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Everything posted by Loknido

  1. If you're wiping 5 times and complaining about the 66 blue gear, get the 66 crafted gear then try again. I jumped into these with pugs, i was mostly 61/63 tank with a few 66 purple mods that got from crafting. Wiped only once on my first run and it was because I tried to take on all bots in athiss (before first boss) instead of CC. If you're having a tough time take a second to mark CC targets or talk to your pugs on how to do a boss, it's not that hard really.
  2. I would go with Defense/Power but look at the post again http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=616779 Compare your stat budget to that chart and see what stat you are lacking the most of and go with that. I personally won't start min/maxing until I have a full set of 55 gear, i'm still rocking some DG pieces but if you want to get started go with that.
  3. People are Joking right? This was the most fun quest because it was challenging, it wasn't hard but it is challenging. I have solo'd it 3 times on an Assassin, Jugg and Sorc and didn't have trouble with any of them.
  4. I currently have 15/35/27 with mostly 66 mod gear. I have done a few HM 55 FPs and my guildmate definitely is having a harder time healing me on jugg than when i tank on my assassin, might need to get proc relics to help me out.
  5. Bump Got some people and are now starting a second HM 55 FPs group and close to starting ops. any people interested send a tell.
  6. You know if you have such a big problem with them and how this game works, you can always unsub. No one is forcing you to stay....and I doubt many will miss you.
  7. Since my guildees don't do any pvp at lvl 50 I thought i could get some people to roll with. I'm tired of running into premades so if you can't beat em, make your own. I'm on from 3-6 p.m pacific, if interested you can whisper me (Loknido, Notloknido, Common, Loknida), have vent! I just want someone to play with I'm so lonely!!!!
  8. Hello All, We're recruiting people for mostly pvp and hopefully leveling once the xpack is released. We're pretty laid back, there have always been 5 core members in this guild (we know each other IRL) and are looking for more people to have fun with. Play times are mostly from 3 p.m to 10 p.m Pacific, there should always be at least one person online doing something. Weekend times vary. Looking for anyone that wants to do pvp, level or do flashpoints, we quit doing ops a while back since we lost some members but we may do one from time to time. We don't have any requirements for you to join besides be ready to have fun! (and vent) You can respond here if interested or Whisper me in game for any questions or just to do some lvl 50 pvp, I'm on from 3-6 p.m pacific (Loknido, Notloknido, Common, Loknida)
  9. This sounds like a great idea. I would be surprised if it worked but I would be down.
  10. I agree with you, I think more people have more than one level 50 character if it didn't take as long. Can't wait for the next weekend.
  11. Hello people, I'm Wondering how much did double XP help you level your characters. Please post 1. From what level did you start and at what level did you end 2. About how many hours it took 3. your thoughts I leveled my Juggernaut from level 37 to 50 in about 10 hours, double XP weekends are awesome and i definitely plan to take advantage of all the ones coming up.
  12. I will be there, are we paying the entry fee at the location or beforehand?
  13. Sounds like it could be fun, I would be interested in this.
  14. Yes, doing a ton of damage makes you a pvp god and capping, carrying the ball or trying to hold people off for someone to do one the mentioned doesn't count for anything. There's no way in hell you can gauge how "good" a player is by damage when it comes to pvp, you might as well be playing WoW if you want to flex your e-peen. The ones with the most damage are usually the ones who just go "PEW PEW PEW LOL YOU DEAD!!" and completely ignore the objectives. Now if you have bad damage and you lose, well then yes that is bad.
  15. If you really are a "good" player then "noobs" having the same gear as you shouldn't bother you cause you can still beat them right? I mean, what seperates the "good" players from the "noobs"? skill, right? so then how is giving "good" players better gear than "noobs" make you an even better player when they're at a disadvantage?
  16. Are you guys serious? I had no issues at all while leveling. I was actually in zones where the level req was higher at some points I was leveling in belsavis at 41 and did the first quests with no issues. If you're Deception and not using a tanking companion then of course you will have a hard time. I leveled with Khem Val until I got Xylek I destroyed regular mobs my level and 2 levels higher, Elites would not give me issues just use the abilities you're given. If you let your companion take all the damage Elites will rip them then kill you I would taunt off my companion activate deflect, deal massive damage then have my companion taunt. Not to mention the 1 minute CC or 10 sec if they're droids. I think your issue here is your gear might not be too good. I had mostly mod gear and have artifice as crafting skill so i would always have gear my level. It's either that or you're just not playing right (no insult intended)
  17. Within a week i got enough expertise to not get "1 shotted". There's no way they would make pve and pvp have same reward, that's just stupid. Maybe You should spend more time playing and less time crying on the forums,then your gear wouldn't suck and you'd have enough expertise to have fun.
  18. What level were you guys? I did it as an Assassin on 2nd try at lvl 33 it's not overly complicated. I have no issues with the story. sure it seems made with sorcerers in mind but assassin's are still force users, we just use it in a different way.
  19. I have an Assassin who is Dark III at the moment and Light I. I just pick the choices that seem like something I would do without really looking at the points it will give you. If someone betrays me and I get the opportunity to pay them back I will, if someone helps me out I won't kill them just to get Dark side points. Play the story how you want, in the end i'm sure there is going to be a way to "make up" the points you've lost. on a side note I also try to hook up with as many chicks as I can
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