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Everything posted by Soulcheg

  1. It seems we are really playing different games. Only +200-1000 credits profit from the mission, and very rarely i had more than a 1000 creds profit. Though i dropped slicing before 1.1.1 Yeah, right.
  2. Yes and No. Yes - i like story, i like companions, i like world of SWTOR. No - milliards of gamebreaking bugs, worstest decisions in game design in a whole mmorpg-history, worstest customeer support that i ever seen.
  3. So you want to say, that 10 valor rank and 60+ valor rank should have almost no difference? No point is play on the main char when you ding 50 then. The gap now is not so big, as whiners implying. W/o any champion piece i saw ~1200-1800 numbers, with battlemaster set i see 1900-2700 numbers. Go, tell me that is REALLY DAH BIGGEST IN DAH WHOLE WORLD DIFFERENCE for 60 valor ranks and the months of playing, right. I'm a 63 valor rank Commando, ToFN, if it's matter.
  4. This game is a stun festival, no matter how long are you playing, a few players 50/10 exp/valor rank just won't allow you to move, especially in warzones. And he is worry, because of the nerf of all that progression with battlemaster and experise, so no matter how high valor rank you will have, there will be no difference. So try to look a little further than your own nose, please.
  5. I second that. ~Imma-ding-50-and-i-wanna-kill-everyone-no-matter-how-long-they-are-playing-i-just-want-gimme-gimme-gimme~ And i don't like biochem's change. Slicing already is almost useless, let's make biochem same! Why you nerfing rakata's items step by step? What's point in 400 biochem now?
  6. 50 Commando - TOFN, 45 Mercenary - Ravager. Tell me more.
  7. ahahah ohohoho uhuhuhu Watch this, please. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhLjqgC_fH8 And this. No difference, right.
  8. As soon as merc's has pressed DAH ROCKET BATTAN (when it's possible) - it WILL strike the target, no matter if target behind any column, in Trooper's case grav round have almost 1.5 second of beginning animation, then 1.5-2 sec cast, and if target already behind any column - "out of range". No need in flaming forums, you just need to play both classes, not only one, and then, and only then, you will see the difference. Until then it's just a trolling.
  9. Merc's AoE castin instantly, Trooper's had 2 second of animation before actually firing. Merc's rockets does not have LOS, Trooper's grav rounds have LOS (line of sight). Don't tell me about mirrors, please.
  10. Just don't forgert, please, that there is still classes without interrupt, who suffer more than anyone if they interrupted.
  11. Everytime, when we take any of the objective's points, we experience a massive lag spike. This is due to the fact that all the destroyed vehicle models is dissapearing, and a new ones appearing. When battle going at Illum, a massive battle, and someone take the objective's point - this is freeze our screens for a 2-3 seconds. So i suggest to remake objective's points, make it a lamp pole, or a flag, or something like that. Thank you.
  12. I suggest to reduce duration of Huttball to, at least, 7-8 minutes. It's far too long now, 2 minutes of intro and 15 minutes of the game, it's boring, really. Battlegrounds should be shorter, like WHO and Reikland Factory, or Battle for Praag, something like this. And i suggest also, increase turret's DPS at Alderaan Civil War from 5 to 10 or 15. Same reason. Thank you.
  13. Let's see what will you say, when you ding 50 lvl. 3-4 FPS at Illum and etcetera etcetera is waiting for you.
  14. your engine freezes even with 20 versus 20, and this can't be fixed. Of course, you can make Illum 10 vs 10 planet, yes, this will fix it.
  15. Hello from the Tomb of the Freedon Nadd, Illum is UNPLAYABLE at the moment. 0-4 fps, damn it, i had all new generation games at maximum, why i should have 2 fps with graphic turned almost absolutely off? And whose idiotic ideas was to add the loading screen with every player's move? Especially in the middle of PvP. Jesus, this is worst optimized engine in whole history. I hope there will be fixes VERY soon.
  16. Illum. 0-4 fps. Massive lags and freezes. Crashes to desctop. And moreover - whose idea was to set loading screen right in the middle of PVP? Damn it, i was forced to see this freaking loading screen every 6-7 seconds. This is the dumbest idea in MMORPG ever. http://i42.tinypic.com/2dkea89.jpg Fix it. ASAP. There is only 2 days left 'till the end of the first month. Don't forget it. Yes, i feel better now.
  17. Nice work guys, other professions is useless, so instead of fixing others, we will make everyhthing useless. Bioware, can't do anything properly, since Dragon Age 2.
  18. Bioware, please, fix this issue. Harpoon keep sending me into open space, through textures, and if i do /stuck there, well, you can see this on my screenshots. When you try to reach this point, with grapper - http://i40.tinypic.com/eia4uv.jpg You may be returned to the place, you shooting from, and experience a loss of 70-90% of your hp, OR, you can be send through textures to open space. And if you move a little, and use /stuck after this, you will see this - http://i43.tinypic.com/c14b6.jpg So, Bioware, please. You made all that work with all that hidden datacrons, but it seems you didn't test it at all. Fix it please.
  19. Having the same issue, already for 4 days. Tried to create a ticket, but recieved auto-answer. Boiware guys, i want to play flashpoints, not just farm battlegrounds. Do anything already, please. It is frustrating. Even when i'm trying to enter SOLO, with no any flashpoint quest taken, beside that i'm trying to enter, it still show a message "your party leader bla-bla-bla". I am entering SOLO, what's that "party leader" stuff all about? Please fix it.
  20. There is no emotion, there is queue. There is no ignorance, there is queue. There is no passion, there is queue. There is no chaos, there is queue. There is no death, there is the queue.
  21. Just ignore them. I am from russian guild myself, but we have a very strict rules about general chat and any lanquages except English. Moreover, i tried a few servers - and i saw a same thing, but with greek spam in general, polish, italian, spanish spam, etcetera etcetera. Place obvious morons to black list or report them, and you'll be fine. About queues - sweet jesus, do something already, i want to play, not stand in queue for a 5-6 hours. Gosh.
  22. Disconnected just now, in the middle of flashpoint, logged in in 5-6 second and... already standing for a freakin 30 minutes. Guys, come on, do something, stop being quiet and pretented it all right.
  23. Shortly. DO SOMETHING, FFS. Friends and guildmates spending for 4-6 hours in queves.
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