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Everything posted by Ifrica

  1. Grouping? in an MMO? you must be kidding in all seriousness i totally agree, waiting wasn't all abd, we grouped up in 16 man ops groups and it went prety fast, i even completed the event on 5 chars, where i did 4 chars on same day, i waited to have all quests unlocked to do it on my alts, and surprisingly enough, yesterday, there was almost no queues for the quests, the quest that took me lonfgest was the aparatus where ypu had to get those boxes ended up with a tusken set on all chars, pet and mount on main, and the lvl 34 and 50 bow for my trooper and that all for one afternoon of farming, not bad
  2. First of all, this game will have a free to play 'option', theer's a big difference between going f2p or having the 'option', the way I read your title it seems like you want the people that play under the f2p 'option' would get advanced class change, so not for subs? anyways, that aside, and on topic.. I don't like the idea at all to change advanced class, they basicly are 2 different classes, which have a totally different gameplay, being able to switch that would be the same as having a Mage in WoW and suddenly you want to play a Warlock, and you change your lvl 85 Mage to a lvl 85 Warlock...
  3. +1 we just made ops groups and had 16 people finishing it at the same time, cuts down the waiting line 'alot' it's an 'MMO' afterall
  4. Now that's a logic I 'personally' don't like, people who subbed after the rakghoul event, well shame, too bad, are you also going to complain that everyone that subbed from start got 30 days free and the others didn't? or, since it seems a trend in this thread to compare with RL stuff, if you go to a party where they give free gifts before 12, are you going to complain you didn't get one because you decided to arrive after 12? anyways, it seems, as mentioned multiple times in this and other threads, that the gamers nowadays feel entitled to get shinies all the time, and have no patience at all, makes me think of wow legedaries.. and look what Blizzard did now, legendaries for everyone, how is that legendary at all?
  5. from what i've heard, one of the bows is a blaster, but i was generalising the issue, you can't expect to have your class get something every single time, they will change it up every time so every class gets a chance to get something nice, i haven't got a trooper/agent/smuggler either, only force users, so except for the mount, the 2 pets and the title, i have nothing to gain this time either, but i got shinies with the rakghoul event, so i live with the fact it's someone else his/her turn this time.
  6. You're funny +1 for you Sir on a side note, don't just grp up with 4, in this game you can actually complete quests when in a raid (ops) group, just get groups of 16, we've been doing that on our server, and it works perfectly well.
  7. Last time the force users got shienies, now the tech users get shinies, can't please everyone every time. but if you really want shinies for everyone every single event, wow is a better game for you, they have events on fixed dates in the year, so there will be no surprises, and they offer shinies for everyone, the same ones every time. btw, as a force user, i hope you don't use the purple lightsaber, they are a reskin of the first orange lightsaber that you get. since you don't like reskins..
  8. I like the idea of the space project they were talking about, but on the other hand i hope they keep the rail shooter in too, because I for one do love that thing, afterall, it's a 'mini-game'. It's kinda fun to do in between of warzones and flashpoints, or a quick one when changing planets. Maybe because I played StarFox too much
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