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Everything posted by Pattypuppet

  1. I started having problems around level 30ish as a Jedi Guardian. Up until that point, I was getting good gear regularly and didn't realize that armoring not only gives stats but adjusts your base armor protection as well. And hilt not only improves stats but base dps as well. So always have the highest level armoring and hilt that you can have. Since I switched out to orange gear on my weapon and most of my clothing items and keep up my mods I am doing so much better. I'm halfway through 39 now. Things are going a lot easier hahaha.
  2. I'm a leftie too. It's always interesting to me to know how others control their characters. For me, I use the mouse left hand and control movement with wasd. Additionally I have a logitech macro keyboard. I haven't used the G function keyes in this game yet as I haven't felt the need, but I have 12 x 3 G keys on the left of my keyboard that I can use as well. That is a nice feature to have. Hope you find something that works for you.
  3. I hear ya OP. In SWG I rp'd as did many of my friends. It just came naturally and there were a lot of tools that allowed and encouraged that kind of gameplay. I had many wonderful adventures and met some friends there, some of whom have reunited in SWTOR which is exciting. In SWG my friends and I founded a guild and built a city. We scouted for days until we found a spot we liked, and over time the city grew organically. We created a government and military, built bases, decorated and planned city growth. We waged war on neighboring player run cities and bases. It was an epic time to be a gamer. Sadly there is a lot of hate for SWG, by people who feel burned by SOE and by people who never played or just like to be fanbois of other games. But Precu SWG was epic times, and I will always cherish those gaming memories. SWTOR is a different kind of game all together. I am enjoying my time thus far, though I would like more rp tools. But sadly, I feel that is not the direction of the devs. An appearance tab, more customization options, a house you can decorate....all these things I would love to see, but I am not holding my breath.
  4. I'm not sure of where the term came from, but I've heard it used since I first began playing mmos with precu swg. I use various terms...avatar, toon, character, alter ego. The term 'toon' as neither negative or positive connotation to me.
  5. I support this whole heartedly. I would like to be able to improve my performance by analyzing my gameplay. But when you have those numbers available to everyone the numbers take on a different meaning. Instead of helping to improve oneself, the numbers become a way to criticize or exclude others.
  6. i have the same thing. I tried a few fixes until one of my guildies said he has the same thing. After that I just figured it was a bug and left it alone. I'd post some screenshots but I'm too lazy.
  7. I thought the whole point of sharding was to manage the population locally to keep performance at acceptable levels? The only reason we do not have hi rez is because they are incapable of giving it to us. The fact that hi rez was in during beta leads me to believe there is something else going on and hence the drm possibility. Maybe under current game build and design limitations, whether drm is involved or not, they are incabable of even switching hi rez on. I sharded.
  8. Can that really be true? If so it would be a shocking development in this debacle. This kind of info needs to spread to the blogosphere!
  9. I'm starting to get worried. Did someone accidentally erase all the hi rez textures?
  10. I played LOTRO with hi rez textures and their game ran fine. Why does a game that is heavily sharded and instanced launching in December of 2011 incapable of this feature? Someone is incompetent, whether it was the person picking the game engine or the programmers. In the beginning I had heard the hi rez textures were bugged. Now I find out the hi rez is not bugged but it was a design decision. Why was a decision by marketing not made to advertise the game with low resolution? Because showing the game with hi rez makes it look better than it is....and there in lies the deception. So if there is no hi rez and medium setting was a bug, the game can only be played with low rez textures? Now I am starting to worry about other promises, like what about appearance tabs?
  11. Absolutely I support this. Not just barbershop, but we should be able to make appearance changes too. I guess some people around here think there is only one developer on staff, lol. They CAN do multiple things at the same time. I do multiple things at the same time at work every day and if I as an individual can multitask I think a company worth half a billion could do more than one thing at a time. Honestly some people are so short sighted. If you don't support my barbershop I wont support your call for pvp fixes. You know...cause pvp is good enough.
  12. My character also has a big butt in his jedi robes. Maybe it's all the running he does...
  13. I also did the exact same thing. I had about 12800 creds and was viewing companion appearance mods. Well, I did the same thing as you and ended up with a very fancy looking twilec and 800 creds left over. From experience playing other mmo's, I knew I would never get my creds back. I didn't even bother filling out a ticket, but I think it's good you did so it brings it to there attention. This could be solved with a 'preview' button instead of making it a key combo.
  14. Social armor should all be orange and modable.
  15. Yes it has happened to me as well. Specifically, I had turned it off and was surprised when I went into conversation mode with an npc and during the cinematic I had the orange eyes, grey skin and dark eye shadows. Then after the conversation I was still showing the same graphic as during the cinematic. Last I looked my eyes still don't look blue though everything else was changed when I rechecked the option.
  16. Would light armor with 50 AC give same protection as heavy armor with 50 AC though? Do the different types of armor give different types of mitigation? Waiting for the appearance tab...
  17. You can drop skills and pick up new ones I believe. I'm still learning the game but I believe I saw this as an option. Making an alt though for crafting gathering is not a bad idea though. I was considering this as well.
  18. I have been slicing, as others have recommended. But just wanted to give a word of caution to others, becareful previewing items with holding down control and left mouse button. I had a little over 12k and was previewing companion appearances. Suffice to say, I accidentally purchased appearance 8 for 12k, lol. I was pissed at myself but these things happen. Only had about 700 creds after purchase Funny thing is I was being stingy with my purchases to save money. Oh well. Back up to 4k now. But my twilec is looking really cute
  19. I didn't get my deluxe preorder items (except crystal) until after I entered the game registration code that Origin sent me in the mail. It is a different code than the preorder code that allowed me to play early game access. Hope this helps
  20. Good problem solving. I like it. Another option is when you kill the boss everyone gets loot. Nothing I hated more than running dungeons many, many times and having nothing to show for it.
  21. I preordered the deluxe digital edition from Origin and while I was in early game access only had the crystal. But then the other day I got an email with the actual game registration key. Once I inputted I got all my goodies in the mail. So all is good now.
  22. I saw the vendor yesterday on the fleet ship, sith side, in a corner. Unless I'm mistaken. LOL. I saw a lot of things yesterday...10 hour marathon session.
  23. I have an I7 with a 5850 with everything maxed and the game is running smoothly so far. Not sure what my fps is though. Is there an fps command you can enter or are you guys using fraps?
  24. This isn't like a single player rpg where you save your character or progress. Once you create your toon it will be on whatever server you selected until you delete it. There is no saving your place or anything. I believe one of the options on the server page up at the top lets you select which server you may have created toons on. I'm still learning the game myself.
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