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Everything posted by Renita

  1. You can remove roll into cover from your hot bar, but make sure you have a key bind for it. Sometimes rolling into cover will save your ***. But you shouldnt only roll into cover, I do agree.
  2. I could have added thing people find op about all the other classes (not every spec), but I think I made my point well enough with the fact that you can't cry OP nerf to five classes in a game and say that there is no class balance. Everyone has tools that they can use to counter the other classes, and gear aside, a players skill, or ability to not make a mistake, is often the determination of who wins. When two players of equal skill/gear up against each other, the loser is generally the first one to make a mistake. No one is perfect all the time.
  3. Well depending on your play style, your spec, and the role your team asks you to play/you decide to play may differ greatly as a gunslinger. Each spec, including hybrids feels very different to play so its nice to have options. A dirty fighter deals a lot of damage though dots. They are very effective against tanks. They have the most abilities that will help you kite your enemies. In the hands of a well played character they can 1 v 2. See one of the many guides to DF for more details. A SS deals a massive amount of damage to a single target. They have amazing burst damage, and despite the bad rep, they are actually extremely mobile in the hands of a pro. 1v1 should generally not be a problem, 1 v 2, well that probably depends. I am sure a truly skilled SS could handle the challenge, especially when they can find good hard cover to get behind for added defenses and if they remember to readjust themselves in cover to gain extra procs of ballistic dampers. See one of the many guides on SS for more details. A Sab spec. this is my favorite spec (although they are all good and viable everyone has a favorite and this happens to be mine). Sab specializes more in the you can't kill me department. They can still put out massive amounts of damage, but they are more focused on AoE rather than single target, and there are so many defensive talents in the spec. It has been said they are areal denial spec'd. If you don't want some to stand somewhere, you have plenty of powerful placed AoE to make them either move, or suffer the consequences. In a Warzone it is extremely difficult if not down right impossible to cap a node while a sab spec'd slinger is alive. And a well played sab spec slinger is pretty difficult to kill especially when they have a tank and/or a healer watching their back. So, yes they can 1 v 1, yes they can 1 v 2 sometimes. But whats better and more useful is their ability to 2 v 6 or 3 v 8 at least long enough to get reinforcements. While a lot of dps melt while being focused down, a well geared, well played sab spec slinger supported by their team mates can survive quite the focus fire before they finally fall in combat. See the thread incendiary grenade, oh how you are misunderstood, for more tactics of a sab spec. There is also a guide in the forums, but it is slightly outdated. Mainly just several posts thoughout several threads share a bit about the spec. To answer your question a gunslinger in the hands of a pro is quite lethal. As someone said earlier it is about knowing your opponents' abilities as well as your own and know how to counter them. To play the spec to its full potential learn to love the cover mechanic despite bugs, nuances, etc. Your cover is your greatest asset and never forget that no matter what spec you play. Bind both crouch(take cover in place) and roll into cover. And use natural cover as often as you can. By the way there are several hybrid specs as well that are viable if you choose that route. I am sorry if this felt a little bit like me saying Sab is the best pvp spec. I really don't feel that sab is the "best" pvp spec. I just happen to love playing it so much that it is the "best" pvp spec for me. All of the trees and many hybrids are viable and can really thrive in pvp. I truly believe that gunslingers are lucky to have so many options for variety.
  4. ok so let me get this straight: Ops are OP because they can stunlock you to death(dps) or hot up everything and runaway making them unkillable (healers). Assassins are OP because of force shroud/stealth, tank spec too hard to kill too much damage blah blah blah. Powertechs are OP due to massive damage, sentinels are OP due to god cooldown/massive damage, now snipers are OP due to cover? Um, all this leads me to believe that really no class is OP. We all have pretty good toolsets and just need to use them to our advantage.
  5. you do realize that if the pyro tech taunts you it does not reduce the damage you put out to him. Not saying it isn't good to throw a taunt on someone that is trying to kill your healer, but in a one on one fight if they taunt you all they will be doing is wasting a valuable cooldown. That is why as a general rule I don't actually like macroing multiple abilities together.
  6. No they cannot, it has an 18 second cool down and an 18 second duration therefore only one can be down at a time, if there are 2 plasma probes up than there are 2 snipers.
  7. if you know that there are 4 teams in the queue and its not popping you should submit an in game ticket. That is a pretty terrible bug, and it will get to the proper department much quicker if you submit the ticket in game rather than mention it here.
  8. They are going to have solo ranked queues, they just don't have an eta on it yet. And not all ranked teams are like that one. I have never had a person intentionally leave ( not dc) a ranked match. I know it happens but you should remind them, that it still counts as a loss if you leave. Hell it counts as a loss if you don't take a ranked invite, this is to help prevent some queue dodging I am sure. Although I know some people just don't queue if they think a better team is queuing. Honestly I would rather just play them, and improve my skills. Although I get not wanting to play them 3 times in a row when you are the only 2 teams queuing.
  9. Please note that ALL of my comments are base on PVP and not PVE. Also keep in mind that I have recently decided to try not having hot pursuit in exchange for more hps after having it since they changed the talent in 1.2. To be honest I didnt think the increased hps was really worth it until I had better gear, as the amount of health it gives you is directly related to how much health you have. Its just that it does more damage as your rolling around or running between places of cover. It also helped me with my energy management. I only ever use to use floury of bolts to stop someone from capping, now I have put floury of bolts in the place where I use to have quick shot on my hotbar so I don't blow all my energy using quickshots out of habit. How much more damage? Well my quick shots hit between 1000 to 1500 on average, very rarely would it dip lower than 1000, my basic shot often hits around 1000 but sometimes dips as low as 700, I think this is mainly do to the fact that quick shot has 10% more accuracy than your basic shot, rather than the fact that quick shot is a harder hitting ability. This accuracy also effects the proc of our off hand which hits much more often with quick shot than with our basic attack and hits harder as well. Now whether or not that increase in damage is worth it versus the increase in hp, we'll see now that I have changed my spec. Now as to feeling like you "have to use it". Don't. Sometimes you might only want to get off one or two as you are running. Sometimes you might need more, just as a person who does not have the free shots might use quickshot on the run. Sometimes you might not need it at all, maybe you are better off dotting as you run. Maybe you are busy doing shock charge + incendiary grenade to stun your target. Maybe you are hitting multiple targets as you run so you are using your grenades. The internal cooldown is a complete non issue for me. The proc was always up when I needed it. To be honest the only argument I would actually make against hot pursuit is one you haven't mentioned, which is that you must remain out of cover to use the free shots. You cannot just stand up, get back into cover and keep the proc to be able to use the free shots from the safety of your 6% less damage taking cover. So it is really meant for running and gunning. As I got better gear, and have been running with some good healers and tanks who protect me very well, I have found that while I am not standing and being an immobile turret, I am also not really running and gunning as much anymore, with the exception of the tunnels in voidstar and Huttball. Rather I find a couple good spots, and readjust often to keep ballistic dampers up, and LoS as needed, protect healers, protect my node/door, find a good hard cover place to protect myself against white damage etc. Now this doesn't mean I never run and gun, but kitting is not my specialty, although I am sure it is yours, since I know you run DF most of the time from your previous posts that I have read. I honestly haven't needed to kite most people due to the amazing defense sab gives, aided by the support of my good healers and tanks. Obviously there are some people I do need to kite, but those are PEOPLE, not any class in particular. I prefer just to throw a ton of aoe on the melee that dare come near me . So to answer your question is hot pursuit worth 2 talent points? That all depends on your play style. If you find yourself using basic shot out of cover often, then absolutely it will increase your damage. If you are having energy management issues, it may help you. If neither of those apply, then perhaps another talent may compliment your playstyle better.
  10. Renita

    Ranked Solo Queue

    It will be a separate queue for only solo queues and you will have a separate rank from the team ranking. I believe the reason they couldn't role it out yet is because they wanted the server populations to settle before they started cross server. If they tried to do team and solo before cross server was perfected, then there would be a huge issue, as queues for ranked are already pretty long. If they had opted to go with solo before team I think that would have made a lot of people who just want to be able to play together very angry. I am sure that it won't just be tabled and never come out, but I am also sure that it will be months before it does come out. After all 1.3 just launched.
  11. in game go to your warzone menu ( the screen you queue from) then read the text, you have scroll a bit. I am pretty sure it explains about solo queues and cross server queues once season one starts. No timeline though, I would imagine it will be months for preseason, or atleast I hope it is to give people time to get the ranked gear and fun stuff. Honestly, I am pretty sure its been on that screen since the first day that 1.3 was on the pts, but most people didn't really talk about it, or read it for that matter.
  12. As promised here are a few viable specs for a sab spec, I have achieved success in warzones with all of the specs below. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#700GbZrI0bRRrorsZb.2 the run speed boost is good for kiting, running away, but also good for running towards an objective. I liked this but ultimately found ballistic dampers to be more useful with my playstyle. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#700hZrI0bRRrorsZbcM.2 This build is my tried and true build, I have used it with a lot of success for months http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#700oZrIMrRRborsZbcM.2 This is my latest build which I have not had any problems with yet, still deciding if I like it more or less than my previous build, I do miss the free quick shots, and the 2% loss to crit doesn't seem to kill my ability to crit, but it is somewhat noticeable. My strategy with this spec is to be pretty impossible to kill, I was already hard to kill, but this just give me a little extra edge. I am not sure I like cool under pressure yet. It yields about 1200 hp for me(20300max hp), I can pop it twice in a row for dire circumstances with sabotage to reset it, couple with using defense screen twice due to its reset, does make me pretty hard to kill, but then I have blown the ability for me to use cool head for another minute, which is bad for energy management, so it should only be used as a last resort. Usually double defense screen does the trick so you can save cool head as needed. The reason I take the accuracy versus cover screen as Riq suggests is that I have found being able to replace the accuracy on my gear for more favorable power and surge which you cannot improve through talents, is more beneficial than the ranged defense you gain from cover screen which is very situational. My best recommendation to you is that over time you utilize all the talents first hand, so you can see which one's you prefer. These are only a few of the specs I have used. I have seen arguments made for or against pretty much every talent in every tree, so make sure you are choosing the ones that compliment your play style. For me, I tend to take a heavy defensive role, never taking my eyes off of a door or node, unless I am called to aid on a different node. As a sab spec it is extremely difficult for someone to cap against you, so that's why I decided to pick up even more defensive talents to make me even more difficult to kill.
  13. Since 1.3 I have had zero issues with RNG in voidstar. In fact, this is what happens: specific example: Ranked warzone match, we held the other team at the second door on defense. Offense begins, it takes us a few minutes to get through the first door, then we slow them in the tunnels speed ahead for the bridge. The game then ends because we opened the bridge before they had opened the bridge. we didn't even have to try to get the second door open for the win. I have seen this happen in regular matches as well, but I wanted to give a specific example that happen just 2 nights ago. Pre 1.3 the win was still suppose to go to the team who broke though the furthest objective faster in a tie, but it did not end early, so it was difficult to tell if it was working properly. The only RNG left is if both teams hold at the first door. I know a lot of people still complain about this, perhaps Bioware will come up with a better solution someday, but as it stands, I don't think that most games end with neither team getting past the first door anyways.
  14. The bonus is based on the time it takes to win not the time it takes to get to the datacore. If they cose to not give the time bonus other than in the time it takes to get to the datacore, a team that holds the line at the first door, but then plows through and gets that first door opened in less than a minute would never see those medals, and may not even see the eight medals required to get max coms. It shouldn't really effect the people who make it further because it would be rare for you to win a match by going the whole way to the data core and you not get the eight medals required for max coms. Unless of course you make it to the datacore in less than the allotted time for those extra medals, which is probably why they exist in the first place.
  15. I don't think anyone if fooling themselves, bioware is doing their best to cater to both. An mmo cannot survive without both the casual and hardcore gamer. And it cannot survive without a proper community where people come together to achieve a common goal. Bioware has already announced that this is preseason of ranked warzones and that season one will have both solo queue and eight man queues. The game also has a mechanic where it prefers to put two premades against each other. As a person who frequently runs in four man premades I can tell you this is absolutely true. I generally find myself against teams with a premade as well. Of course there may not be enough premades running sometimes, and then we will get put up against all pugs, but the other option would be we have to sit in queue longer than everyone else, just because we want to play together. Most premades in regular warzones are there because friends like to play together. Yes they may have an advantage due to using vent, mumble, team speak, whatever. But they are not unbeatable. Taking away the ability for friends to get together, whether it's casually or hardcore, sort of defeats the point of an mmo.
  16. There is some good information on sab spec throughout this thread http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=459800&highlight=Incendiary+grenade As your burst rotation you should be looking at shock charge, incendiary grenade, sab charge, illegal mods, speed shot, luck, charged burst. You could start it off with flourish shot as needed to reduce your targets Armor and healing as needed. You may need to throw Ina floury of bolts to finish your last contingency charge unless your target is already below thirty percent, which it often will be. If below thirty percent QuickDraw. Depending on your energy you may need to coolhead at this point, and after popping both coolhead and defense screen, pop sabotage to give that extra burst riq mentioned. Aside from this burst rotation I don't have a set rotation in pvp, I try to react accordingly to my surroundings. My main role on my team to complete node denial, pop aoe on healers to force them out of their position, and keep people off my healers. You could go with the spec riq suggests, but there are a couple of other viable specs for sab spec depending on your play style and your role within your team. I am on my iPad right now, so I will link them to you later when I am on the computer.
  17. generally people want 100% basic, 110% tech as the minimum, some prefer more because it is increased chance to hit with our off hand and it increases our ability to penetrate through our targets defense/resistance. Some people don't care about accuracy for basic attacks as much and are willing to go as low as 95% basic, 105% tech. Basic affects only your free attack, but I like tech to be at 110% and using your basic attack is vital to energy management so I try to keep mine at a minimum of 100% basic and 110% tech accuracy. I don't think it is so bad if you are closer to 105% basic, 115% tech if you want more, but many would argue that replacing that with power, crit or surge would give you a higher dps gain than the benefits you receive from increased accuracy.
  18. I am going to disagree here. What makes cookie cutter tactics is when players do the same thing every match. I pvp a lot and I can tell you that I have seen many different viable strategies in each of the games. Some more effective than others. Most strategies are dependent on group make up. I am of the opinion that all classes are viable in pvp, while certain specs may be more viable than others. As for pvp being too fast paced for tactics, if you are losing and don't take a second to regroup and come up witha quick plan, you will never get that second node back, or recover the ball in hutt ball. As for scoundrels not being effective my buddy scoundrel would laugh at you. He is generally our objectives guy. He caps more nodes and doors than anyone else I know. Not just from being sneaky, but also from being very good at one v one fights. He generally scores or assists in the score of most of our huttball scores, and he is extremely good a guarding a node by himself, and knows when to call for help early. By the way there is tax with a stealthy remaining stealthed the majority of the game, and that is the dps loss, however sometimes this is worth it when you are playing objectives well. There is definitely a lot of skill required both on an individual and team level if you want to be a top team in ranked warzones.
  19. This bug has been going on for over a week now, the important thing to make sure of is what color you are in the beginning. Then you will know what team you are on. I have had this bug several times and always got credit for the appropriate win or loss. It sucks that it didn't work out that way for you. I will say it is a pretty annoying bug and I hope you reported it in game.
  20. Field tech 4 piece set bonus is awesome. Extra range on your execute ability and your interrupt. And the stats on the field tech gear tend to be better for a sniper than the enforcer gear, but some people do prefer the enforcer set bonuses and stats, so it's up to you. Personally, I would not want to give up that range bonus.
  21. not using cover as a sab spec means you are taking 6% more damage than you should be (assuming you are full sab spec, not hybrid which is a different style of play). We have a talent in the 2nd to last tier that makes us take 6% less damage while in cover. Now I am not saying you should always stay in cover. Kiting and LoSing are all very useful. But if you are rarely going into cover, you may not be taking full advantage of the amazing defense that sab provides, especially coupled with ballistic dampers in the SS tree. Now I want to stress that being in cover does not mean sitting in one place in cover. I often feel more mobile on my gunslinger than I do on my sage (only level 21 so that may improve) and definitely more mobile than my commando (lvl 50).
  22. While you could do most of your abilities out of cover as DF, ignoring the ability to take cover even as a scoundrel is a bad idea. Especially in pvp. Taking cover provides a lot of benefits. You cannot be leapt to or pulled, although you can be pushed. As a gunslinger you cannot be interrupted. You can roll to or away from an enemy. While in hard cover you block out most of the incoming white damage. basically, not using cover ever, would be the equivalent of a guardian never using guardian leap. You could do your job, but you would be neglecting an important utility tool. So you would rely on cover less as a DF spec gunslinger, but if you don't want to go into cover ever I would not recommend you playing a smuggler.
  23. What you maybe experiencing is that there are areas in which you cannot go into cover. For example when you are standing on an object, as opposed to the ground, or if you are on the edge of the rafters in huttball. The annoying thing is, if you are standing in a spot in which you cannot take cover in place the game does not let you roll into cover either. Even though you can see the little green dude. Now I am not saying cover isn't still a little buggy, but it is a lot better than it was. I hope this helps.
  24. The way I use the cover bar, is that for a lot of my abilities that require cover I put the crouch button on the main bar, and then the actual ability on the cover bar. This makes it so I can hit the hot key twice to make the ability go off, rather than hit cover, then the ability. I have found this extremely useful for abilities like cover pulse and hunkerdown. This is also useful for when I am knocked out of cover in the heat of the moment and don't realize it. When I go to use a cover ability that I need, I drop into cover, then I can hit it again because I see that I just dropped into cover. I wish I could say that this was my idea, but I saw a screenshot of someone else a while back and decided to try it out. It works well for me.
  25. While I agree with you that being able to bring down single target enemies quickly is helpful to the team's win. The amount of dps a person does in a match never tells you how well they performed. A person may have defended a node all alone and few people came over to them, but when they did they called for help as needed, and never let anyone ninja the node away. Someone could have scored every huttball, but they were not dpsing much. Someone could have placed aoes on the nodes to prevent capping or placed aoe in an area they don't want the enemy, like on top of our healers, or they placed aoes on large groups of enemies killing multiple people at the same time which helps to clear the board of your enemies. There is nothing more satisfying than watching 3 to 5 people take freighter flyby with the aid of you and your teammates cc/roots. All of these people will vary in dps, but they were all extremely effective at playing their role. Conversely you may see someone with really high dps, but they were never anywhere near an objective, and let people ninja nodes right under their nose. In this case the scoreboard might say they had top dps, but I wouldn't really want to group with them.
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