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Everything posted by ExiledMessenger

  1. I've added a Working Jet Pack filter category to TOR Fashion based on the informaiton in this thread.
  2. I think you might be looking for something like this: http://tor-decorating.com/resource-node-material-yields/
  3. Yep. That one was submitted at 0823 on the 30th. We didn't have any requirement to post anything on this thread.
  4. I'm sorry, but 1700 = 5:00 PM. All three of those were posted after 5:00 PM EDT. Drusïlla of Jedi Covenant - 5:10 PM Cordula of Jedi Covenant - 5:50 PM Auberonn of Jedi Covenant - 5:57 PM
  5. Just a reminder to everyone that the contest ends tomorrow, Saturday August 30th, 2014 at 1700 EDT.
  6. You know, if you click on each individual crystal on TOR Fashion, it will take you to another post that shows the crystal with bloom on and off and shows what it looks like firing from a blaster.
  7. There are a bunch of guides on TOR Fashion. Check under Guides on the Menu bar for (and more): Adaptive, Legacy, and Moddable Gear AMEs, Augments, and Dyes End-Game Naming Conventions PvE/PvP Gear Tiered Progression
  8. /u/swtor_miner from Reddit put together a list of all the voice modulation categories saving us from having to obtain every single full-faced helmet in the game. Here's all of them on one page with videos so you can hear the difference in the voice modulations. If you're having trouble seeing all of the thumbnails (since there are so many on one page), you can do a search on each individual category through the filter drop down on the side bar under Voice Modulation.
  9. The Hides Hood: No category doesn't refer to whether that particular set has a hood or not, it refers to whether or not that particular head piece will hide a hood if it's used with a chest piece that has one. While not every set is tagged, many are that don't have a chest piece with a hood because people like to mix and match set pieces and want to know whether or not the head gear will hide a hood. I visibly checked each and every head piece with a hooded robe (in the preview window) before changing the setting when possible and used the available images to determine whether the head piece was hiding the hood when it wasn't. I'm not infallible and can make mistakes, but the process is not "straight to visible" by any means.
  10. Yep and I couldn't complain because I actually went looking for those myself once.
  11. I'm sorry you feel as if I didn't respond appropriately for a voice modulation category on TOR Fashion, but let me give you an idea of why I haven't gotten around to it yet. Since January 2012, I'm the only one working on TOR Fashion. Dulfy and I share images across Dulfy.net and TOR Fashion during big updates to save time and we receive 2-3 set or weapon submissions every other month. But the rest of the images loaded to the site over the last year (except the Customized submissions) has been taken and uploaded by me. We currently have 39,000 images on the site, so you can get an idea of just how many that is. We have received a number of requests over the last year. Some of them are pretty easy to do, like adding the thigh-high boots category, and take me less than half an hour to accomplish. Others are quite a bit more complicated, like adding the Similar sets images to the bottom of posts, and can take me weeks or months to do. Your request is very complicated because I have to obtain every full-faced helmet in the game (previews won't work) and sit in cut scenes listening to my character speak. Obtaining all of the helmets is a costly and time consuming process. I also need to finish leveling two heavy armor-wearing characters since I don't yet have one at level 55. We found out recently that we have way too many files on our server (more than 350,000) and need to cut those down drastically. This has slowed the site considerably. I've been working nearly non-stop over the last week and a half to delete the extraneous files and prep the site for a move to a new hosting account where we will have a little more leeway in how many files we can have uploaded to the server. Because it's slowed the site down so much, I've dropped everything else I was working on to take care of this. I have a regular job where I work from 0700-1700 M-F. I get up every morning between 0200-0230 and work on the site until 0600. On patch days, I sometimes also work on the site after I get off work. On weekends, I spend 8-12 hours each day updating. I haven't actually taken a day off from the site since August. Updating TOR Fashion takes so much time, I haven't done an operation or dailies since Jan 2012. I don't even get to play the game I am documenting anymore. This isn't a complaint because I love working on the site, but something you need to realize when you say I'm giving you "the cold shoulder." Here is a list of the things I have in the queue: 1. Delete the extraneous files on the server 2. Migrate the site to the new hosting account 3. Finish updating the Similar set pages and similar links at the bottom of all posts 4. Finish obtaining screen shots of head gear on Twi'leks and update the pages with those images 5. Run every heroic and flashpoint multiple times on multiple characters to obtain the armor and weapons we don't have on the site 6. Obtain the rest of the helmets so I can do the voice modulation category While I can't promise I'll ever get the chance to add the voice modulation category in, I haven't forgotten and I'm not blowing you off. I just literally haven't had the time to do it.
  12. I would really like to see some more options for female characters that show a bit of skin like the Sensuous Dress, but aren't mildly pornographic like the Dramatic Extrovert and every bikini set. Specifically, I'd love to see some reskins of (please excuse my poor PhotoShop skills): Genteel Dress - without the turtle neck (back) Luxurious Dress (or Elegant Dress) - without the undershirt Concealed Bodysuit - without the undershirt Elegant - without the turtleneck Organa Statesman - without the undershirt
  13. Hosting for TOR Fashion is doing some maintenance on their servers which will make access to the site intermittent for the next 24 hours.
  14. If you click on the similar lightsabers link at the bottom, you can see all the lightsabers that share that model. So far, we've only discovered three, all main hands. Two of those are now retired (Tionese and Rakata versions).
  15. No, but you can see which ones we know we're missing on pages like the following because we don't have a thumb nail link to a post. Flashpoints (Armor) Mission Rewards (Armor) Flashpoints (Weapons) Mission Rewards (Weapons) There are also a number of world drop armor sets and weapons we don't have, but it's a little more difficult to narrow down what those are. If they aren't on these pages, we don't have them. World Drops (Armor) World Drops (Weapons) We pretty much have everything that is available from a vendor or the Cartel Market.
  16. We've completed the visual portions of all of the similar looking weapons. Matching the sounds will be our next project. Assault Cannons Blaster Pistols Blaster Rifles Double-bladed Lightsabers Electrostaffs Lightsabers Sniper Rifles Techblades/ Tech Staffs Vibroswords
  17. We actually have a lot of gaps in the armor you receive from Flashpoints and Mission Rewards. It takes a lot more time than I have right now to be able to run every class through those multiple times to get all the sets. You can see on these pages which sets we are missing. Flashpoints Mission Rewards The same holds true for the weapons. Flashpoints (Weapons) Mission Rewards (Weapons) Anyone can help complete the database by submitting a set they've already collected through our Full Set submission page.
  18. We've added Galactic Starfighter: Ship Customizations
  19. The last three pages are complete now. Jedi Consular Sith Inquisitor Sith Warrior
  20. It is a work in progress though. It will take some time to update all 850ish posts.
  21. We've added Emotes to TOR Fashion. http://tor-fashion.com/emotes/
  22. We've added Emotes to TOR Fashion. http://tor-fashion.com/emotes/
  23. My top five color requests would be: Dark Purple/Black Dark Green/Black Black/Deep Red Black/Deep Blue Black secondary
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