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Posts posted by mfourcustom

  1. 9 hours ago, krackcommando said:

    you have to admit there's a dark humor to it though. everyone was willing to give the absence of content in 7.0 a pass because 7.2 was going to be a big PvP patch update. heh.

    7.2 PvP update brought to you by the company that wouldn't/couldn't do x-server ranked WZs and didn't allow server transfers...until they did. And everyone paid to transfer their rated  PvP guilds to Pot5 when, a month(?) later, BW killed rated WZs and announced rated arenas.

    if nothing else, I'd say there's consistency here. 😆


    Cross server queue just not possible. 🙃

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  2. Totally understand wanting to discourage people from playing multiple toons in terms of people having for example a high elo mando/low elo mando they log between which may or may not complicate the queue system and there for equation that goes in to the match making and all but at this point does any of that really matter? There is like under 300 people that play ranked on the reg i'd be willing to bet.
  3. I really hope for the sake of the games health bioware changes at least the bound to slot mods and enhancs... The vast majority of players wont do this grind again. Its been 2 years of 5.0 and we've gone from 228 augs to 236 to 240 and gearing from 230-242 to now 52s and 58s only this time with an added punch in the gut that we'll have to min/max around the plus 500 acc we'll get from stock gear and in most cases completely change up our augment set ups. Simple fact of the matter is most players wont do this they'll just get frustrated and quit. Grinding a new tier is one thing, low drop chances in command packs on 52s is one thing but adding in this set bonus not working with anything below 52s and bound in slots mods and enhancs is just dumb. We know 6.0 isn't coming anytime soon we get the fact you want us to stay and keep playing so you can drag out 5.0 as long as you can and get us 6.0 this time next year but this is not the way. This'll hurt whats left of the games player base even more not help.
  4. I don't see why anyone would care about winning/losing a reg I could see getting farmed a few games in a row would get upsetting but this is swtor pvp in 2018 it means nothing even at the highest levels of play its pretty laughable seeing as how... What 40 some odd people play at that highest level. Bioware turned it in to a cxp and mat grind outlet use it as such? Be thankful you have cross faction now so its other peoples job to carry you "remove premade" players at times and or maybe its time you go play a solo player game. This is a Multiplayer game MMO you know... Playing with friends is a thing and is enjoyable with friends. If you cant take the heat get out of the kitchen my god its regs in 2018 who cares farmed or not.
  5. I can see that many of the replies seemed to not remember or never played 8v8 ranked when we did have it.


    There was no solo queue. You formed an operations group with your friends/guildies and queued as an entire group. If someone rage quit, you knew exactly who that person was and you could either boot them from the ops or tell them to pop a chill pill.


    Solo 8v8 would be disastrous, but what we once had, the "premade-only" 8v8 ranked was very fun, competitive, and enjoyable. I wish they would bring it back.


    It was indeed fun and for many of the players I knew and guild members of mine the only reason to stay subbed as PVE content for the vast majority of the ranked 8v8 era aka "pre season one" lul was EC HM which most capable groups had on farm within a months time and TFB which again both great ops that I still enjoy to this day however time between was too long and the ops themselves are considered by DP/DF/tos standards "easy/gear farming ops" to your point about wishing to bring 8s back I don't think it would play out well with the current state of PVP as I cant see competitive matchs of quesh huttball and oddessen proving ground being a thing lol One mediocre knock back can shut down even the most coordinate pushes easily on that map which would force teams to go for an "air raid" style of push in other words passing the ball play around the map which than introduces more RNG factors being involved not to mention the horrid rubber banding and other issues that map suffers lol oddessen proving ground is nothing but an example of how not to make a competitive pvp map IE gunslinger/sniper hunker down deactivate node Random power up RNG all this sours the taste of competition. The old maps are too aged I think for how the classes have grown over the years almost all classes in game now can somehow or another make it from one side of the map to the other (vanguard hold the line) in a matter of seconds where as in the past this was not possible so coordination, teamwork and communication was needed as these fail safes were not in place. I agree solo 8v8 would be a mess and not worth the player bases time or biowares that being said team 8v8 ranked would follow suit I think with the population of this game being what it is. In a matter of weeks harb would have probably 1-2 teams queuing and the queue would once again be dead.


    Don't get me wrong 8v8 ranked was the best competitive gaming experience i've ever been involved in the most intense the most fun however many factors back when 8s were a thing are gone now I just don't think it would work. group 4v4 hardly happens on the US servers from what I understand tho i could be misinformed.

  6. 8v8 ranked would indeed be a disaster.. The population is not high enough for that anymore that's not even considering the fact almost all of the classes have out grown the 8v8 maps it would be pointless. About the rage quitters this happens in every game people quit the second a team caps their natural node in civil war a second before your team caps theirs it cant be fixed it never will be and even if it could bioware wont care enough to.
  7. I really don't think bioware will server merge any of the remaining servers... Hence why what 3 times now they have offered 90 cartel coin transfers.. ( I understand all the pros and cons of this and I can fully understand why you wouldn't wanna xfer your toons and lose your strong hold/guild bank and legacy so on so forth) But I mean there's what ? 8 Servers left pretty bad PR to have to merge and down to lets say 4 servers.. I agree I wish they would do merges for people who don't want to lose all the stuff i mentioned above but It's probably just not going to happen at least for a few years I would guess (assuming we make it a few more years lul).



    I don't know really m8 the game faces many problems the horrid factions imbalance of some servers for those of us who enjoy playing repside over imp for instance such as repside pvp on JC its pretty pointless unless you premade it up with some boys but again this is assuming you play at an hour when your boys are on... Server merges could fix and or make this worse I understand that but cross server could have saved the game and this problem probably would have never been a thing....


    But I mean cross server is just not possible.. Right? :rak_02:


    Lies from day one :D I'll just leave this here.


  8. Anyone have a link to his youtube with the vods of the old 8v8 rated matches he used to cast by chance he was a European dude from what i recall he was great at casting pretty funny too and he was good for the rated 8 community and the games community as a whole.


    Wanted to go back and watch some of the old rated matchs he casted for fun before my sub runs dry but my dumb *** cant find his youtube.



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