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Everything posted by Trisskar

  1. I love it! Though im not sure I like HOW it's applied as a Nameplate. Think it would of been better as a title underneath the name or after. Before is a bit....meh. --> Founder Trisskar....meh. Lord Trisskar Founder<-- better The Archives Legacy
  2. If i need gear for my companion, I will roll need. Period. A companion is apart of you, it is your right hand guy and is of vast importance, especially to those that solo quest like myself. My tank is my life, if he can't tank due to crappy armor, then I fail in my quest. So yes, if I need it, then i will roll for it. If someone in the party specifically says "Hey! I am in desperate need of..x.." then I will deffer and let said person take it instead. But if you don't speak up, then that's your fault.
  3. <(0_0)> Think im not cut out to be a Tank....this thread soooo lost me!! Maybe I better just re-spec and save myself the headache :-p
  4. Yosh! The white one was the kit I wanted :-p Thanks! Do you know where on Taris?
  5. Where do you find the Andronikos customization kits?
  6. Hmmm ill deff give that a go. Is there an option in preference that turns this on and off? Maybe its turned off and I didn't even know! :-p
  7. Entering storyline instance with same class party member. In beta if you were an SI....no other SI could jump into storyline instances with you. Now, Ive notice that my game partner is able to jump in and help. Even showed me a drop down menu which gives you that option. I however have been unable to do the same for him. Before launch I cleaned out all folders of TOR then re-downloaded....Id rather not have to do this again....anyone have any ideas whats up? how to fix it?
  8. I wouldn't say it was "Bad Design" As others pointed out, this happens in many MMO's. However, It would deff add to the game if they one day in the far future implemented this time of shooting. Just like in "Combat Arms" It could be possible, and I bet many would enjoy this style of play made into this type of game.
  9. Let me know what you find out Id call now but my phone ran out of life >_<
  10. Still waiting for mine..... I did that....it says I have no Past Orders...which isn't true as I have all my interaction e-mails with Origion in a special folder in my inbox.....Sooooo.....not sure....
  11. I tried to play a Jedi....The way they have the Jedi set up is like a brain washing cultist camp! <(0_0)> Seriously...every chance they could fit it in, you have NPC's repeating the Jedi code....It is ANNOYING At least the Sith seem normal in a military lifestyle. Sure you had some uber duber masters, but for the most part they are normal people, speciouly if you go the lightside route. I can relate better with my sith then with my Jedi. I don't feel like im being forced into some kind of un-natural mind set.
  12. I really don't see a point to the whole sitting in chairs thing...but...even in real life I rarely use them :-p lived so long without furniture I actually prefer the floor haha by the way, Hello look-a-like *Point at OP's name*
  13. To be honest...I've not yet peeked in at the auction house stuff yet...and...im kind of not wanting to after everything I have heard. But for all of you who are in need of selling stuff...I thought id toss out an Idea that...I myself will be using Sell your own stuff the old way. Call out in Trade or General chat that you are up for sale > Link Item's > Give Price > Give Location do personal transactions...vulah! It may not be the best way...but perhaps it will work until something better comes around.
  14. A far more advanced Character Customization 'Barber' Shop (To change things if you end up not liking it..) Dye's/Costume Slots Server Transfer More Bag room/space (Let companions carry bag space as well) Quick Travel to ship ......I know theres more...
  15. Just because someone wants a purple saber (I do) dosn't mean we want everything and are whining about it. (Id also love to know where to find one) For me I want one because it has an important story connection to my character. It would be nice to represent that. I have SEEN Purple sabers, I KNOW It IS in game. Just dont know the exacts and i hear it in many mixed ways Crafting PVP vendor Weapon Vendor Boss drops ....be nice to have a straight answer for once :-p
  16. Im using the joystick logitech controller...
  17. I just found this --- > http://swtorpeeps.blogspot.com/2011/12/installing-and-configuring-xpadder-for.html
  18. Ok, My wrists are KILLING me right now. I do not work well with mouse and keyboard...I had this issue with other MMO's as well. I NEED to get my game controller working with TOR In beta a guy managed to do this with xpadder....I have an xpadder version...but the controller does not work. The computer is using Windows 7 Does anyone know how I can get xpadder to work with Windows 7 and TOR? Any and all help would be muchly appreciated!!
  19. I thought that quests open up as well....or is this only for the non robot companions?
  20. Romance a droid? Doubtful....I assume it opens up quests?
  21. Ok, so here's a silly, not very important, tiny details topic. But in it....a wish and hope that Bioware listen! Holo Dancers!!! You see them when you go into a canteena, Deluxe pre- order people flash them about, and yet there is a common theme to them all. (As far as I have seen) They are all TWILIKS!! Ok so yea, I know that they are commonly a slave race, and dancers are mostly made up of slaves in this universe but....Cant we have some diversity? I propose - The Ability to go up to a dancer's stage and access a panel that allows you to change the race of the dancer. So instead of Twillik... we could instead choose human. Ect Ect.... Thoughts?
  22. You know....when i came into this game I fully expected the 'Cheese' factor to be HEAVY on the sith side of things, I expected alot of 'ubber dubber - we are all powerful - darkness and destruction - banter being thick throughout the game play. I find myself pleasantly pleased to see that the Sith are actually very normal, military styled people. Sure you have some of the Masters playing it up some, but for the most part the sith and game play doesn't feel too forced and over the top. Then you get to the Jedi side and wow....talk about brain washing!!!! Every chance they get they are repeating the jedi code, those who are falling to the darkside are so painfully obvious and over exaggerated. When something is done against the Jedi way...like fall in love......your looked at as if you committed a horrible and punishable crime..... what are your thoughts on the Jedi vs Sith - Cheese ratings? ---->> This is meant to be a light hearted and friendly discussion. Please no bashing thank you!
  23. I doubt its killing interest...In the grand scheme of things anyways...however i do agree about the server Transpher...but not in the way your wanting it. I have friends running scattered throughout the servers and its hard getting them all in one place due to preference...some like RP...some dont....some like PVE....some dont....Some PVP....ect..ect... So as we are new...im playing around and jumping about all the time trying to find the right place for me and which group of friends im going to settle down with. When that happens...Id like to transfer my main characters to said server. Don't let the ques scare you. They will calm down in a month or two when people find their spot and settle into the game. Right now everything is just so very new, and everyone is scrambling about and it's causing things to over load. It will pass
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