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Everything posted by Rafael_Peres

  1. You know, you beat one or two guys, and after the battle a super noob come from nowhere and take you down with 10% health. I usually go after him for the rest of warzone.
  2. I think they just need to disable npcs while PvP combat is rolling. The griefers gank you in the heroic areas, having at their advantage elite mobs agroing you, they don't dare to come out in fair fight because it's their dead usually. You don't see the better players doing this because they are playing ranked or doing ops instead of gank people, especially lowbies.
  3. Yeah. I have an lvl 29 and a 16 alt. It's been an while since I don't log in on them. I just grind coms for war hero and doing my dailies for money in my main, also grinding PvE gear from ops.
  4. I'm nothing getting d/c's or lag issues. Maybe it's you connection dude.
  5. No you can't. This is a privilege only Sith Sorcerors have. All I wanted was an dark jedi robe for my marauder. sniff
  6. Ratail Price U$ 374.79. And you really think that you deserved that miniature?
  7. A guildmate reported this problem yesterday when trying to augment his matrix cube. Sounds like a bug, Use the report in-game and wait for a answer.
  8. Yes. Loading times are exhaustive when you are leveling up a toon.
  9. The guy is not complaining about waste 100k in xp boost perks. He is in doubt if he will have to pay money to buy them after game goes F2P.
  10. Imperial Side was with 249 players on the fleet about the same time. (I play on same server than you)
  11. I see nothing wrong with the guy post. He's just saying he is leaving cause he don't have more things to do around. When the next content be available he will just be back for sure.
  12. Closing the servers will not give em profit as well. Shopping centers when build take lot's of years to get all the money back and start profiting. Companies like EA have lot of financial health to support the game for the long run and it's just insane to just shut off something you put lot of investment into. I don't know what doomsayers have in their heads at all, it's all nonsense.
  13. Well dude. First thing, at a 50 warzone you can't have as priority top dps, you must teamwork to win the battles so you will gear up fast. Every War Hero guy was once at recruit armor, so get used to have worse gear and also don't just faceroll, work on your cooldowns and don't waste your powerful attacks on shielded guys. That smugler you could not beat was shielded or with a adrenal, you just need to stop facerolling at your keyboard and work on your strategies.
  14. If no event were made: Bioware don't make events since Rakghoul Plague oh god . If a Event is launched: The event sucks oh god. I had great fun in the event, and it was fun also had to beat hundreds (and be beaten hundred of times) of pubs to get the bounty hunter quest done.
  15. There always will have people to troll and grief. It's happen in all games. Just because one or two people ninja'ed you it's don't mean that all peoples around are rudes or trolls.Sometimes someone ninja you black hole crates or something else, but that's it, can happen to anyone.
  16. I only spacebar if I'm in a hurry. Some people have less time to play, and don't want to lose it in boring cutscenes like black talon ones.
  17. Congratz for reach 50. Well done. Grinding is the essence of an mmo. You must play in order to get the better stuff, if it wasn't like that no one would ever play. I basically run my dailies for money, wz's for PvP gear, and HM's and operations for the PvE gear. I can't do all this everyday, so sometimes I do my dailies and don't PvP or the contrary, and operations only when have enough people online in the guild. My average time playing is 4 hours a day, some weeks 6 hours daily. In one month playing I already got full columi augmented gear and almost full battlemaster gear (I still need the offhand, earpiece and and one implant), with all parts I already have augmented. Also I have two alts, a sorceror lvl 26 and a Guardian lvl 14 that I play sometimes when I bored of do the same thing all over again.
  18. My laptop have a Pentium i5, 6GB Ram and a Intel HD Graphics 3000. I run the game with everything at max EXCEPT shadows (must remain off).
  19. I play a carnage marauder. Currently I have almost a full battlemaster set, and all pieces augmented. I will try to grind all the money necessary to build this vindicator gear on orange armor and see how it does. Currently my damage is not better than anihilation, but after leveleng from level 10 to 50 in Carnage tree is pretty hard to get used to another spec, only reason I don't changed.
  20. Yeah, Let's blame the game for everything we can't achieve in it. Dude, please, just try again. If you don't have patience to collect the datacrons just don't go after em, that's it.
  21. I'll stay around. And I hope all the haters go to gw2 when it launches.
  22. Use disruption a lot. If you break his rotation continually he will just stand and die. Pay attention to his shields, keep you most damaging attacks for when he is with shields on CD.
  23. Welcome. Hope you enjoy the game even more.
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