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Everything posted by ChrisJSY

  1. I said there are better ways, why do you think I didn't? Read the last line.
  2. It's hard to force balance of populations. This is why, despite nobody wanting it, I also think it's a bad idea; they will instance ilum. I bet you, just watch it, after 1.1, complaints will shift from win trading to zerg balls of overpopulated factions. There's only thing stopping this is locking people out of a conflict. But hey, how did other games deal with over population? Ah that's right, limit how many "Red" can enter an area by how many "Blue" there already is. It sucks But can you think of a better way? There's a few... very complicated mind you.
  3. Honestly, I think this is a case of the GM not understanding the question. Which isn't anything new, if past post of peoples experiences and/or the seperate issues with customer support, which this seems to be If you read the nuances in the question and answers, he think we're asking if it's okay to stealth up to the bomb. Despite copy pasting the question clearly stating, "Cloaking team mates when planting a bomb". When. Specifics and elaborations make wonders of a language. Lastly I ask you, have you seen the range of on a solo stealther when they use their +15 level stealth effect? (Aka, stealthed at level 65). Go test it, get someone to slowly walk up to you with it activate and show me the range you can see them at. Because I have a feeling you don't know. As much as people don't realise you can backstab at about 40 degress from the sides to the front.
  4. Just had this moment earlier today on Ilum reset, about 50 empire at the southern objective mech spot, 4-5 Republic and a bunch of them thinking the rest of the empire would help jumped us, out numbering us. We wiped them easy (no, not all 50, about 6-7 of them), hilarious how they act so tough with 40 other imps behind them, I bet even the other imps were laughing hard at the complete failure. Best of all, I got it all on fraps ;D No doubt this was just a lack of skilled opponents and this won't always happen but 'chea, feels good. Of course, come tuesday this isn't going to happen at all, I'm just gonna see red, then dead.
  5. Trying to plant from being cloaked, uncloaks you. A smart exploitation of cloaking your team or something else, which of course cannot be mentioned to avoid being seen is not right. I cannot, for example spam AOE's, it costs focus which means I need to be engaged in combat with someone, I also cannot detect cloakers with an ability, nor does my free AOE snare break cloakers. Basically, it's a free win to people abusing this, it takes 8 seconds to plant, so much or so little can happen in that time, being able to just plant without any fear, without anyone seeing you, is wrong, whatever angle you look at it. Cloaking to the door is fine, problem is when people stay cloaked whilst using an action/ability.
  6. We, the overwhelming majority. Taken from my experiences from beta to live, aka, there is only one person who opposed the idea's of the masses in my experience. Not yours, or anyone elses; my experience. Me me me, because people feel the need to avoid the fact I mention my experience, I'll say it a few more times, my experience, not yours, not other peoples. My experience. I'm safe in the knowledge everyone I play with thinks the same, we understand the difference between the need of a player and the need of a companion, you wont see compaions in world bosses, you won't see companions in warzone PVP(or world pvp), you won't see companions in operations, at 50, the player comes first, the companions are last. If anyone has difficulty seeing the difference or understanding, then no loss because I bet you for ever person that needs for companions, there's a whole community of people putting you on ignore. In the end I'm certain people like that lose out in the long run.
  7. There's a reason everyone I've ever teamed with rolls for players needs first, then companion, then greed. Why? Because it's the right thing to do, if you continually keep getting bad gear and at 50, the chances of seeing a drop you need is very rare (2 pieces in 30 runs) it will be abhorrant behaviour of someone to take it off someone else for a companion that will NEVER run in hardmodes or operations. People say its selfish but forget one thing, we don't do it to other people, we let them get their stuff before our companions. Luckily 100% of people I've teamed with on Niman think the same and companion needing ninjas are thought of as bad people. Doesn't mean all people on Niman are, just an overwhelming majority in MY experience of the game.
  8. Never met anyone like this in live, only one person in beta. Never been in a team which I'm not the leader or a friend is, if someone does this, they get booted, simple, over, done.
  9. They added a station post launch, it was in the patch notes, how's that for useless.
  10. I should have clarified, for leveling I would go with what other people have suggested, well into 50 it is a waste of resources, however; you will have an excess of defensive stats which would be better used on more offensive stats. Unless you are planning to do nightmare operations, you can tank everything fine as well in what I previously mentioned.
  11. Have you actually tested it? The arc is very, very small, you can always backstab someone with their back up against a wall. They might as well call it side stab.
  12. Stat priority for what, tanking? Assuming of course since it's a thread about tanking, the same any tank would. You can't prioritise endurance/str, it's on every gear, all tanking gear will obviously have more endurance and DPS gear will get more str, plus I have 2 Def Rating for ever 1 in Shield Chance/Absorb for my tanking set. For DPS? I can't pick and choose right now since it's new gear, it's a mix of mostly power, crit then surge and enough accuracy rating to bring me to around 99% right now. Pretty cookie cutter if I may say so: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#500cRZhZGrR0drMdGR.1
  13. Takes ages to do on my server, too many empire 50s/premades compared to what republic has, takes about 35 games to get the weekly done. Unfortunately I cant tell 7 other people how to play. Then, if you do win, it bugs and doesn't add it to your mission. Had this happen 3 times in a row, 4th win and it gave me 1/3. Really annoying when we do win because it's rare and then it doesn't give us the points. I've got about 7 bags worth of wins being lost. For my weekly, I do 1 a day because it's very frustrating, but even getting a single damned win is irritating enough to make me stop pvping for the day.
  14. I'm going to go ahead and say that you can tank all hard-modes perfectly fine because I've done just that and my healer friend cannot notice any difference in how much damage I take or any increased need to suddenly heal a lot more, in return things die much quicker. I would not advise doing this unless all your gear is around 126+ rating, however, rage starvation isn't that much of an issue, the more damage I'm doing makes up for it. Defense is over-rated completely, the trade off is minimal compared to the damage you get, PLUS you can gear up a second set of DPS get and switch roles at a moments notice. I'm sorry but until there are harder encounters and a reworking of the defense tree it's just laughable how bad defense is, I was defense all the way through 1-50 and until a week ago, I'm loving Focus PVE and PVP. For soloing, I keep doc out so I have 0 down time, I don't need to rest and heal with kira, force sweep for all solo encounters pretty much does the job in a few seconds, I couldnt care less about Hilt Strike, I don't need that extra threat ever, 4% reduction to what is for the most part, dots, is so minimal it makes me not bother even picking it up as defense. It's like not having a Consular around, they give 10%. Blade barrier is a spit in the wind, most hard mode encounters break it in one single hit, warding call, is nice, very nice but if you have to use it then something went wrong, didn't it? sure, you can pop it and get your healer to have an easier time or drop some dps but, have I ever needed it? Apparently not as Focus! 12% Defense chance is the only thing, but if I'm right in saying thats only melee and ranged, not tech and force? 19.7k HP, 47% Damage Reduction, 36.5% shield chance and 28% Absorb, but yeah, a pretty low 19% def chance, but as mentioned above. Riposte still procs so it's ready for cooldown without much fail. I would say as an experienced and well geared player, give focus a try, the multi role ability is fantastic, if not, don't. Simple as that, if you don't like it, switch back.. But I do have a whole set of DPS and TANKING gear... Edit: I even tanked some encounters in my DPS gear, of course this can't be done for all of them but you need to learn what encounters allow it and what don't. Bulwark is one example, in directive 7.
  15. Vanguards (and bh) get a charge and grapple. Why don't we? Oh yeah I forgot, we're the red headed stepchild. Harpoon Storm Because ranged tanks need an even easier job compared to what they have already they need to bring a mob into their face right? Come on, we have short ranged aoe's and sooo many packs have that odd one out of range, give.us.force.pull. Gogogo!
  16. Disappointed they think Defense tree is fine as is. It's not comparable to any other tank in the game at all, they get it easy mode, we have to work for it, not to mention defense hits like a wet paper towl. I might have 20% more damage reduction (When the rest of my defense bonuses, chance/shield/ etc doesn't help at all) in PvP but some other classes have 200-400% more damage advantage in 9 second bouts. Of course, here we go with the old "It's not a 1vs1 game" because def guardians are pretty nasty when teamed with a healer, but then so is any dps class if they're both competent/friends/on voice comms and teamed with a healer. I'm not neccesarily asking for more damage, but I'm asking for more in the opposite end of the scale, + more aoes, more often or cheaper. Cyclone could do with costing 1 focus if talented in the defense tree, troopers and bh's can spam a miriad of AOE abilities cheaply, easily and at range, or from their character in a 360* arc. Ours comes waaaaay too late and way too costly and on the low end scale of damage to really be worth it. I now tank as focus with my tanking gear, and can effectively DPS in my DPS gear, it's quite something in fact. I really don't see the point in defense any more, I hate it, nothing has changed in hardmodes and I can fill two roles.
  17. Problem is, for some people it IS instant gratification, I got 7(seperate) items in 2 days. Head/Chest/Gloves/Weapon/Belt/Offhand/Ear or IMP forgot which. Now, nothing for ages and my guild wants me to go DPS so bye bye all tanking gear. At least now I can say I'm multi-role, I can tank or dps with the gear I'm /slowly/ building up.
  18. Pssst, that was an hour and a half later, after exhausinting all methods of player information. Helps to check the time of it and all.
  19. Not on twitter, not on the launcher, not on the original post which exists still, nothing. I'd expect that if I was told on a thread about downtime, they'd edit it because it's the first place I'd check. Edit: Of course NOW the launcher says it!
  20. DPS Player makes video of killing people easily. Show me something I haven't seen! Really, I'd like to see some awesome solo Defense/Immortal or Healer vids. There are a lot of Balance/Madness, Scrapper, Conceal, Focus (some vigi) vids. Edit: There's a reason there's like three videos of def specced warriors/knights on youtube at 50 post beta, nobody cares you die 20% slower but hit like a papercloth, or that with a healer you can never die. Not complaining, just, I have a second DPS character and it's hilarious how casual I can set my mind to and be decent at PvP compared to my mind in a none dps role.
  21. Teams will bug and allow more in.
  22. As mentioned, This is but one, of many differences, they are not 100% mirrored. If anything, not only does the population outweigh the republic, skills lean towards being better for the empire, for now anyway. Also for new people only, black talon is rediculously easy compared to Esseles, not that I care, it's just a simple observation. If I had a 50 of each class and AC, I would make a video of them all to prove once and for all, to all these nay sayers that they are wrong. I already did with that video, I'll do it again if I had the chance. But no, I'm not leveling 16 times to 50.
  23. Had some issues last night finding a last person for my group. Everyone in guild was doing their own, we are a tank/dps/healer, over geard for these encounters and can do them all in a breeze. Spent 30 minutes looking for the last person (A DPS) at 7pm, we never did find one, plenty of other tanks and healers but, yeah, not being able to find a DPS is ridiculous and the only fault was that you can only speak to people in your area, or /who 50 to list a max of 100 of them and see if any off world are LFG. So what do I do? I go to do dailies by myself, no doubt someone needs a tank but I guess I get lost in the missing 100 only list and I'm in Belsavis so don't see fleet chat. Great idea, Great. Idea, no really.
  24. Yeap, played 10-50+ in a group of friends and did all the flashpoints multiple times and now the hard modes, Trooper gets all his stuff so quick, many times the only thing that dropped was trooper, then a lot of Consular stuff and none of us is one. Third most popular is knight gear, except I only have 1 of them (Columi Boots) and the scoundrel has never seen a piece drop, this is 22 runs. As above, I'm tanking in mostly PVP gear (which is almost as low), I was able to craft T3 Rakata bracers/Belt, Proc crits on boots and gloves of the Beskar'Gam Artifact quality for the slots and yep, was a good 2 days head start, since then, nothing. That was over 2 weeks ago. I hate RNG in acquiring items, nobody should have to spend a day or more getting something than another person doing exactly the same thing. For some, it's weeks whilst others consistantly get gear every few days, of course those who get all this stuff won't complain and tell us to stop, but they wouldn't sing the same tune if I got all my gear in the first week and they were still trying in 2.
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