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Posts posted by mfourcustom

  1. You make it seem like raiders are the only population that matters in the game...this hasn't been true in years. Due to the fact that EAware hasn't come out with any new ops (and most likely won't for quite some time), the raiding population has plummeted over recent years. This paved the way for casual players, such as OP there, to make up the majority of the population that plays SWTOR now, and hence the reason why EAware is focusing more on content for them rather than for elitist s**t bags such as yourself. So you can't get BiS a week after a new expac? Go cry to your mother. Fact of the matter is, nearly all end-game content (minus NiM stuff) is still doable with the old 224 gear. There are a few fights out there (such as Styrak HM) that will be difficult due to the insane dps check, but I hear tell that this is actually doable in 230's with some blue's thrown in. This makes NiM content--which, by the way, very few groups actually do--the only content currently not technically doable until you get better gear. But that's how it's supposed to work. If you get gear capable of downing all NiM content within the first week of a brand new expac, then what's the point of even playing the game? You don't like it, don't bash on other people a**hole. Go back to WoW where they give you everything on a silver platter.


    NO EAWARE put out two solo player garbage xpacs because the majority of their MMO player base left long ago so they woke up and figured out you people are the only ones that are dumb enough left to milk for cash.. lol why you may ask? your hopeless and you'll take any crappy point and click content you can get as long as you feel like your living out your star wars wet dreams. :rak_03:



    Go punch more sky troopers and save the WORLD mate. Than buy some cartel packs while your at it so you look "cooler" the next 28 times you do it.

  2. I just got on the forum today, 10 days after early release. My information on who is getting what gear comes from talking to guildies and others in game and from people sharing what they've gotten in general chat. I have one guildie that has gotten 2 set bonus items in the @ 20 levels but that was extremely lucky. Most others have not gotten any. I talk to my guildies and query them as to their experience, so the info is a good test of mosts experience and does not come from mostly angry forum posters. I am upset, I feel jipped, ripped off. I feel like someone took something that worked perfectly fine and then made it extremely dumb.


    I am a 40 year old mother of 4, disabled veteran and not a kid. I am used to life being disappointing but then this isn't life, it;s a game. It's supposed to be fun and provide a benefit to the ppl who play. Why else play the game and spend hard earned money on it?


    You wanted to "thank" the devs for 5.0? You should've sent them a ticket as they pay no attention to these forums, but I think you know that. I think you wanted to thumb your nose at the people who are angry with the changes otherwise why the post, and why do you keep responding? I honestly am disappointed and unnerved by the changes, but I wasn't an angry forum poster until I read your post and replies. It just screams ignorance. Out of all ppl I have talked to, and conversations I have read n chat, about 1 in 200 are happy with the expansion, 1 doesn't care and the rest are highly disappointed. So these 5 angry kids you say are a minority on the forums, not so much.


    There are always unhappy people after xpacs drop, but the level of unhappiness with this one is unprecedented.


    He's a story mode ape... he doesn't understand people talk in mmos and or their is a social aspect to these games. Apes will be apes.


    TY for your service btw regardless of what country you are from.


    (Assuming EU/US but can never be sure)

  3. you know... you are not doing yourself any favors, acting like a jerk.


    guess what. I'm a clicker. I'm also very vocal about how HORRIBLE this new system is, and how much it sucks that they lied about more ops. stop. making. shallow. assumptions.


    to OP. damn. you don't play around.....



    Ya... sigh.. your more than right really the more I think about it the more I'm coming to terms with how this xpac is just bringing out the worst in me. Sorry dude. Time for me to take a seat and just grab some popcorn and watch I think.

  4. Yea I've ruled out Harbinger. After making a char and using /who on numerous locations it seems Jedi Covenant and Ebon Hawk have pretty much the same Republic population so it's basically a coin flip I guess


    If your coming to jc to PvP get ready to be framed by imps outside of the extreme early hours of the morning... jc repside for PvP has been horried since 2.1ish if PvP doesn't matter much to u and or u enjoy being farmed and having dps that can't pull more than 500k in a 30 minute vstar than u will love rep side pvp..

  5. Dude, I would run with ya. Sorc heals but my sub runs out on the 28th of this month and I am trying to get my monies worth. Just struggling to grind. Only fun atm is pvp as Uprisings became boring after the 30+ runs. My gear is not good enough to heal HM's so I am stuck with being a story mode hero till RNGeezus decides to give me the gear I need to HM. I don't think I will get it b4 28th of this month. My raidng guild died at the end of 3.0 so I am basically solo mode.


    No point sticking around really. If I can't get the gear to go HM raiding there is no point in playing content I have been doing for 5 years already.


    I feel you on all points made.. and ty for the offer on running **** lol it was just really nice to have someone to run the crappy uprising with even if they are horried and boring after imo the 4th time you've run them story/hard both are boring and way to easy.. I should probably be unsubbing soon myself. God knows why I was stupid enough to think somehow someway 5.0 would turn things around for us...

  6. It's definitely far superior as far as raiding goes.


    I was more talking about the RnG legendary drops. You can go on the forums and see countless threads complaining about it.


    Oh ya lol my hunter has 3 and my frost dk has the ****** *** Magnum Opus lol my frost dk being my main... I'm with you there its a dumb system. However not as dumb as galactic command.

  7. well to be fair wows new xpac the bosses have set loot tables but its RNG what drops for you off said boss.. Could be the one trinket you needed off that boss could be nothing could be the same helm you've had for 2 months lol


    But wow is for sure the far better MMO only problem i've had with wow is it starts to feel like a job after awhile depending on your guild of course.

  8. People like you, you know Story Mode hero's. Ruined this game. with you "I can't raid so why do they get to have gear and I don't" mentality.

    It's pathetic.


    You were quite able to get gear with comms with you could have the 220 gear after a month or so. That is fine for doing story mode . Heck you don't even need gear to do story mode.


    But no, story mode heroes gotta have the same gear as high end HM/NIM raiders.


    So now I gotta out up with terrible RNG. I have no set pieces. I am a sorc heals and it makes it damn hard to heal harder content than story with out the set bonus. WHich I could get after a few Operations. Heck even story mode dropped token gear. But nope. I can't do that now. I gotta grind content as my healer to get the set bonus which is luck of the draw and yet lvl 30 and no set bonus. I have to try and do HM's in 230 blue modded gear because I have not even got 230 purple modded gear yet.


    So, think about it. That stops heals and tanks from queuing up for HM's right. Nothing guilds or solo's can do about it except grind content until you get decent gear to do HM OPs/FP's.


    SO basically I get left out of the team because rng was not good to me. Is that even fair?


    But johhny nobody never stepped into a HM raid/flashpoint in his life has better gear then me. Rubbish system is rubbish. Hue hue I do story mode and get better gear than dedicated HM raider hue. yeah freak you.


    This^^ So much this^

  9. Aren't they more shafted by not having the content? Should we just let F2P have all sub access/rewards? Why pay? I think that they should be able to access the new GC content at least. Allow them back into all the things that they enjoy with their passes. Allow them the rewards from GC for doing content with their passes. Right now, they have none of it.


    I agree




    Not that bioware will do anything but ya.

  10. I'm far from perfect but I try to learn. When I struggled with my operative, I asked for advice on how to play more efficiently (that was I dunno 3 yrs ago) I love to learn to play better and make improvements. I had no trouble with the story mode mechanics on kotet except maybe the power relay 3 min timer thing as a bug kept teleporting me to death. Haha. I'll try veteran when the bonus on it lights up. I need to level companions to do so. I know/understand abilities and don't just button mash either ;) I thank dulfy for that. Very informative. :D will I delete characters over GC? NOPE. I just unsub when I'm done. I've done it 2 or 3 times. But I've only had 1 round of bad luck with GC crates. My JK has received set bonus gear and orange mod filled gear and she's level 11 or 12 and the same with my SI and she's level 4. I think the leveling for GC is ridiculously slow with passes being stupid as well. Too expensive. I feel badly fir those with 8 ear pieces etc. I really do. I don't mind the rng but it should be faster/or all levels should be one set value...not increasing in xp required.


    Too bad more of the player base isn't like you.. Lol asking for advice/seeking it out on your own to improve. I'm salty as **** as of late as I'm sure you could tell :p played about 50 wz since launch of kotet won 11 lol people can't call out grass/snow not can they pull over 500k dps in an 30 minute void star :mad: maybe if everyone was like you and asked for help and or cared enough to learn on their own the games player base would be in a far better place but it's not...


    I miss my guild lol and the 1.0 to 2.4 era of players.. the golden age :p

  11. I use a mix... in my defence, my most used are all key bound and I play as much as my migraines will let me. I do story but also PvP and Flashpoints- world bosses when calls go out. For me, the biggest reason I don't raid is that much time solely focused on my screen and playing tends to lead to massive head pain.

    Have you tried any of those gamer glasses like gunner optics? You can even have them made with prescription lens if you wear glasses with a prescription lens. A friend of mine plays a lot of Dota 2 and he suffers from headaches but after he got a pair of those glasses he did nothing but praise them for reducing frequency of his headaches.


    Also there is no need for a defence if you hybrid bind and click. That's not clicking. Clicking is not binding anything.

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