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Everything posted by vincent-

  1. Kill collect escort You missed few more. So instead we should have been seeing this. system Avoid: Not being detect don't kill and make a get away with or accomplishing a goal and no one finds out Kill: Destroy eliminate leaving no survivors Click: Stealing or gathering information or items of value Escort: Protecting a moving target to A to Z without it being killed or destroyed. Guard: Protecting a location or person in a static location last stand areas or high value target until a certain time is reached. Build: Pretty simple really given a mission or contract to build a sum of items or items be it small or large by yourself or with others IE building the defense up or constructing a base/flagship At the moment we hardly have most of these as actual quests 3 being the normal ones and not being very good at hiding or at least giving them more significance in the universe we play in. Again the game lacks life and we have no true change good and evil are meaningless no factional control or purpose to our acts for or against our faction. The same with pve/pvp we never truly interact with the faction for real. The system of kill, collect, and escort need more meat to them as in effecting the outcome of the planet. As others have said saving the village from the evil and well what about the next guy behind me that's the thing these planets are vast but empty it doesn't have to be that lone farmer to get that quest that might not pop up for while with something different attacking. Well that's life there is always a threat some were gangsters looking for trouble bandits raiding or stealing from a cargo shuttle monsters going crazy because some idiot killed it's food source off. It also doesn't have to be some script event were bandits come heck the guy in charge is looking for some mercs who failed to steal, now you the hero beat those previous guys and they see me and ask. "Hey credits to whoever can steal that powerconverter that farmer has!" and I say yes now after you almost leave I'm running up there blast the farmer in the face steal the item and escort it back to the drop off point and flick you off as I go my merry way you could attack me or leave it at that.
  2. Alright sense all of my points were refunded I honestly can't remember were I put some specifically and well I use to be a lockdown tank don't know if that's good but would be helpful if someone could show or point me in the right direction for a good tank build for PvP fights?
  3. Does everyone really need their hands held? I would love just having all the pvp/pve gear not be the the end game gear to get I rather it was for fashion than for stats a crafter should be doing our end game stats. Goals are pretty simple from the story outlook empire wants it all and the republic says no to that. I rather throw out the measuring stick I also hate levels I rather earn the skill I'm good at give me the basics and I decide what I use most and give me more training in that to be better. Wait galaxies had this of course we all love balance but not like this game has anything really to keep your attention with.
  4. The real difference to that is the changes they do effect the world in some ways. In this game killing off a species does nothing overall. Take the event right now. I was given an option to infect the tuskins even worse but I decided to give them antibodies. This attempt will never have a real effect on tat. I won't somehow find my attempt getting foiled by a another player I won't ever see a change of the world. Not like it ever happens not like I'm not saving a farm or town from the tuskins everything is truly static nothing you do will ever effect the planet. I'm like watching a clock trying to move it's handles only to go back to were it started from never truly changing just stuck forever until it's destroyed"shutdown". This game lacks life and it's not the servers being devoid of life of players, it's the game. It's pretty much devoid of any real change made by players or life/death cycle around it's worlds nature, resources, and npcs.
  5. This all of this. This is an mmo being a single player outright it needs to feel more like an mmo instead of being the first single mass multiplayer.
  6. UI was nice everything else feels flat. Still don't feel like paying a monthly fee when it ends.
  7. This was a horrible experience to read op post. Write better friend.
  8. You didn't see my video up top did you?
  9. If george won't let us play as wookies than what hope is there for any alien/non-lifeform
  10. Son I got some bad news for you. At 1:15 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66vVBcKas3A
  11. Wow I really had to laugh at this. SOE would have slapped free to play and gone on making money. Who do you really think killed galaxies for good? LA had the contract they didn't want to renew it. Name any real good games that came out of LA that was in a new hope time line? LA killed a game that was still making money, was it a lot? Nope but free to play was an option for a game that had 8 YEARS don't kid yourself into thinking the min EA screws this up as always that LA won't pull the plug when another chance comes. Of all the companies I don't trust it's EA/Activision/Lucas Arts this game lacks anything special just a accessibility to a LARGER audience.
  12. Same here bud I would rather be playing swg I had a nice setup in my house that was always a work of progress and when the devs updated the control of placement it was more or less a whole new level of thinking. Hell I still love the heroic instances like tuskin king were you have to save a whole town that took effort.
  13. My god that is a horrible comment. One shouldn't be using special commands to bug their way to a goal. That is clearly a broken system which needs to be fixed. Don't ever make stupid excuses like that again.
  14. I would consider subbing longer. That's all I can personally say.
  15. I had awesome armor and than the game went live. http://img152.imageshack.us/img152/6362/img20110821213223.jpg
  16. Opinions friend as for my opinion I actually still had more fun in those 8 years in swg than any mmo, this one hasn't made it to that level for me. All in all it's my opinion just like yours.
  17. Collision detection took a long time to develop for on going mmo games. Galaxies was supposed to get one, but on a vote the community wanted bug fixes and new content to be the first thing to focus on. You would think all mmos would come standard with it but these games are built from the ground up and on a massive scale. Now with a single player must come with one because it's small and single.
  18. Fair point in bringing that this is a big company both EAbioware & Lucas arts have deep coffers so this would be possible. Sadly that's also the reason why it won't happen, as Time + investing = profit. The market teams that actually make the call on things like this for the publishers and down to the developers. I know this would be fun and grand but unless this can shoe in wow numbers on the drop of a hat. This probably will never happen sadly.
  19. Programming is hell of a lot more difficult than you know my friend.
  20. Oh and if you guys are going to do space battles please add a variety of ships. That and when you guys do the trailer to show it off hire the guy from rouge squadron who did the voice of explaining the ships to the player.
  21. I hoping all of these will be added just seeing which ones go first to last.
  22. Are you making sure that none of his attack abilities are active? I mean mine helps me out on my bounty hunter tank and I just make sure mako is completely set in heal mode, no attack specials active and she keeps me up.
  23. Was thinking on the first one with the trooper were it felt like they both knew it was BS and a fight was about to start.
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