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Everything posted by StrikePrice

  1. They should just allow free migrations for a week so people can choose where they want to be.
  2. Is there some unique reward that slot gives? I don't understand what the value here is in playing that.
  3. SS is completely dead. Admit it and move on. Give us transfers so we have something to pay for.
  4. Right. That's my only point. Now, I don't know if they truly did hire 40 people or what the actual state of the world on the ground is. My only point is 40 people seems like a lot for maintenance mode. But, maybe they will finish 7.4 and then lay everyone off or maybe they "hired" them with temporary contracts. There are a million permutations that would satisfy the "news" and still be bad for the game. So, I'm in wait and see mode, personally.
  5. I do not believe this is accurate. I can't see anywhere that says that BS is owned by EA. I have also seen tweets by people leaving EA and being hired at BS.
  6. If that were the case, BS would not have hired 40 people. They would have hired 5. I think they have plans right now ... whether those plans will take any shape, that remains to be seen.
  7. It shouldn't matter, but you can just give him a weapon.
  8. Have to be more specific because bone shaman hk-55 pvp reward is ridiculous.
  9. My mistake. Thank you for the correction. As hard as it is sometimes, I don't abandon games.
  10. The word "balance" is meaningless. You don't define it, you just say it. What do you mean by balance? That 1v1 players of equal skill in any two specs will duel to a draw? Do you mean 2v2 balance? Do you mean 4v4? 8v8? That in every situation every spec is as useful as ever other? I would say swtor is fairly "balanced" in a 4v4 T/H/Dx2 of teams of equal skill. Some specs definitely lag in this format, but that can be made up with in skill. But, if you change everything to balance 1v1, you throw 4v4 out of balance. And, likewise, if you believe "balance" is a group of 4, 5 or 6 skilled players in voice comms not destroying a PUG, that will never happen. That said, there are many, many things out of balance. One easy example is that Operatives are outsized valuable in Huttball. That's just one example. IMHO, guard is out of balance, skank tanks are out of balance for most games etc etc. But, you will never have a game where 4 skilled players in working together don't dominate a PUG.
  11. Do you really care about lockouts? Anyone playing for any amount of time has at least 10+ fully geared, max level toons. The lockout timer is meaningless. Edit: My mistake. Thank you for the corrections.
  12. Any word on the tax rollback patch or are they just going to leave the economy dead?
  13. It will be a nonsense companion that no one cares about and will never use again.
  14. You could play around with moving it completely off screen lol, but I've not tried that
  15. Here is the solution that worked for me. Problem: On all my saved interface settings, my welcome window would appear far below (or above) the bar with the button on it and half off the screen. This window is not moveable in the interface editor. Solution: You can edit the XML file for your saved interface settings. Those files are found at: %localappdata%\SWTOR\swtor\settings\GUIProfiles To fix the problem, look for the <WelcomeWindow> node. It should look something like this ... <WelcomeWindow> <AnchorOffsetX Type="3" Value="0.000000" /> <AnchorOffsetY Type="3" Value="49.000000" /> <AnchorAlignment Type="3" Value="1.000000" /> </WelcomeWindow> In my case, the AnchorOffsetX value was 444, pushing the window down off the screen. Setting it to 0 solved my problem.
  16. Yup, guaranteed they will be played 1 time and never worried about again.
  17. Hey! Just wondering ... how are the CM sales doing after 7.3? 😆🤣😂
  18. It's not a grand scheme. They put the least amount of effort possible into PvP while wishing it would go away. Compare PvP and launch and compare it today. Now compare PvE today as against launch. I would say they have put in approximately 0.0000001% of the effort into PvP they have put into PvE. It's just a nagging left-over that they wish would go away. And the way the treat it, it shows.
  19. I think it's more complicated that that. If it were me, it would be a data gathering and analysis exercise. I would go through the data, find the signal in the noise that allowed me to rate a player properly. Then, I would change the group finder to only pop an Arena when all 8 players had accepted. I would not allow it to pop any unbalanced games. I would judge balance along the lines of balanced ratings, balanced roles and balanced associations (pickups versus premades). I think it's a relatively complex endeavor to get it right.
  20. I suspect they don't want the community to see how few people are actually holding this game up.
  21. This is the typical coward attitude. Can't PvP without a massive advantage. Premades don't ruin anything. But they should go up against other premades. It's a lovely straw man you've constructed, but no one is suggesting premades go away. People are suggesting that matches be as fair as possible and to add to the game mechanics that allow more fair matchmaking. I disagree. I believe they want PvP to end and are doing everything they can to make the numbers as small as possible so they can stop supporting it. But I understand the position of the endlessly pro-BW shills. I just disagree with it. Everyone knows that if there was a vote, it would be 90-10 in favor of a solo queue. You are the small, vocal minority. Not us. And you know it.
  22. Very true. I think they hate PvP and wish it would go away.
  23. In PvP, there is no automated way to prevent players from colluding. If players want to collude, they will. You have to provide the community with tools to punish colluders and you have to have active company involvement to police it. No other way. That said, you can easily give a reasonable on-ramp for new players into PvP instead of throwing them into situations where they have no chance of being successful.
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