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Everything posted by JackalTurner

  1. Well, Colicoid is pretty cool. That is, unless you have one guy who doesnt know what they are doing. Then it becomes the most frustrating flashpoint out of the whole bunch just because one guy can cause the entire party to die in the very beginning in seconds. However, if everyone knows the flashpoint then its very unique and very fun.
  2. Very top of this forum section is a subsection called "suggestion box" I don't mean to be "That Guy" but why did you put this here? And dont tell me it was because no one checks the suggestion box(everyone else says that), because its just going to get moved there anyway.
  3. Now see, this is why this naming system annoys me. Look at the game Champions online. Not the best game ever, but they have a nifty system. You can have ANY name you want, even if someone already has it. Your uniqueness is determined by your account name. Its a good system. After all, there are only so many times you can combine letters together to make words before it starts looking silly. It completely gets rid of this issue when server transfers are implemented. Everyone can keep their name they want and we dont have to see XxxXxXxxxThisNameWasTakenSoIAddedABunchofX'sToItXxxXxxx
  4. Riiiight. Pompous high class british people = Emo???? The only emo thing about the empire is the overuse of eyeshadow with sith corruption, and by the time they are at that level most people are wearing a helmet
  5. Except Steam's EULA does NOT specifically say they will sell your information to 3rd parties. They collect information on hardware to improve steam and show statistics. This is no secret. EA's original EULA SPECIFICALLY said their intention was to sell your information to 3rd parties, with no limitations on what information they were allowed to sell. There is a major difference between that and what Steam does. THAT is why there was no *****torm about steam. How about you get a clue before telling someone else to get a clue.
  6. I agree. I dont understand why that wasnt put in every jukebox. Its a great song!
  7. There is a jukebox. Its in the VIP lounge.
  8. vialble =/= best. All of them are VIABLE. Doesnt mean that one isnt better than others.
  9. You have no idea how much I want this. The little pictures of the weapons are usually a good indecation of what they look like...but not always. There are a few that look quite different than their pictures. And that picture is also small. I kept one lightsaber(orange item of course) for my Warrior for nearly the entire leveling process because I just couldnt find one that looked better. I eventually found others, but I would like to be able to preview them before I buy them. Its even worse as a Merc because I need to find two blasters that not only look good on my character but also look good together! Haha, I know its not a big deal to some but I like my weapons to complement my character.
  10. You take that back! Qui-Gon was a boss! D:<(everything else was pretty bad though) To the OP: Yeah, I agree they should have given the imperial zabraks some more skin tone variation. As it stands its "Red, red, red, orange, red."
  11. Its not really being paranoid when EA has already proven that this is EXACTLY what they want to do. They tried it with the Origin EULA, and Im sure you remember the *****torm that caused. You know why it was so big? Because it specifically said, in plain English, that they reserved the right to sell any and all information they got from you to third parties. Origin was, at the time, authorized spyware. There was such an uproar that they changed it. It wouldnt surprise me if they were doing it secretly. Even if this wasnt intended at launch, Id be willing to bet this is what is left over from a system like that they had planned to use before origin's EULA was changed(seeing as your TOR account is also an origin account)
  12. You mean Mako And I agree, I'd like a Vette of my own She is so spunky. So fun to travel with. Mako is too, but Vette is still my favorite.
  13. Yeah, the assassin is the saber duelist of the two. The whole point of the sorc is a class that doesnt NEED his saber because he can blast you with force lighting.
  14. Best gear during leveling is either gotten from quest rewards, commendations, or flashpoints. If you arent getting lucking in flashpoints do your quests. One of the options for some quests should always be a piece of gear for your adv class(sometimes you can choose between two different gear pieces, for different specc's) I know how you feel though. On my bounty hunter it seems like I get a disproportionaly large amount of inquisitor gear. Never had this problem on my Jugg, but boy does it frustrate me on my Merc.
  15. Lol So wait...you complain about a low pop, and then unsub? Am I the only one that sees the irony in demanding that the devs fix this problem while also contributing to it?
  16. Yup, you're a troll. Just confirmed it.
  17. Here is the problem with your suggestions. You are trying to force people to conform to your play style. The currest system allows for multiple play styles. Therefore, its better. Yes, AFKers suck. But your suggestions screw over legitemate PVPers. I mostly quest. Im not even a hardcore PVPer. I barely do it. And yet even I can see how silly your suggestions are.
  18. Quests still give out more XP than warzones, plus better gear. It is still faster to level up with quests, so there is no incentive to PvP unless you dont want to quest. And if someone just doesnt want to quest then taking XP from warzones isnt going to make them want to quest, its going to force them to quest.
  19. I love how you are completely ignoring what is opposed to you. Yes, this WOULD happen, yes a lot of people would do it, and yes there are reasons to do it. For one, its easier. Thats the ultimate reason for most people Why level up to 50 and suddenly be forced to fight a thousand other people who are all geared and will basically steamroll you, when you can stay at 49 and steamroll everyone else? And if you think a 49 wont steamroll a level 30 then you don't know what you are doing. At 47 I am always, always, always top of the team, most damage, most kills, and often most objective points. Why? Because I will always do more damage and have more skills than people half my level. Loot at 50 doesn't seem as shiny when most of them look really stupid, and the bonus for getting them isn't really a bonus. Afterall, most of the people you will be facing already have them. You will always be at a disadvantage when you first hit 50. Most people dont like that, so they will stay at 49.
  20. If its a group I usually charge in and then pop the AOE taunt that the jugg has. Gets em all targeting me(Because inevitably one DPS gets half of them pulled to him with an AOE attack, so that taunt is usually necissary) But on single target I save the taunt until I really need it.
  21. Well if he had some ForceFX sabers they'd be making the noises for him. Haha
  22. Well, keep at it with the taunts, but also if you are constantly having threat taken from you despite having an optimum rotation, its not your fault, its the fault of the DPS guys. They need to work just as hard not to pull threat off of you as you do to pull threat off of them. Any DPS could out threat a tank if they really want to(if taunt isnt in play atm), but its just suicide to do so.
  23. He attacked innocent people. Thats no jedi, he is a sith lord! XD EDIT: Or alternatively, the taser could be seen as force lightning and he was trying to pull a Mace Windu.
  24. Its kinda funny really Revan is iconic for his hood and mask. This game forces his hood off. Their STAR character is screwed up with that decision. And in all of the ads, literally every single CGI trailer, there is a sith(or in the case of decieved, hundreds of sith!) with their hood up and a mask on their face We see all these ****** sith with masks and hoods and then you boot up the game and the only option you have for a mask with a hood is a Malgus reject look. Dont get me wrong, I LOVE that look, I really really do. Long before TOR was even a concept, back before KOTOR was released, I made an original character for myself that pretty much looked exactly like Malgus but he was a Taung, not a human. He had that same look. The point is though, that because this is the only option it gets really old. Masks and hoods are something that needs to be put back in, in my opnion. If not for the players then at least to fix Revan...poor guy probably misses his hood.
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