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Everything posted by Caid_Baraka

  1. I'd be cool with a shorter timer on the ball exploding. Also holding the ball should have an increasing slow on the ball carrier until they can't move, un effected by movement skills.
  2. Giving people the option to pick the warzone they want would lead to stacked decks for certain warzones (huttball) and longer queues. On the other hand, giving us the option to pick one warzone NOT to queue into would probably have a minimal effect.
  3. Looks like the RD-07A Vendetta set. Random world drops around lvl 45. Best found on the GTN for crazy stupid prices usually.
  4. in Win7. AppData -> Local -> SWTOR -> swtor -> settings -> client_settings.ini change the Height and Width values. might want to make a backup first.
  5. So tell me about this incident on Ebon Hawk? I've got an infected Sorc I don't log into for more the a minute on a different server. I'm curious of the possibilities.
  6. If they want to even the playing field for fresh 50s then raise the cap on warzone comms to 12000. Anyone serious about PvP at 50 would have the ability to save the necessary comms and buy a near full set of War Hero upon leveling to 50 through PvP starting at level 10. It wouldn't be a hand out since you had the opportunity to work for it for 40 levels.
  7. I bought the field respec perk early in leveling while on Taris. Being able to switch between Assault and Shield Spec as needed is priceless. Also once you have Elara you should be able to solo most H2+ content if needed in Shield Spec.
  8. Not true. People are inherently lazy. Given the choice to take the WZ they've loaded into vs dropping and re-queuing most people will take what's given to them unless they loath a particular WZ. The server populations don't really support the ability to pick your WZ during off peak hours either. They need cross server queues to make this idea viable. Additionally letting people pick the WZ let's pre-mades stack the deck, to a certain degree, with classes best suited for a given WZ. This would become very apparent in Huttball. I'd much rather see them implement the option to not que for 1 WZ. I'm sure we all have a particular WZ we hate with a passion, I'm looking at you Novare Coast. This keeps people queued up for 3 WZs and would more then likely limit delays in getting a fully populated WZ. As for skipping WZs currently you can get a good idea what WZ your going to load into by bringing up the Who window and typing 50 Pit civil void novar into the search bar at the top. Sort by WZ and keep a tab on the totaly number of players listed. Queue for WZs and refresh the Who window periodically. When the WZ join window pops wait 10-15 seconds then refresh the Who window. You should be able to make a good guess as to which WZ is queuing either by it not being in the list before or more people in that WZ them previously. If it's a WZ you hate leave queue other wise accept the WZ. I haven't loaded into a Novare Coast in months doing this.
  9. Without cross server queues this would only increase que times, especially if people only queued for one or two warzones. The pvp population on non pvp server just doesn't que up fast enough at non peek times to make it viable. On the other hand, giving you the option to drop a WZ from the que would probably work well. This would at least give enough people queued into 3 out of 4 possible warzones that random matches could be formed up by the system.
  10. Yea this seems to be fairly common anymore. I really believe that the fire pits and acid in huttball should ignore any defensive buffs you have on and apply full damage every tic. Heck stand in either and they should completely debuff you. This would them real traps to all classes and make it easy to identify when someones cheating.
  11. I was a bit surprised to see snow/grass used on the fatman. My other server was mostly east/west with the occasional left/right. But after thinking about it i'm going to start using snow/grass in voidstar, maybe people will actually cover the bloody door.
  12. I have something like 13 characters between 2 servers. PvP'd on probably 80% of them since early access and have certain key always mapped to the same buttons.. So I'm on my freshly leveled vanguard in a hutball game. I'm on the top ramp, enemy side before the last firetraps. Someone tossed me the ball and there's a guardian down below past he final firetrap waiting for the pass. I press my usual hotkey to throw the ball and start going where the hell is the target ring. tap it a few more times. Think oh **** first huttball game and i forgot to map the huttball skill to the usual slot. I look to the quckbar and dont see it where it would get auto placed. Think *** and open the skill window to get to it asap and then I see a loading screen and I'm back on the fleet thinking how the/what the/OMG! Turns out I had placed my fleet pass in the hutball slot i usually use. Just kill me now.
  13. I've gone through chapter 1 on two gunslingers now (2 servers) and both times I've gotten the A-300. As beset I can recall the process went like this. Loot Torchy from whathisnames corpse on the ship in dead space. Once you're back on board your ship you go to the intercom room and use the intercom. This summons a dialog scene with Corso when you can give him his gun back or keep it. Both times I've given it back to him, this was light and dark side for what ever it's worth. Either at the end of the cut scene or after returning to Nar Shaddaa and completing the dialogs there, can't recall which, your given the rewards popup. This popup has two lines of rewards. The first line is Torchy flagged for Corso, flagged I assume because I gave it back to him, and on the second line the choice between a blue quality item box and the A-300. If you don't pick the A-300 on the second line you don't get it. I'm guessing that some people my have overlooked that second line thinking the top reward line with Corso's gun was the A-300.
  14. Seeing lots of complaints in Genreal chat and experiencing getting booted to character select after entering pvp queue on The Fatman. Reloading client doesn't fix.
  15. Caid_Baraka

    Voidstar bug

    Looks like this might be fixed. From the 1.2.7 patch notes.
  16. Caid_Baraka

    Maxed wz com.

    Additionally because you only need the shell from the BM item to trade for the WH item, you can pull the mods from the BM item and put them in a different orange mod slot item and trade the BM shell for WH giving you two decent pieces of gear to start off with. In fact this is my plan for my gunslinger to get WH main hand and BM mods on off hand.
  17. http://static.ea.com/event/e3/ 20:30 minute mark starts the SWTOR info.
  18. I finally got to experience the get killed and spawn behind the doors bug in Voidstar today. In fact 3 of us respawned behind the doors with a few seconds of each other. Really irritating bug, more so for the defenders i'd imagine though.
  19. ^This^ Without cross server queues the rest of it is meaningless. Transfers are at best a band-aid fix to a larger problem.
  20. Risha (smuggler companion) and Vette (Sith Warrior companion), this is of course assuming I'm remember their two story lines properly.
  21. Michael Pachter, a games industry analyst, predicts SWTOR will not go F2P. http://www.gametrailers.com/video/whiners-vs-pach-attack/729997 It's at the 6:50 minute mark.
  22. Cross server queuing, Server transfers and Server Merges need to happen before Ranked WZs. If there isn't a healthy population to pull from then ranked WZs will be a failure and yet another source of discontent on the forums. And let's face it there's only a handful of servers with a healthy population currently.
  23. I didn't look into the ranked warzone comm process till I was 46, so I was starting late. I had 3300 ranked and 2k warzone when I hit lvl 50. I basically just pvp'd from 46-50 for xp, starting at lvl 40 wouldn't really require this much WZ effort. I bought the WH earpiece and a WH implant, as they don't require the previous BM item to purchase, and the BM main hand. Filled in the rest with recruit gear minus one relic as I prefer the matrix cube. I debated converting the ranked comms back to regular warzone, and buying more BM gear, but the effort needed to get them really turned me off the conversion rate. I had full BM gear in remaining slots in 5 days, minus relic/other implant as I think it's a waste of comms not to go straight to WH for those slots. Might not be the most efficient route but it worked for me and is my plan with the next alt I'm currently leveling.
  24. Because you're playing at different time lines in the story. The republic story line on Taris happens before the Imperials and vis versa for Balmora. The stories actually interconnect with some characters.
  25. I've won warzones with no healers on team. In fact yesterday we won a match, no healers and the two shadows on the team had the only heals at 13k and 11k. This was sub 50 queues btw.
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