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Everything posted by Chloe

  1. Pugs don't wanna fight premades. Premades don't wanna fight pugs. Can't wait for rateds.
  2. Chloe

    Too few to PvP

    I know exactly what you mean. And that's exactly how I feel. I am FURIOUS at my server's situation. But... nothing will be done before "early summer" whenever that is, so your options are to either reroll on Fatman or unsub until they have a fix
  3. Why isn't there more information on how this will work? The only thing to do at end game, since we have no ranked warzones, is to make alts. Well, there's no way I'm making an alt if I don't know for sure I'll be able to keep all my characters together.
  4. Teams on high population servers (okay let's be fair, on The Fatman) will have a huge advantage over everyone else when rateds come. Everyone on my rated team has either rerolled, quit, got bored and unsuscribed for a while etc, because of lack of PvP on our server, while teams on the populated server are having fun together and getting better as a team because they are not bored out of their mind yet. I don't see rateds coming out before they address server population. Who am I gonna do rateds with on my server? The other 2 people who still play?
  5. Signed. My social rank is still 1 and I'm extremely social!
  6. I was there. It was the funniest most stupid thing I've ever seen.
  7. Yeah I don't understand how it can be for early summer. That's sooooooooooo far away.
  8. Some of us really love the PvP. I want this game to succeed. However, I am getting extremely frustrated and bored. When I contacted CS to complain about low population, I was told they do not have control over who logs in to play...
  9. I will rename my Legacy POOP if I have to, I don't care, I just wanna play with people. It seems like such a small problem to me, compared to the actual problem of empty servers.
  10. I am so tired of my server. It's not dead, but it's dying. If they can do manual transfers for Oceanic players, why can't they do manual transfers for those stuck with 60 people on their server at prime time? That doesn't seem like an unmanageable number. Also, I would prefer server merges to server transfers. Actually, just do both. Merge low pop servers, and have a transfer system in place.
  11. I would love to be able to duel on the Fleet in between warzones! That's where all the hardcore PvPers hang out. No one wants to go out in the world... the planets take forever to load. AND they are a ship ride, an airlock, an orbital station and a shuttle ride away!
  12. This post made me laugh so much! It's funny because it's soooo sad and true. I'm happy about server transfers in 2 months, but that's 2 months of a whole lot of Twilek dances and not much else!
  13. Well yep... 2 of the heal screenies in this thread are, so not sure what the problem is. It was a really funny warzone - though definitely frustrating.
  14. Cool, fun thread. Here's a screenie of Huntler and I battling for heals pre 1.2 in Alderaan http://i45.tinypic.com/e0g1l5.jpg Huntler 991k Bubbles 907k
  15. I see this almost every single day. It doesn't necessarily happen to me, but I would say it happens to someone on my team at least once a day. The only thing we can do while this waits to be fixed, is wait a few seconds before respawning aftere we die. Not ideal...
  16. I'm sorry, your grammar is so bad that I don't understand your point?
  17. Im already releveling there, but I shouldn't have to. Losing 96 valor, legacy, credits, etc.
  18. I LOVE THE PVP. I love it. It's amazing. That's what I'm intersted in, it's what I like doing. The only negative thing I have to say about it, is I have barely anyone to do it with and against. I'm here expressing how displeased I am that I have to wait another 2 months to fix this issue. If you're happy doing your PVE and space missions and romancing your companions, that's cool. But I want to PVP.
  19. I ignore what Im not interested in, yes. Don't you?
  20. I don't PVE, there is no open world PVP. So yeah, I sit on the Fleet between warzones. You don't have to tell me anything, I'm just unhappy about the state of my server. If you're telling me to not be unhappy, well at least include hugs and smooches in your rant.
  21. Use your brain. 20 people on the fleet at prime time isn't mmo numbers. Obviously, there are Qs, I just said they take a very long time. And obviously, there are less people on the fleet now then there was a few months ago. I'm merely stating my displeasure with being on a low population server. My alt on Fatman gets insta Qs all the time, the general chat is lively, the server is alive. I pay for this game, I don't wanna wait 2 months to get our server to be like that.
  22. Peak time Monday night, 25 people on the Republic Fleet. I've been in a warzone Q for the past 20 minutes. Gear progression is at a crawl. I'm outraged that I have to take another 2 months of this... all I want is to play with PEOPLE. I made an alt on the Fatman. Rerolling is a really ugly word, I'm valor rank 96. But... 2 more months of nobody to play with and against.......
  23. This. They're probably trying to figure out logistics, how to rename characters, change legacy names, blablabla. I don't even care, and I don't think most people do. Just name me whatever you want, but let me play with people. All I do is play with myself, literally!
  24. Early summer... 2 more months... Me and the 10 other people on the Fleet will become roleplay pros by then.
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