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Everything posted by -Azimov-

  1. Swap to the character that has slicing (Guardian I think I decoded from that) and collect any outstanding mission rewards, then DON'T send the companions back out again. Now change to your other characters that don't have slicing and it should be gone from the list letting you pick up that 3rd skill you want. Companions out on missions is what always causes temporary crew skills to be added to my list anyway. Gathering skills are the worst as I get extra resources node markers on the minimap that I cant then gather.
  2. Middle mouse button is also bound to cover by default if you are hitting that.
  3. Yes this an approach I believe they took in guild wars for the hub areas, where other peoples armour was rendered using lower res models/textures. I do hope this is doable and they aren't restricted to some global setting where everything is either high res, or low res.
  4. In the live client right now low=1 med/high=0 There is no difference in graphic setting between medium preset and the high preset.
  5. Armstech can make them, cant remember if I have seen an orange one to easily upgrade though. On the customisation front, you don't get a kit for Aric Jorgan either. All the initial empire companions do get them though Khem Vall, Kaliyo, Mako, Vette. So republic gets the shortstraw, might balance out with later companions, don't know.
  6. I have hit this a few times by mistake when putting my weapons away with the Z key, damn annoying. It isn't even meant to be the default binding for ticket, which if you hover over the top bar says CTRL + / (this works too) It is obviously hard bound somewhere in the code, because as pointed out binding \ to something else doesn't stop it opening ticket. The only semi fix could be to disable the key with something like Autohotkey to stop unwanted ticket pop ups, or rebind it to act like something else.
  7. This is a most confusing issue, how they have the textures in the game, yet we arent allowed to have them outside of cutscenes. Oh well heres my own side by side comparison shot using the communicator trick. http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/9761/texturesv.jpg
  8. I am glad BioWare spent so much time giving us representative icons rather than a few generic ones, though I would still like weapon previews too. Matched sets seem to be the bane of my life atm, get a nice blaster drop in a flashpoint, but then find out it is another different cool model to what I already have
  9. The infection is a standard debuff you can get hit with even if you not on the quest, just people aren't looking for it then. As said just make sure you take some hits from them, or monitor Corso's debuffs so you know what types were hitting him with it.
  10. Check this guide http://www.darthhater.com/articles/feature/19836-guide-companion-gifts Read it rather than watch the video, which is waffling and poorly planned.
  11. When I checked one item it was 4.5x what a vendor would pay me for it. So it was much more profitable than just vendoring them even if I reduced that price. I havent done extensive test to see if this ratio holds true for all items, I just wanted to make sure it didnt default to vendor price which would make bothering to put in on GTN a waste of time.
  12. Yes would be nice if we had a system as flexible as LoTRO where you could hide titles, guildnames etc individually.
  13. I think you have to disable the entire nameplate for friendly players in Prefrences > Nameplates , no partial disable for just titles.
  14. You just need to look at the rating number, not the same as the armour number. Rating is a general indication of the quality or power an item. Blue items are normally better than green only because they have a higher rating for the same level of item, purple better than blue for same reason.
  15. They can't "Fix" it, as it isn't broken, just a game design decision. They could change it so you could swap, but I hope they don't.
  16. Do bonus stages when on missions for extra Exp, this doesn't help you now but it is good for future play. As for where you are now, do heroics, do flashpoints, do warzones, do space combat. Heroics and Flashpoints can be done daily, there are also daily quests for PvP and Space Combat missions you want to make sure to get.
  17. Interesting, is Hutta listed under the planets subsection of the codex too or is it just showing in the overview? If its in the planets section then you can see what those 4 entries are meant to be from.
  18. Can you show us a screenshot of that? I only ever get planet entries in my codex after going there and discovering the first area. Also you can see what makes up those numbers if you click the icon to right of planet name, which will give you an expanded list.
  19. First reset is free, then it will get more expensive every time you use it.
  20. I presume this is the Taris quest? You want to look for Barrels of Blue Goo, not green pools. You just right click on one of the barrels to burn off the chemicals.
  21. No weapon previews though, or ability to zoom in on a specific part of the body. For weapons you have to make do with the fact BioWare spent some time creating a lot of unique icons to reflect a weapons look.
  22. Thanks for the link didnt know about the text commands, though I dont think he is saying they put numbers over the heads just each graphical picture has an associated number.
  23. Yes it is a group feature, but unlike a lot of games you don't have to be the group leader to use it. There is also a social item you can purchase that will put a small marker over a mobs head that can be used solo or in a group.
  24. There is a shuttle back to the fleet near the senate taxi terminal. Also if you check your abilities list by pressing P, you should have an emergency fleet pass skill under the general tab that can be used once every 18 hours to go directly there.
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