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Everything posted by Nijraw

  1. Quit the game, I feel I gave more then enough time waiting, at this point if things don't start looking up I will have to move one, with Gw2, MoP and all the other MMO's coming out I really see no need to give them any more of my time unless I see results before the start of the summer, I given 6 mths so far understanding that all new MMO need time to iron out the kinks and 6 Mths is more then enough time IMO. Allthough things are looking good so far I must admit but know really knows until its done, also I will not pay for any transfer, I feel it should be a free service like Rift has, as I stated in another post Bioware does not have that luxury to be charging any more money unless it's a expac, when and if Bioware has 8+ million subs then they can charge because at that point they are far from the danger zone, Swtor at this point is hovering around 1 million subs they better be humble and very nice to there players base because one wrong move and this game loses another 400k subs and that they can not afford.
  2. You should at least make it so Shields & defense isn't useless. A while back you guys said that you really didn't know how to make tanks work in pvp so I am here to help. Shields in PvP should trigger from all direct damage,melee,range,tech & force, crits should no longer bypass shield and become absorbed the same as any other damage type, but have the shield chance in PvP be that of a characters damage reduction expertise stat. Deflections should remain the same.
  3. The fact that you have to make such a post proves they are overpowered, when is the last time you seen any other class thread like this?
  4. Fire & smoke Aoe seems to drop my frames per second to 10FPS, I run Swtor above 80FPS at any given time but as soon as the ground is covered in smoke & fire the game breaks for me, unplayable, remove all smoke effects from WZ or have a option to turn it off. Now days with all the FOTM pyrotechs WZ are covered with smoke & fire, it wasnt so bad when people played other specs & classes but that's not the case now.
  5. And is the reason they need to add macro support to level the playing field for some players, here is one case, a close friend of mine suffered some nerve damage to his left arm and because of this he lost his ability to compete in pvp, as a result of swtor having no macros he no longer plays. Players using programmable hardware and players with a handicap is why Bioware needs to add macro support to level the playing field and make this game enjoyable for more people.
  6. I will ONLY play a class/spec that is strong 1v1 because as someone said before you are just that much more of a asset to your team, people that hide behind this (forget 1v1 balance crap) only say this because they suck in pvp and only do well with support or hiding behind a group of there team mates ,doing nothing more then the bare minimum to feel useful to the team. I take great pride in my personal pvp skills and it show every time I join a WZ with up to 3-4 MVP votes in a pug-group just about every game, I owe that reason to my years of homing 1v1 tactics to better understand how to counter classes & spec tactics and use that to counter group tactics. I played every class and in spec swtor this far and some classes and specs are just flat out overpowered and some suck so bad that I have to wonder if Bioware even knows what the h*ll they are doing, but I will help them so long as they are willing to hear me out and learn from a pro gamer for the last 12 years in the MMO business, and my advise to to balance all classes and spec as close as you can to 1v1 balance for greater balanced group pvp.
  7. Smug/Scound, the shotgun or scatter gun as they call it.
  8. Allot of things don't make sense in this game, mail boxes just one of them. Q. Why do we they use water ships in swtor (example) intro video of Denova Coast ?, as soon as you unlock anti-gravity technology, all ground based transportation becomes obsolete. Q. How do Jedi Consular's pull rocks out of ship in decks without causing a hull breach and sending everyone out into space? Q. Why are Smugglers still using primitive projectile weapons in a Universe where energy weapons are standard issue ?
  9. As a whole they are fine, it's ready just one spec (watchman), that spec in pvp has no weakness, they can not be kited, they can bypass armor, they can heal and do burst all with the defensive skills given to all Sents, same case with Shadow tanks in Dps gear they had no weakness. I feel Bioware is just trying to figure out how to tweek them without hurting them to the point where everyone just stays away from the spec, as I posted above I feel it's there healing in the watchman tree that makes them OP when stacks with everything else a Sent gets.
  10. It's not the damage, I feel the damage is fine alone, it's the defense stacked with a burn healing spec that makes Sent/Mara O V E R P O W E R E D in pvp, I have a Sent and I don't even try half as hard to kill things or worry as much about dying then I do with my Shadow, Jedi Knight, and Trooper, lie to yourselves all you want Sent/Mara defense with a healing burns are OP. 2 things can happen to fix this: 1.Nerf there defense (but that will just ruin the non burn specs) 2.Nerf burn spec (watchman) by lowering the healing or dot damage (lowering dot damage will hurt PvE) so lower the healing is your best bet, problem solved. Unlike other classes that have passive healing it does not trickle any less then once every 3 secs (example Smugglers/Scraps Surprise Comeback skill every 3 seconds healed for 2% of max health), Shadows can only trigger it once every 4.5 secs and a channeled heal at 3 stacks that take a minimum of 12 secs to set up, and that is getting nerfed 1.3. Sent/Mara can have over 50% crit chance with burns and stacking more then one burn on a target at a time and all rolling at different intervals having the Sent/Mara being healed every second with burns that apply a rapid 6 second dot like (Cauterize) making Sent/Maras healing over time the fastest in the game, like I said with over 50% burn crit and more then one burn on a target or more ,it's up 80% of the time (pretty much non stop) and i'm not even counting centering stacks in Juyo Form. Another Fix would be to have the burn heal only trigger once every 3 seconds to keep it in line with other heal over time spells.
  11. Yeah I guess we will have to wait and see, I'm almost ready for the PTR just waiting for my toon to transfer and really see for myself before I really go ape shizz.
  12. I'm shocked beyond belief that they again dodged the nerf bat, I was almost 100% sure that sent/mara would of got toned down in some way so they wouldn't be so overpowered in PvP, I am at a loss for words. What's really going on here? I have been scratching my head trying to see if I may have missed something but I can't see the logic in having Sent/Mara in the state they are now and call it anything but unbalanced. Guys what is your thoughts on the subject and please be unbiased?
  13. lol I feel your pain, I for sure thought Sent/Mara & Assa/Pryo would of got hit with something by they both dodged the nerf bat.
  14. I use a Razer Naga, with Razer you can use synapse 2.0, it is within the rules so long as there there is no botting, you can't anyways with synapse 2.0 after all Swtor has Razer gear that uses the same program so it would be like a cop selling drugs and busting you for selling it yourself lol.
  15. * An issue that could cause the global cooldown to incorrectly occur when rapidly attempting to use multiple abilities has been corrected.
  16. Tested this to see but i'm seeing if it does but Shii-Cho mastery shows no debuff on the target I can't tell if it stacks, anyone know if it stacks with Sundering Strike or not?
  17. Here is what I love to do with my Shadow, I'll vanish mid combat then mez (sap) them and out of combat heal right in front of the enemy......yes this works I do it all the time, so making a Shadow run is a bad idea, you want to keep the pressure on them or they will reset the fight and own you.
  18. I have been screaming this for a long time now, I truly feel that the Guardian class was not well thought out and they for some reason thought that heavy armor would off set this but as we know it's worthless. I posted my idea on how to fix the guardian in my other post but ill share my ideas here in case some people didn't read it. a. Guardians NEED a passive combat heal when CCed (like the WoW warriors) to help counter there lack of ranged and escapes. b. Guardians need a saber reflect skill (spell reflect) a skill that reflects all damage back to the attacker. c. Guardians need a single target snare tied to one of there major attacks example Blade Storm. d. Guardians need to have a added damage or damage over time effect tied to there no cost attack to help keep a small amount of damage flowing when kited. Lets take a look at some of the WoW abilities that are given to there Warrior class to help them counter kiting and lack of escapes: 1. Blood Craze, http://www.wowhead.com/spell=16487 After taking any damage, you have a 10% chance to regenerate 1/2/3% of your total health over 5 sec. 2. Second Wind, http://www.wowhead.com/spell=29834 Whenever you are struck by a Stun or Immobilize effect you generate 10 Rage and 2/5% of your total health over 10 sec. 3. Spell Reflection, http://www.wowhead.com/spell=23920 15 Rage Instant cast Requires Shields Requires Battle Stance, Defensive Stance Raise your shield, reflecting the next spell cast on you. Lasts 5 sec.
  19. wrong, because delays will cause your ability to cancel out if you spam another ability if the animation isn't finished, causing a global cool down with no damage. Damage should go off the moment the button is pressed but in Swtor some abilities seem to go off after the animation is done, this is a MAJOR bug and a crappy job at coding.
  20. I couldn't agree more, the animations KILL pvp, I got to the point that I stopped using some abilities in PvP.
  21. I agree but on equal terms, if a team lacks one or the others roles then balance is out of whack, healing breaks that more then anything. Healing IMO should be personal not group wide, and healing should be given to everyone to support one self not one person supporting the group.
  22. There is really nothing we can do at this point, the game is designed around the concept of dedicated healing for a system to work without such a thing would have to be designed from the ground up without dedicated healing and is the reason I am looking forward to Gw2.
  23. Well the is the problem if things are not 100% mirrored on the opposing side you run into this massive imbalance and that imbalance is mostly due to the concept of dedicated healing, removing dedicated healing by giving everyone the ability to heal themselves of healing all together will creating a self sufficient player and team and at the same time creating better balanced PvP in the process, when a player or group has to face a dedicated healer this breaks the true balance of PvP in a group setting forcing the team to have to souly focus on that healer so pretty much turning the match into "chase the healer" instead of out thinking and out playing the opposing faction though personal player skill and team work.
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