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Everything posted by trooperrob

  1. When im republic in Ilum and feeling blue I will just look down at the shiny medal around my neck and say to myself " everythings gonna be okay" lololol.........
  2. Maybe your right but you cant say that about this game yet.
  3. game has been out for 1 month...they arent gonna magically fix everything in one month.
  4. Always log into your game first ,if you have a problem logging in , then take action just common sense.
  5. Dont believe every e-mail you read, Always log into your game first to see if you can get in the game .
  6. Look in your abilities tab should be like 2 or 3 rd button on the top of your screen.
  7. I think you said you skipped heroics? If it were me I would not skip anything at all.One more thing the droid companion has no gear at all when you get him just for your info.
  8. Sorry you don't fix every bug in the first month when a game has been in development for years....even in beta you dont fix every bug.
  9. The game has been out 1 month......give them time to fix things. Now if they dont get fixed within 3 months then you have a legit gripe.
  10. just common sense here , just make the game where you cant go to a certain planet unless you are the right level to be there.
  11. You will not get playable framerates out of a radeon 6450 even on all low settings, I have a sapphire radeon 6570 and get 40+ fps on 1440x900 with shaders low, bloom off and shadows off.I dont need max settings nor do I want max settings all I care about is playable framerates.
  12. you have a processor bottleneck, when you have them same fps at low and high settings your cpu is bottlenecking your video card.
  13. I just bought the Sapphire Amd Radeon HD 6570 1 gig ddr3, I have been using it for 2 days now. It Runs swtor everything highest settings except shadows off at 1440x900 resolution. Average fps while questing is around 40. In the fleet area on the outer rings I get about 30 fps. The cantina in the very center of the fleet goes down to around 17-20. I havent tried warzones yet. Intel celeron G530 Asrock h61m-ge socket 1155 mobo 1x 4 gig Gskill ripjaws pc 12800 ram Sapphire Amd Radeon HD 6570 1 gig ddr 3 300 gig Seagate sata harddrive
  14. Dungeon finder Kills social aspect of the game besides that you would wait in a stupid queue in fleet ala wow rift etc for way too long for a queue to pop.
  15. Video card needs replacing, there should be some cards that will work decently on this game under a hundred dollars on newegg.com
  16. Im betting 99% of these people having issues with so- called high end computers are cpu bottlenecked.
  17. your right , sith inquistor got too hard it was pissing me off too, so was the republic trooper before you get your companion.
  18. sounds like power supply issue but I can be wrong.
  19. The reason why there are bugs in this game is they pushed up release to make it a christmas release.
  20. lol im done here mods close this post im laughing too hard right now....
  21. MY post is about a faster video card will not get you higher fps in fleet, you young kids can flex your high end systems all you want , you missed the point of my original post entirely....this will be the last post I make im tired of typing.
  22. Funny story young one and I know your young by your tone, I get up to 25-45 fps while leveling on planets on low preset 1400x900. with the geforce gt 520,...
  23. GUys....... I never said I am complaining in my original post. Just stating that a faster video card wont hep get you faster minimmum fps on fleet asnd no I am not cpu bottlenecked I get much higher fps when I go to low settings. ( exept for fleet)
  24. read my post im just proving that a faster video card wont help in fleet...... quit drawing conclusions.
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