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Everything posted by StarDaimyo

  1. Hello Not sure if this has been brought up before, but the pre-order crystal is pretty useless at higher levels. Please allow us to upgrade it at the vendor at the Fleet and the Sith equivalent of said vendor. Please let us keep the colour crystal current, and by all means have it rise in in game price as we level. (Not lvl 50 yet myself so not sure how good the crystals out there are. If 50s with top gear need Commendations etc to get good crystals today, put the same price on the top level pre-order colour crystal)
  2. With players raging about how they cannot change their advanced class and about how they cannot change their Legacy names even though it is stated several times that these are permanent decisions, I think Bioware made a wise choice when they removed the option to kill companions.
  3. I think that often the issue is wanting to join a group rather than starting one. People who are not capable of leading a run because they are still learning their class, role or the Flashpoint/heroic want to join, while people capable of leading often want experienced players to join to get smooth runs. The best thing is really to do it with friends/guildies or get lucky with a PUG that respects and accepts you either as a learning player or even as a learning leader. Be open about your needs and good luck with grouping.
  4. I think I soloed it as Shadow at 16, but I did not know much about my class then. I struggled with some bosses, but made it after some deaths. It should be doable at 14 with good gear I guess, as long as you are awake and on your toes. Good luck!
  5. We are a nice crowd in Rogue Moon as well. Come join us
  6. Well, if you think the Apprentice is annoying, wait until you finally find Lord Tharsis himself ... I agree though - they should atleast change the label to Heroic at that point. There is a thread regarding the hunt for Lord Tharsis discussing the same here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=68235 Several people say they have soloed him (and if they can do him, they sure can do the Apprentice), but I have not succeeded in this yet. I may still learn to play my class better and gear up etc, but these 2 fights seem very hard to me at the moment.
  7. When I started playing I heard that if I wanted to craft I should wait until reching lvl 50 as it costs a lot of money to craft and to learn the market in order to be able to craft for profit in the end. I have held to that advice, and have no money problems whatsoever. I understand the need to craft; at heart I am a crafter myself, but I am piling up money as I level in order to be able to craft without worries later on. Sure, I miss out on the crafting experience, but I am avoiding your situation. (Heck - at lvl 40 getting a third bay in the cargo hold costs 400K! ) But yeah, do space missions, do dailies, hold off on crafting for a bit and build a buffer before resuming the crafting.
  8. When will this game be playable? Jezuz ... It is great already; some bugs and annoying things, sure, but this game is playable and then some. Do what you enjoy, and wait for them to fix the rest.
  9. To the OP; record it and put in on YouTube or it didn't happen. No really; great lyrics. Someone should make a recording of this.
  10. Oh, yeah. Stealth is very handy for a solo player as it saves time basically - no need for all those trash fights. (Jedi Shadow and Smuggler Scoundrel can stealth as far as I know on Republic side) As Shadow you can also Force cloak, ie leave combat and reset the remaining mobs. Handy for dealing with tough groups who would otherwise kill you. Instead you can take them down one at a time.
  11. Love (More words added since the post counter requires at least 5 letters)
  12. Failed to get him down as a Shadow Tank (at 37 I think) with a friend (Commando I believe) As he is immune to stuns/interrupts except the Mind Snap he gets off quite a bit of damage. Even with THaran healing, use of stims and med packs I failed. It may be a case of L2P, but this is by far the hardest fight for me in the game so far. (I also failed in getting the Apprentice down solo, but at least that fight seemed doable whereas this does not seem soloable.) Again - I may need to improve my rotations, gear etc, but Lord Tharsis is a hard nail indeed.
  13. I am fairly happy with my solo abilities as a Jedi Shadow (tank). I find that when I struggle it is usually due to my gear not being good enough, or my abilities as a player needing a kick behind. When I focus, work on my rotations, use interrupts etc - in other words play my class as intended (do some reading - lots of good stuff in the class forums), I tend to have a blast and can solo most content on my level. Have even soloed some Champions, flashpoints and Heroics (only tried 2+ yet, no 4 so far). So gear up yourself and your companion, learn the class and spec abilities accordingly, adapt the playing style to the mob you are trying to down and you should do well (as any class).
  14. Hmm, it seems I am in need of a new mouse after having read this thread. Thanks to all the people who shared their experiences. Regular or SWTOR edition though? I assume I have a normal sized hand, and I think I use a claw grip instead of a palm grip (if that makes sense). Is the SWTOR edition with the buttons behind the wheel easier to operate than the standard with the buttons to the left of the left button, or is it the other way around? Best Regards Daimyo, Jedi Shadow Rogue Moon
  15. I just realised the missions are one time use only. (Yeah, I know - a bit slow to figure this out.) I have sold missions of all kinds for anything between 10K and 65K - like someone stated, the market pays what the market pays. Supply and demand.
  16. I agree; the Datachrons are great. Please more fun stuff like this
  17. Yes, I understand, but it is possible for the companion to fail them just like normal missions, so it is a bit of a gamble. Nice moneysink though. Thanks for the input, people.
  18. Yikes. Then some of the prices on the GTN makes no sense whatsoever ... Thanks though
  19. Come join us on Rogue Moon http://resolutionguild.guildlaunch.com/ See our post here as well: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=223217 The guild is Resolution; a mature and relaxed bunch with aims to do everything in the game at our own pace. While I am not an officer myself, please see the website or the link to the Server forums for details about how to get in touch Daimyo Jedi Shadow, Rogue Moon
  20. Hello, people. I have a question regarding the mission schematics you can buy on GTN (from slicing) When you buy one, like lets say 340 Scavenging, does it add one mission to your permanent list of missions in Scavenging, ie you can send a companion out to do it as often as it appears in your mission list, or is it one time use only? In other words, you pay for it on GTN, then do it once, and then you have to buy another one if you want to do it again? Best Regards Daimyo, Jedi Shadow Rogue Moon
  21. I play on the Rogue Moon Server where my Legacy name is Talespinner. Have always love a good story, and wanted something that could work with both Republic and Empire characters as well as with Light/Dark etc.
  22. Personally I love the Space Combat as it is. Simple and entertaining - a good way to do something different in between questing and grouping.
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