. Ilum is an absolute mess. Whoever designed it should be shot if they expected it to be anything but what it is. Where are the incentives to actually fight there? Faction imbalance leads to Empire controlling most of the map, which means Republic barely gets anything for kills. Not to mention that its so much harder to get kills because of the faction imbalance... Seriously, they need to fix this crap.
  12. Very impressive. I got into the 350 range last week, but we had 2 baller healers, so I had zero downtime. Assuming the same happened to you here. Most of the time I'm running the ball because its the only way I'll ever finish my daily Also, does anyone know why I queue for Huttball and sometimes get into this weird place with big guns or a ship? So odd. Must be a bug. Keep looking for the ball. I'll post back when I find it.
  13. Force Cloak is broken in pve. (Why is Vanish *always* broken?). It isn't the companion, it isn't a DoT. I cloak with companion dead, then go to seethe and I'm still in combat. Buggy Buggy Buggy. This worked just fine in earlier beta builds. Force Shroud does not prevent all stuns/effects. I'm not sure which ones are hitting me, but I was under the impression that force and tech attacks were all there were... Is this some kind of "Heroic Magic" I don't know about? I use this ability to cross incinerators on huttball so I can't get stunned on the pad, but either bounty hunter or sniper have some ranged stun that is getting through my shroud, or that there is a disparity between the graphic and the duration of the actual ability. I feel like my damage is in a good place as a deception assassin in mostly champ stalker gear. I've yet to see an ability crit over 4k, especially maul, though it has crit 3.5k. I am aware that operatives put down higher crits than I do, as well as generally do more damage than I do in a match, but that is a far cry to calling for them to be nerfed. Without a combat log, I can't make a good determination. As I see it, they dump energy into someone and if they're alive after that, its time to bend over, which is exactly what happens if I'm still alive after their openers. As far as gap closers go, that is laughable. Stealth and Force Speed make for a brutal combo, as does force slow. My only problem getting to targets is the knockback/root thing that people have going... That is the bane of my existence. Broken Skills? Yep, we've got them. Broken Class? I do just fine.
  14. On maul being awful, I completely disagree. I will generally be circle strafing on any target I'm attacking, especially against a class with strong positionals like Operative or fellow assassins. All you have to do is cross their midline generally, so when my Maul buff is up and I have the energy, I'll low slash, and circle them about 90-120 degrees to the left hitting maul maybe 3x over the course of the arc until it triggers. Damage did drop at 50 for me as well, especially on other 50s. However, I rapidly regained it. i'm not seeing the kind of numbers these guys are, but 3k-3.5k isn't entirely uncommon for Maul, Shock, or Discharge.
  15. Yep, please reroll BH/Jugg. Too many SI out there anyway. I'm actually fairly convinced that I'm OP @ 40 as deception... I am a force of nature in Warzones. I tend to agree though, that most assassins are terrible and mash their maul key. It has nothing to do with the class, though.
  16. Would you mind posting a screenshot to torhead and here?
  17. Played Marauder to 47 in beta. It was fine. Playing assassin now. There is very little difference in damage from what I can tell leveling up. As assassin, I have a bit more CC, but I am way squishier. Marauder comes into its own late in the tree, but is no slouch before that time. I had many a healer in pvp /laugh at me as I built full rage, then die in 5s. You're doing it wrong.
  18. Excellent! I was just wondering what I could do to please you! Excellent! I was just wondering what I could do to please you! Excellent! I was just wondering what I could do to please you! Excellent! I was just wondering what I could do to please you! Excellent! I was just wondering what I could do to please you! Excellent! I was just wondering what I could do to please you! Excellent! I was just wondering what I could do to please you! AAAAAAH!!! *blows brains out*
  19. In the comments, he says he was level 10, didn't even have his assassin abilities. I'm guessing this just didn't make it off Korriban unless there is something like a social vendor there that I didn't know about. I'm definitely keeping an eye out, though. I like that aesthetic a lot.
  20. Zero issues with Khem's tanking at 30. As deception, using a proper dps rotation I can go full out and not pull agro, and on an elite, it'll typically die with Khem at maybe 30%, which is about right. My Marauder in the last phase of beta was of about equal power. I think you're likely doing something very wrong.
  21. My problem with this is that we did not choose this server. You chose this server for us (The Fatman), which has hour+ queues all weekend long. I love this game, but you can't expect us to start new characters after 5 days of hard play because YOU failed to properly balance the servers when you had the chance. There was no way we could have known that this would be the case from the first few days of early access, and after that its simply too late. This problem needs to go away. 30 minutes tops is all that we should have to wait to play, and even that is a major inconvenience.
  22. Trust me, I too wish you could play a gungun. Also, please play on a pvp server.
  23. Agreed. She'll forever be on my ship ignored. No red and orange squid babies for her.
  24. While I disagree with the sentiment that players from one game will dominate in another, I will agree that players with a high degree of spatial awareness, using keybinds, and coordination, will generally stomp the average player. I just have no special respect for the glad title. Balance was so screwed up so often it was impossible to tell who actually knew anything based on the title. Not to mention buying accounts with those titles already.
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