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Everything posted by Jetreaperz

  1. TORONTO MAPLE LEAFS lololololol
  2. Someone keeps reporting my MS paints. get off forums bud. go queue for black talon or something
  3. The fuk you just say about forums?
  4. lf ranked pvp guild lol, i do 2million damage per game and my max hit is 40k so i can clear mid for you
  5. Yes somewhere in HK-51's conversation chain he says none of the other HK-51 units will never be active and states it is an "unfitting end". He later states he will be a Vanguard for the 51 series. The codex says the the design plan were abroad a derelict vessel which has since entered a black hole
  6. reform ain't gonna make you good at the game lololol
  7. wrong server. lol PvP on PvE server and people complain when theres no PvP lolololololol
  8. both factions had different maps so left and right would switch, and borderline 76 IQ players didn't know what to do
  9. i remember when it was called left and right,
  10. The servers pvp is seeing a surge in staking surge so i took a ingame of SS from civil war i had earlier http://i.imgur.com/osQMaVb.png
  12. Why hasn't anyone explored another galaxy? why didn't the sith just settle on a new galaxy after the hyperspace war? Is hyperspace only usable in this galaxy?
  13. ingame ss of what happened to legend http://i.imgur.com/JeqL339.png no hate pls, or i'll slay you all like legend, (no blood so EA can ****))
  14. pretty much at the cap for tech already, not really much else to do if you think about it,
  15. ya bro lol i got 200 votes for sniper class
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