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Everything posted by zaknaphein

  1. 20 energy isnt nothing either. Okiezzzzz. So your point is? That resolve bar shouldn't work based on the duration/type of the cc but based on the cost of an ability? o.O So flawed...... Assassin's stun is the same one the sorcs have. But the force cost in accordance to their force pool is minimal. So, the resolve bar should only fill 100% !
  2. Yes and force regenerates at a flat amount. Energy doesn't. Old news is old...
  3. Useless! Useless! Useless! Oh wait i forgot! Useless!
  4. It's not. Learn to use it at the proper time. Whether to avoid dmg or dots to escape. Abilities that do weapon dmg, and not kinetic/energy, that's what evasion works against. Snipers/gunslingers, marauders/sentintels, guardians/juggernauts, assassins/shadows all of those classes have ''white dps'' as they would call it. They have ofc some energy/kinetic abilities too.
  5. You're wasting more energy for say a little more dmg which isn't worth it. Overall if you let backstab after the acid blade ticks have ended and re-apply you earn a lot more.
  6. Yesterday i played my sage alt for a while on the 10-49 bracket warzones. Needless to say i was running completely naked just for fun, and it was fun haha, coz hes fat and green. Anyway i felt so much useful, healing , dmging I even killed people 1on1, a powertech 4x lvl and mercenary 3x lvl, (i was 18-19 lvl naked). Don't think i would be able to do that on operative, let alone at those lvls o.O
  7. As a sc some of your skills' animations might delay but that doesnt affect your global cooldown so in the end its the same. But it does suck anyway I know, especially for sages/shadows.
  8. I missed the grins :> . It was fun however watching u hitting that victim and myself healing him right next to him . I know the feeling ofc lol but you didn't even bother ccing me there so i was happy! And i'm not even refering to the fact that you ignored a healer and went for the guy nearby ! Shame on you!
  9. You barely got my point but good thx for shutting it, bye.
  10. In time you will find out. Vs Pug people i can boast about operative too, yes im unbeatable. At grp vs grp situations I'm not. (Medicine) Must i copy/paste again? Showing off your valor rank nowadays means nothing. Maybe a few weeks ago, but not now. You're lucky then you have no good premade teams against you, or unlucky because you haven't reached your true potential against good players.
  11. In time you will find out. Vs Pug people i can boast about operative too, yes im unbeatable. At grp vs grp situations I'm not. (Medicine)
  12. Thank you for pointing out the obvious, and other classes can knockback them down off the platforms too o.O. You're talking about situational circumstances, I'm talking about overall PVP.
  13. You obviously have no clue what marauders are capable of.
  14. The force charge has a 15sec cd, that beats you o.O
  15. So, you're saying you're medicine specced if i 'm not mistaken, you're using armor adrenal plus endurance stim from biochem. That is good, but it's open to all classes and BH/troopers will still have more life than an op/sc. Also, field medics set provide less endurance. The great advantage you have as a healer op/sc is that you can keep moving and rarely stay for casting healings when needed, providing you the chance to los targets,yes, but if 2 mara/sentinels focus you, you won't escape as they can interrupt any possible heal you have even the tactical advantage casting one, and your surgical probe won't save you. Evasion will save your a.s.s for a few seconds but that's it. Vanish will help you, but 10secs without any heal is a great loss to your team. And one thing i forgot your kolto probes stacks don't heal that much with the pvp debuff....it's ok though and very good for spreading them out since they have a chance for a TA. Also, 4-5k dmg on hidden strike on BM targets as medicine is nearly impossible to get.
  16. Well, ops are ok. Don't expect to take down an oponent without him having a chance to react (that's good ofcourse). That's without reactive buffs (adrenals etc). You can use debilitate to stunlock the victim and reapply acid blade-backstab, which is a huge amount of dmg contributing to your overall dmg. But healers eck..no you cannot take them down, unless they have no clue what to do (bm healers), op/sc healers however are the easiest ones to kill as you can interrupt them. Fact is the sustained damage of an op is a bit down the scale now with the nerf to the opener,which is why healers /laugh at us if they go through with our opening rotation. As for 1vs1, ops/sc are dominating. They can pretty much solo any class (apart from well-geared healers who can sustain our burst and dmg after) since they can now control an oponent, make him waste his cc removal and then stun or cc him at the right time where a heal is needed having the upper hand.
  17. I still wonder ur reaction at that warzone when u told to me f.*%# off. Why? o.O Do you react like that at every player?
  18. Yup, as that ever mattered any on the previous patch notes. Thank you sir , for nothing.
  19. Mordern mmo market requires that a game is polished at release date, yes, things have changed. People have choices and that is what makes it a must. Minor bugs are to be expected, but client instabilities and game errors/bad perfomance are not allowed sorry. That is what betas are for. Today's mmo customers are more demanding than ever, content needs to be added in the first two months especially if the level limit is so easy and fast reachable. This is very affordable to a game that has released but has no serious problems to deal with such as performance/engine issues and delays. If you have spent whole budget for designing the game, expect another additional one to maintain the people to your game by organizing your working groups/expanding them even more.
  20. There are many things that don't make sense. This class was just a fill-up. An extra ''assassin'' that began as a mirror to the actual sith assassin but it was of medium range. Later they made it an opener-based class to differ from the assassins. Now...well.. i don't know what they're looking at for the future but this class has serious problems. Noone can tell what it was designed for. Roleplay purposes maybe. The talents need some serious tweaking, that includes medicine,concealment and lethality. Many don't even have synergy.
  21. That means the priority has changed to power instead. Even if that isn't the way, I coulnd't care less, this game is going down by the month... they have so many things to fix and they apply new that might actually shift the balance again towards one side or the other. Wake up!
  22. but it affects everyone.. muhahahaha As does the nerfbat, it affects everyone.
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