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Posts posted by mfourcustom

  1. Man I remember back when 2.0 dropped and **** was nuts! So many people so many instances of makeb was the closest i've seen the game to launch in terms of player pop since the first threeish weeks of launch. I know in SOR **** was going ham as well but most def not as big as 2.0... Man idk every xpac has gotten just worse in terms of content/support for the game. I think SOR was probably it for the game in terms of "second chances/third chances for most players. The large majority of players I knew and came to knew from server merges and such left the game when 8v8 rated was removed... Granted It's not like i knew *********** everyone but i'm talking about more than a handful or large solid as **** guilds that either focused in both pvp and pve or just pvp. Many of those players came back for SOR gave the game their "third" chance so to speak and it just wasn't anything really newish ya new story and an ops or so but how many times can you run the ONE newest op knowing this ops is probably all your gonna get that xpac.. lol how many times can you play the same WZ with no point behind them other than queuing 4s if you can get behind the idea's of 4s... Now i know SOR was a renaissance period so to speak for the game but the game just doesn't hold people... You get to a point in these xpacs where you find yourself lacking all motivation to do anything at least this is what I gatherer from speaking with friends who refuse to come back for 5.0 and mostly looking back I know for a fact I would have quit this game around like 1.4 lol If i didn't have a great guild filled with people I enjoyed spending my days with... The devs have to say these things like "players will flood back" its their job... but really I think they burned the majority of their as i call them "mmo player base" too many times not only with these ****** story driven xpacs but with many failed promises and lies in the past and down right stupid moves (removing 8v8/making nightmare ops pointless) It is what it is I guess this game was doomed to fail with EA in charge and a story focus and not a content focus like wow has (fail in terms of being an mmo i should say) It's more or less been a very depressing xpac one every I knew that i was hoping to come back have said they will not lol and fleet numbers during early accuses have been sad really (yes i understand fleet numbers are not a direct indication of server player base health) but still I know for a fact during 2.0 early accuse lol I wasn't saddened by the numbers I saw on fleet nor did I get so much negative feed back from friends/guildmates I was trying to get to come back to the game and give it a shot again. The games on its last legs imo in terms of player base maybe not overall health of the game since i'm sure bio and EA fail still are making solid profits off the cartel market whales but you have to stop and ask yourself what has the game really devolved in to? It's sure as hell not an MMO anymore It was yes at one time and if you wanna call it that so you can feel like a "hard core bad *** MMO player" go ahead but your wrong... lol You cant burn people this many times, you cant string along people with "better than cross server" and you shouldn't be removing *********** content in a game that's already fighting and uphill battle. I sometimes wish this game never had the star wars named tagged on to it see how long it lasted after launch :rolleyes: I guess about one and a half years. Who knows all i know is its 2016 and the game has no cross server queue system and had that system been deployed sometime around 2.0ish it would have saved this game. Now we have this... Whatever it is.
  2. My money is on this being the last expansion before they shut the game down. I hope I'm wrong--I still enjoy several aspects of this game. But EAWare's actions and attitude have led me to conclude we're just in maintenance mode now.


    I think the game will make one more xpac but I would be shocked if it made 2/3. More.. way to many whales dropping dat $$$ on the cartel market but I could be wrong. It's a pretty underwhelming xpac imo but but than again that's nothing new for this game sadly...maybe it will be the last xpac who knows the bio dev team seemed pretty fired up about this xpac and a return focus on group content (all be it a too little to late return to group content focus:rolleyes:) but that's bioware for you lol always to late. I could live with this xpac being the last games been a pretty big disappointment for me over the last 5 years with bioware and EA in the driver seat.

  3. I'm curious...can you explain why you think this is better for casual players? I see this as just the opposite...horrible for casual players. Sure, some will get lucky...but the vast majority will never get the gear they need...they'll be stuck in mismatched starter gear forever. Under the old system I could run a new player through a few Ops and get them geared up in no time. I PuG Ops all the time...I very often ran into players who were rolling on their first piece of 'set gear"...but at least they were assured one...in the new system, they aren't.


    I just don't see the new gearing system as good for anyone. If you had a crappy chest in 4.0, you ran a few heroics, got your tokens and bought the new chest...but now? Now you're completely screwed if you don't get a RNG drop...there is no backup plan...and that's where RNG gearing fails everyone imo.


    They don't care what gear they have? You understand the vast majority of the games player base now doesn't even know what keybinding is.. Lol you know what they do know though? Opening cartel packs you know what command crates are? Cartel packs for 15 bucks a month lol they dont give a **** what gear they have they've probably never cleared ev and kp they sit in their anti social story mode player bubble do their chapters endlessly on alts and run heroics to give gifts too there romance options and live out their wet dreams of being thr hero or destroyers of the star wars galaxy...

  4. Best part about this xpac is the music on fleet is back. No not joking I missed the hell out of it.


    Now about galactic command... I mean at this point the games player base is to small to care it's not an MMO in the traditional sense and I would guess most if not all hard core or even semi hard core MMO players are long gone. I stick around for nostalgia sake since i miss my friends and guild... Cause I guess i'm a loser but I cant say I "play" the game so to speak outside of got my VG to 70 and just sulk around on fleet... galactic command love it or hate it lol it works well for the majority of the games player base and that majority is the casual's (which is fine if your a casual gamer) nothing wrong with it nor am I trying to be rude when saying that.


    Whats more of a joke in my mind is how bioware ****ed over the f2p and the preferred players I understand its bussniess but those people are what kept the game along with a small but loyal sub base alive and afloat after the disastrous kotfe xpac.

  5. Out of curiosity, how exactly do you determine what is or isn't an mmo?


    Do you consider WoW an mmo? Swtor has all the basic elements that wow has, so why isn't swtor an mmo? About the only thing wow has that swtor hasn't is cross server queues and zones. Is that how you measure mmos?


    a far more healthy player base than this one for starts and content... Group end game content helps as in not 9 story modes chapters for people to play than unsub 1 month later... and incentive with a system that provides incentive to grind said end game group content ie legions mythic plus feature.... wow has had content droughts anyone that says it hasn't is flat out lying however.. lol 2 years no new end game ops.. I mean it doesn't probably matter to you as you strike me as more of a casual story driven player (WHICH IS FINE) but mmos live and die by end game content reasons to do it and how long the incentive remains to grind.


    Not living out your wet dreams of being the hero of the galaxy :rolleyes:


    Some people played this game because it was marketed as an MMO and it could have been a great MMO EVEN the might and myth people call the (WOW KILLER) but it fell short. MMO's can not be driven by story and can not focus on solo story mode content.. That is not what mmos are about. Maybe it works for you and some others but doesn't work for mmo playes that play to raid/grind gear be challenged by hard content and work as a team with other people to beat said content. when you do this solo story mode wet dream dance thing you end up with a game like this?? Great for you?? Maybe idk but MMO players ***** and hate it and leave.. How do you keep a guild running in a game like this lol "hey guys wanna go run dem glorified fps called uprisings that we mastered like 2 weeks in to the xpacs launch since we keybind and know what our spells do?"



    SWTOR= story mode


    Content and the speed and quality of said content defines an mmo.


    This game is a solo story mode game with MMO tagged on to it so people who have traditionally been branded as "not good enough" or "bad" can feel good enjoy the game save or destroy the galaxy and open cartel packs..


    The sad truth is this joke of a game would have died years ago if it didn't have the name star wars attached to it..:rolleyes:

  6. There was a time where the majority of the games player base was at least above average players.. Now its the opposite.. People don't call incs, People don't know how to count, people don't even keybind or know what keybinding is and if they do they say they don't like it.... I just know for a fact there was a time where not every game was just face roll one side or another granted this was before the mass exodus of guilds in 2.4 when 8s got removed for no reason but ya...
  7. Idk if it'll be the last xpac or not I'm really hoping it is... however like I remember when 2.0 early access dropped and JC was booming so many instances of fleet so many people playing on day one of early access alone but today like... we had i think 126 people at most on fleet... I know fleet is not a direct indicator of health of the servers player base but still.. has the community really shrunk THAT much.. Its kinda sad honestly. I don't like anything about this new xpac but still. Guess this is what happens when you do dat "story driven mmo" ****...
  8. Any of the old Ranked players i remember from The Bastion like *Hey I'm MVP" teams are really good. There were a few others that i cant think of right now that would go toe to toe with them but not many.

    They'll dominate regs and ranked, there really isn't any competition left for them in this game. they just played on a different level.


    Just bodies!

  9. Wont tanks be kinda worthless in pvp if they couldn't guard a target... I mean ya they have cc's and taunts to throw out but idk...


    Only thing I know is guard breeds some very overconfident healers who really are not good at healing.

  10. Are Operations having participation problems. Or PvE in general? I don't see them whining so much. They whine, but about content. Not participation. I never said the PvP community were casuals. I said the opposite actually. It's the casuals you're going to have to court if you want faster queues. The casuals are the PvE majority who are not queuing for PvP atm.


    The entire point went right over your head, didn't it? Doesn't matter how you feel about it. Make all the snide condescending remarks you want, but you're either going to give those casuals that hand to hold or they aren't participating. Period. Again, I cannot reiterate this enough, YOU want THEM. Not the other way around. They have all the cards. You say how great you are and how you trounce them with 0 expertise. Great! So it shouldn't matter one bit to you if all that stuff was gone. You'd still kick butt, right?



    Your sig is so lul I wish I was as dope as you and could have a sig like that...

  11. It's not that it's not worth it... it's because they can't do it technically... they've said this in the past... but everyone seems to forget this


    The only option for low population servers is to merge them with the higher population ones




    3,10, 1876: The first words ever spoken over an operating telephone.


    2,15, 1946: ENIAC was the first electronic general-purpose computer ever created.


    7,20, 1969: Apollo 11 was the first spaceflight that landed humans on the Moon.


    1, 1, 1983: ARPANET adopted TCP/IP and from there researchers began to assemble the “network of networks” that became the modern Internet.


    5, 7 1996: The first mammal cloned.


    12, 4, 2006: The first ever giant squid caught on video in the wild............


    12, 20,2011-2016: Cross server is not technically possible :rak_03:



    Now shut the **** up and by more cartel packs THANKFULLY FOR YOU!!! Cartel packs are VERY technically possible....

  12. I mean my subs running out a and all so probably my last post and no I'm not just trolling but like honestly guys and girls.


    Why do you care any more like *********** honestly...


    why do you persist? The writings been on the wall since day one that being five years ago now kids...


    Is it because you love star wars? Or because the PvP is "good"


    Just give it up...there are other games and other ways to spend your time...


    You have to be apes if you think anything will ever change or anything you post here or the general thread will ever be taken in to consideration lol it's been five years of let downs... time to get over it and go next.

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