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Everything posted by Kazaganthis

  1. No. I was annoyed and still somewhat am when Im the only person I see questing. Empty barren worlds are boring worlds and very immersion breaking.
  2. I dont want to "make believe" and sit around shooting a firework and Im not an rp'er. Sitting in the cantina /me talking to someone pretending im really my character...almost seems the height of insanity to me. Im already paying a subscription and in a fantasy world mmo for that. im also not paying them so I can make my own content. Its their job. Time for them to actually do it. Edit: I dont mean to insult RP'ers. If thats your thing great. Go for it. Its just not mine.
  3. Heres a screenshot to celebrate with. Had saved this because I just couldnt believe it but heres ONE of the reasons you are getting the answers and relies in this thread that you are getting. http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o249/Azzimoth/Screenshot_2012-04-17_18_33_33_761924.jpg
  4. Sorry bro. That ******** doesnt work when they havent fixed the bugs from beta.
  5. I too would pay for Space ala XvT. That would be amazing. But they arent smart enough to listen to fans as theyve shown they keep doing what they think we want instead of just listening to the fanbase and doing what we want.
  6. Apparently you cannot comprehend the point. We shouldnt have to grind dailies, we shouldnt have to spend money. This **** should be IN the game. No new color crystals since april but 2 in the last month on the CM? Stop supporting the money grubbing or even worse turning a blind eye.
  7. Jesus ***** *********** christ. BW WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? Are you checking ANYTHING anymore? I couldnt believe this was true. Even I didnt believe you could **** up THIS bad. The MAIN ADVERTISMENT for REVANS GEAR is clipping?! ON THE MAIN PAGE?! Im *********** speechless.
  8. You know the only story content coming is Makeb, which well be paying for thanks Hickman for keeping the "subs wont pay for content" promise we were fed, and its also the death of Class Stories right? All classes have finished their seperate stories and are now being rolled into one. So the ONLY thing BW did better than other MMO's theyve now scrapped. This is definitely a brilliant plan...
  9. Yea god forbid people want actual questions answered not the ******** that was already on the forum or in articles easily found. Damn them for complaining when they had a right too!
  10. As you can clearly see the event is in the game. On the shop. Which is what no one wanted. Another classic example of Bioware not listening to a thing we tell them and doing whatever they want then being shocked at the outrage and backlash.
  11. You are surprised **** doesnt work? It has no effect on the cartel market after you buy the gear. This is definitely not a priority for them.
  12. What updates are you talking about? Section X and HK-51? Lol. Hell im pretty sure the only reason we didnt have to pay Hypergates was because it was supposed to be out MONTHS ago. You realize they Hickman is in charge now right? Hes already said hes probably going to charge us for Makeb.
  13. At this point i think we all know andryah is just a BW employee or one of the well documented payees of EA who spread how good they are. You know in another thread she said all the gold farmers were subs fault and we should just ignore and move on? LOL.
  14. No they are the ones blindly defending things that the devs have even admitted. lol!
  15. God yes they do. They get so tiresome. "Biowarez dis game is teh perfectz dont listen to the majority thats upset and left already!" Purfrect gamez!"
  16. Yea those 1 inch steps in TV that block your line of sight are hsi fault.
  17. Time for that daily bump not that BW even reads these lol
  18. This literally made me laugh out loud...God I almost spit soda everywhere. Good job sir, good job. Someone call Guiness for BW though and tell them of their first ever.
  19. Apparently some of you werent here for beta so Ill enlighten you. What they used to do was have an admin mesage flash across the screen asking everyone to make a ticket when the timer counted down. Everyone would make a ticket and it could say anything. The point of it....certainly doesnt seem to be there since Im still waiting for answer from a 2 month old ticket as well as my gf who subbed prior to f2p and STILL hasnt gotten her CC for it. GG BW.
  20. Screw that. Ill keep bumping it or just make more threads everyday.
  21. As upset and critical as I can get with this game and the direction its heading lately, that has no place in being able to say to another human being, Happy Birthday Joveth.
  22. I would really love the item i got for 3 million credits to actually work for my character. I dont really enjoy having a metal plate attached to my head. All I think when I see my main now is Oh look...Im a Destro knockoff. Fix this. This should never have even occurred. More proof BW doesnt test ****.
  23. So....what do you call selling 2.4 million boxes, having 1.7 million subs, and now being between 400-600k? LOL Fanboi delusions must be nice.
  24. Makeb. Done. Its amazing how easy fanboy arguments are toppled. By the way no one is upset "all we got is crappy fireworks" Its the value of our 15 dollars compared to what other games even FREE games get for anniversaries and such. Stop strawmanning it. P2W argument applies to anything that helps someone get ahead. You can grind for a month or for the small amount get it all. Instant grat. Thats the WRONG direction to take. Competitive P2W? No. P2W and bringing the game down a road many are not going to follow? Yes.
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