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Everything posted by BraaxusKun

  1. A good portion of the PvP community is also cross-eyed.
  2. People should stop qq'ing about smash and learn how to stay more than 5 metres away from a smash monkey
  3. seperate their tank and healer focus the healer profit
  4. I have to say powertechs and juggernauts are about equal now but of course shine in different areas Jugg can leap further (leap push leap) Jugg can intercede Jugg can reflect dmg However I'd say powertech is equal to juggs in huttball now because of hydraulic override you can get over fire traps without being rooted and avoid pulls - and the pt tank pull if you spec into it has a 3 second root on it so you can keep them in the fire longer (wait for the 3 seconds to end then use a stun, or they will use cc break and stun them). Oil slick is pretty nasty aswell. PT does more damage than jugg tank too.
  5. Part of the skill of pvp in this game is being able to use cc effectively, l2p
  6. to the people saying you can't get to mid fast enough to get them: i must just be imagining all the times i've pulled them into my team on my powertech and been able to leap to them every time on my marauder, weird
  7. BraaxusKun

    Nerf abilities

    absolutely ridiculous that in this day and age people are allowed to press a button and actually inflict HARM on my character!?!?!??!?! this needs adressed, all abilities (on scoundrels/ops especially) need a 300 minute cooldown 100% energy cost and 0 dmg dealt im dying 2 much on my assassin/gunslinger/smash juggernaut thanks
  8. sounds like you're a tunnel vision noob that a good player ran rings around 1/10 bad call for nerf attempt, operative doesn't have enough energy to heal after doing a rotation and rolling lol
  9. reported for racism, just because they're imperial doesn't make them bad
  10. no they aren't overpowered
  11. let me get this straight - you're asking why pvp gear is better fighting other players?
  12. lol dude merc/commando healers are far harder to actually kill - i play dps quite a lot and i can easily shut down an operative healer, if it's a commando or merc healer i know it's going to take a lot more effort to kill them because of heavy armor and their shield which is pretty good, operative lacks defense it is extremely squishy, yes it can stealth, but when an operative stealths he isn't using big heals, his HOTs will keep going for a few more seconds but thats it
  13. if you can't shut down an operative by yourself you're bad, if you can't kill them fair enough - it could be a good player, but if you can't even keep them occupied then you need some more practice
  14. simple fix: create recruit gear which is automatically put in their inventory upon hitting 55 and the stats are not much lower than partisan - gear gap is small between partisan and conq make the stat diff the same between recruit - partisan
  15. they don't catch it the ball floats around whoever it gets thrown at jeez
  16. before you go waving around your nerf bats how about you actually roll an operative healer first to see that they aren't OP, you're just bad. surgical probe spam isn't even that good (2 - 3k heal usually) if you have a better rotation than 1 2 3, a sorc has far better single target heals than an operative aswell - pretty sure if you crit on innervate it heals for 10k
  17. honestly doesn't make much of a difference lol, walk like 2 or 3 metres in a certain direction and you will have line of sight on the position like 99% of the time
  18. lol@people attacking the flashbang ability and claiming assassin has no cc compared to operatives/sniper fact is they're different classes for a reason and something has to give them an advantage over the other classes - seriously concealment v deception in a wz the only advantage operative has over the assassin is aoe cc and airstrike, operative is bad enough compared to assassin as it is and now assassins crying about flashbang makes me lol
  19. Pretty tired of people still claiming ops are OP etc etc, the fact is, operative defense CDs are bad, shield probe absorbs literally one decent hitting ability if even, and evasion is only 3 - 4 seconds of ranged/melee defense and every class has an ability to use through that, for example, marauder though primarily melee has force scream and smash. Sure, you may not be able to kill an operative because he can stealth and surgical probe under 30%, but when hes using surgical probe or stealthing his team isn't getting any spectacular heals, people argue that ops are OP just because of the scoreboard and how ops get higher overall heals, but thats only because of AOE heals to top off your health, in terms of single target sorceror is more useful because they have higher single target heals, hell look at the world record for highest single heal and you will see what i meant earlier when i said sorc - least survivability - highest single target heals op - mid merc - heavy armor/hydraulic over-ride/25% shield/some interrupt immunity world record for biggest single target heal sorc - Anotei (Jar'kai Sword) (13597) http://i.imgur.com/auavhDK.jpg operative - Braaxus-kun(The Bastion) (10688) http://i.imgur.com/7XeakrJ.jpg merc - Physco(Jedi Covenant) (9326) http://i1180.photobucket.com/albums/...2-30-33-05.png the fact is sorc does least well under pressure - best single target heal operative is in the middle (sure it can GET AWAY - but he ISNT doing BIG heals while running) - mid single target mercenary can take the most pressure - lowest single target heal
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