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Everything posted by Jetreaperz

  1. As gunnery the only abilties you can't use are Charged Bolts and Wave of Bolts(AoE) Charged bolts is replaced by grav round and the aoe is weak anyway. Blaster Rifles cause your enemy to enter a deep mind game in which they are deeply confused.
  2. 50 Gunslinger and commando. Please switch "12ammo" too "Powercell charge of 100"
  3. Expect stealth classes, we can't get that ranged advantage on them and they choose when the fights starts.
  4. Is it me, or did Heat seeker missiles get a way better animation? Thoughts on this topic? Suggestions for a new animation?
  5. im going to make TM and RS the only to things on my Quickslot. Its meant to be spammed, or it have a cd
  6. Game hasn't Officially launched yet lololol
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