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Everything posted by Nuzt

  1. I don't disagree, I just view the companion as a glorified "pet" its really nothing more in the end. You can dress a dog up in clothing and give it a name but in the end it is still a dog.
  2. Its going to happen, I personally think its pretty lame but thats just my opinion. Unfortunately it was a world boss, this has happened to me in flkashpoints at which point I just leave the group. Leaving the group is usually followed by tells explaining how long said players were LF tank ect ect, I just ecxplain to them that they can blame the person that thinks their "pet" is more important then the other players. Don't lose sleep over it imo theres always going to be greedy people that justify it in their own heads.
  3. Not really sure where to post this, General made sence. I've tried to search but the search isn't working for me atm. Can you group for space battles or is all single player ?
  4. You sir are missing the point, its my primetime. See just the thought of it happening during PST prime time already angers you. But I'm sure you would be content if it did happen right ? Either way its the three days in a row more so then the time they are doing it.
  5. I say patch right at EST prime time ... I'm willing to bet alot of people will change their mind about how annoying it is, better yet do it three days in a row. But I'm sure all of you will understand right ?
  6. I enjoy playing healers, tanks, DPS in that order. PLaying a good tank or healer is harder and more crutial then playing a good DPS imo, thats not to say a good DPS can't make the difference but you can make it through without it if your supports are good.
  7. I seriously hope not, I've enjoyed the game thus far and have nothing bad to say but if they keep it up every night I will be left with no choice but to cancel due to my work schedule. I understand why they dio it at that time but if they keep doing it nightly then its just not worth it for me.
  8. DAoC, real pvp, no push backs on spell casting if you were hit you were interupted period, kiting was a must, and probably the most active world pvp i've seen. Still loving this game though, definately has met my expectations so far. Just fix the UI pls.
  9. Why do people feel the need to make these threads, if they keep it to single server Q's then whats the problem ? You don't like it then don't use it, its really that simple. I agree that it shouldn't be spread between mutiple servers but it really no diff then sitting in general and doing LFG.
  10. I don't dissagree, but theres always something else to do and if I was truly that bored that I did decide to PuG then I expect stupidity, if everyones good people then bonus. Although I don't agree with people needing for their companions its part of the game even if I don't like it.
  11. This is why I don't PuG, most people as a rule of thumb are ignorant and selfish. With that said if BW didn't implement something to prevent it then I fully expect it to happen, its like coming to this forum and expecting to see only positive comments.
  12. UI customization, I can live with bugs but I can't live with the current UI.
  13. It really won't get any better after 30 days, this is a MMO forum expect your IQ to drop everytime you look at it.
  14. The current UI is not very well thought out, if they intended to not allow Addons they should have put more effort into the UI.
  15. So much hate towards mods/macro's. Personally I would love to see some mods and heres the reasons. 1) Four quick bars all to large and two of which are terribble positioning, I have no problem with only four but they need to go where I want them and scaled down. 2) Party/Raid frame, again I could careless if they had the option to be like heal bot but I personally don't like vertical frames and want to place them where I want them. 3) Companion frame, terrible placement. Thats where my chat box should to be !! My main concern is the complete lack of customization with the UI, if Mods are not going to be useable thats fine but make your UI completely customizable. As for click to heal and what not, never used it and never plan on using it but if other want to then all the power to them. I just think they could have put more effort into the UI, its pretty crappy when the top few spaces of a quick bar become covered by other parts of the UI. Other then the UI I am loving the game, now just make the UI customizable.
  16. I agree, I don't like the WZ what so ever. If I wanted to play this type of game I'd buy maddens for xbox.
  17. I'm actually suprised the UI/Mod/Addon guru's haven't come up with some extra bars ect. Most other games I've played they have had at least a couple ready to go for launch. Then again I don't understand how they do what they do so maybe theres a reason.
  18. I will clarify for the less enlightened, Warhammer was Mythic (whom was purchased by EA a couple years back) Bioware had nothing to do with warhammer at release ... zero none. Now some of that team may be on the Bioware team now due to the two companies joining together (at a point when warhammer was beyond saving). The point behind this is if your going to call someone out on a faulty design know *** your talking about pls.
  19. So far I like pretty much everything, if I had to choose 5 things I would like to see improved I would have to say. 1) The UI, I don't like the size and placement of some of it. 2) Color coding/icons on the mini map, I find it difficult at times to find trainers ect. 3) The character creation is very dull and bland. 4) More Races. 5) Better drops at lower levels. None of these are really a big issue for me other then the UI, but thats pretty much it. Other then these 5 things I love the game thuis far.
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