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Posts posted by Gleneagle

  1. Honestly we can toss around words like Experience, confidence, knowledge, and gear regarding these unprepared players but ultimately it comes down to the very same issue that been plaguing this genre since WOW.


    Lack of respect for others.

    When someone comes in unprepared gear and class knowledge wise they show a complete and utter lack of respect for other players and ultimately a lack of respect for themselves, that they expect so little from themselves they think this is acceptable.

    I'd suggest the gearing issue is more a symptom rather than cause.


    The lack of respect thing is true, but it's only part of the story. There is disrespect both ways, vet and non-vet. It isn't universal, there are exceptions in both camps.


    There are players who so much want to believe they are alpha males they role-play whatever graven image they have picked up of an alpha 'type'. But there are also those who have tried hard to be more than they are and failed, and of those a few accepted reality. But too many want to at least appear to be naturally dominant anyway. Too often it comes out as disrespect.


    Nature makes very few natural alpha types, just like she only makes so many genius-class brains and only so many drop-dead gorgeous people. There just aren't many exceptional members of any bell curve, and though everyone wants to be the best, few ever really are.


    Whatever mommy and daddy told them, wishing doesn't make it so. It is wishful, for example, when someone argues one opinion is as good as any other. The fact is, opinions are informed by fact, not dreams or aspirations. A person's honest opinion represents the best image they have been able to build of the case, or truth. The more facts an opinion shares with the truth it is trying to represent, the better the opinion is. Opinions are only as equal as people are.

  2. @Killjoy Okay, sure, and I'd say Guilt-based marketing soils the goodness of benevolence and cheapens the act of giving. But I don't think avoiding responsibility for failures or seizing responsibility for a good another does is a healthy trend either. And while it would be wasteful to mail my soggy pancakes to Mombasa I can at least feel a little better about my tax dollars that go to foreign aid.
  3. There are only a few that I think aren't fun to try and reach. That makes me question why the OP thinks there should be more of an incentive. Maybe I've been reading too many negative nancy posts but it seems that when you think fun isn't an adequate incentive in itself you are somehow making your game into a job. Am I wrong there?


    I guess different people probably find different things fun. That has to be where I am missing something. Some folks are workaholics by personal preference.

  4. People try to blame something else instead. Why? I don't know I assume it is beyond their mental capacity to understand that some people just haven't learned something yet or just aren't good at it
    Trying to pin it on mental capacity is still an attempt to avoid placing responsibility on the person. The tendency isn't in any way new: I see it at the organizational level all the time where somehow everything good that happens everyone claims and everything bad is either systemic or the responsibility of the least powerful teammate in any other department. If we get fat it isn't because we don't exercise, it isn't because we didn't mind our caloric intake, it is because of someone or something besides our own self-control. If we have an accident it is always either the machine, someone else's negligence, or nobody told the customer fresh brewed coffee is very hot. Or 'I'm sorry our network/computers are down right now could you call back another day?'. Or it was Lag did it.


    If you are in PvP and someone loses it is always 'my sucky team' and 'I could only do so much' and never a mention of maybe the other team just played a better match.


    It is a cultural thing. It isn't my fault the people in <starving nation> are hungry because I really want this stack of ten pancakes runny with butter and pure maple syrup and oh yes please pass that good English style bacon. Give to charity? No way I'm not going to coddle the losers: I got mine let them fend for themselves. It is all wrapped up together. Human beings are selfish and self-centered by nature.


    It is only with self-discipline that we achieve good outcomes.


    Just be sure and listen to my words without examining how I live, k? Thx: Bye

  5. no you didn't "fix" anything. I said what I meant. My statement covers new and returning players. But at least you did something that made you feel better about yourself, huh?


    I love when people do dumb stuff like re-word a post and type "fixed it." Shows nothing but self-centered stupidity.

    Your spandex is clearly too tight this morning. Your estimation of my intelligence is limited by your own.
  6. This 12x thing really has brought back terrible players.
    Fixed that.


    I'm recently returned but the 12X buff was a surprise that arrived a week later. I'm seeing much more activity now than I was seeing before the expansion was offered with the 12X bonus.


    Even if there are many more unpracticed/short memoried players there are surely more good players arriving as well.


    Maybe it will all balance out for the better?

  7. NO ONE is suggesting a game without rules.


    The problem is that minority of the playerbase wants the rules written completely to the needs of the parts of the game that they're most focused on. Again, the chess players insisting that the backgammon players and bridge players and the birdwatchers all show up ready to play chess.

    Vocal minority, yes. But that is why I feel we need to leave it in the hands of the developers since only they will be reliably interested in the quality of the whole game. Kinda like... no, I will resist the temptation to divert the conversation.
  8. This is pretty much the sole reason most people roll on pvp servers.


    I used to roll on pvp servers because I thought it would be neat, always having the thrill of never knowing if you might have to fight someone else leveling in that zone...turns out that the "thrill" was getting repeatedly ganked by max level characters on your lowbie. Been like this on just about every pvp server I've ever played on, so I quit playing on them.

    There is what may turn out to be an interesting experiment on that over at Pathfinder Online, matter of fact. It is still barely alpha but the proposal is to reward 'constructive' and disincentivize 'destructive' behavior. So if your town declares war on another town then it's open world PvP between those towns but without such formalities the player takes a huge reputation hit for ganking someone and ends up unable to train. Interesting concept I'll be interested in witnessing... eventually.
  9. Or BW could have a helpful Learn Your Class type tutorial/mission to help people learn. Coruscant/Kaas would be great worlds to place such a mission.
    That sounds like a good idea as long as BW has the same notion as the players as to how the classes 'should' be played. If they don't have the same idea can you imagine all the forum drama that would ensue?
  10. If the developer isn't ready to reveal more then maybe it is for a good reason. They know, we don't, so it makes more sense for them to make an informed decision than for us to make an uninformed decision.


    Besides in the last stream they did respond to the 3.0 questions they could and noted questions they didn't have answers to.

  11. Try explaining that to those that don't listen. One person last week in DK kept arguing inquisitors use strength and no matter how many people told him he was wrong he ignored them when finally I said go ahead and use it but don't expect to get in groups especially end games with the wrong stats and I left.
    <doubletake> Wait... would you run that by one more time? If inquisitors don't use willpower then what do they use?


    ~~edit~~ ah, I see you editied that to strength. I should have waited.


    p.p.s. Note to self: I have discovered that quotations will reflect corrections to the original post on these boards...

  12. They were interlaced but it wasn't mandatory to keep going, actually. Or at least wasn't when I played. It wouldn't work in this game where if you stop the class story you can't just 'skip a quest'. You're done until you finish that part.
    Actually if it was ESO the guilds took over again and yes, after L50 or if you wanted to play in PvP Cyrodiil even as a stealther Zenimax made it viable for groups only.


    After 50 levels that might have been made for me the compulsory grouping essentially spoiled it all. Such a disappointment.

  13. Agreed but that what running quests at levels 11-20/25 are for. At above level 30 you should have some clue of what you're doing. Oh and running Heroic 4's I'm seeing the same thing as in Flashpoints so I don't think it's as much of "knowing the fights" as everyone believes.
    Hmm. My thoughts were trending toward a culture shift, similar to what we see in employment where people just entering the workforce have a radically different set of cultural needs than older workers, but what is being reported looks more like simple immaturity.


    Children whose physical development has reached the point where the myelin sheathing that forms the insulation for the brain enough to bring abstract reasoning online usually express their new ability to think as rebellion, often marked by gratuitous assertions of independence combined with childlike center-of-the-universe awareness. Rebellion is usually sparked when the child compares what they have been taught with the actual behavior of those who taught them.


    This suggests we are seeing the effects of very young players in SWTOR.

  14. LOL, that comment was a joke based off your comment. Lighten up, man. Play the game however you want, but I'll never fold on my belief that forcing players to do each flash point once while leveling would greatly assist their ability to actually add to end game group content. And no, I don't believe forcing them to do this would infringe on their god given rights as solo only gamers.
    Well that part is actually a pretty good idea, but I would urge it should play out like Esselles: as an option for the same reason Esselles wasn't left as a gate everyone had to pass through before heading to Coruscent or DK, especially when almost everyone in the game is FAR beyond that point and has run Esselles more times than they can remember.
  15. You should really think about playing a single player game instead of a MMO. Playing a community based game solo is insufferably arrogant, selfish, short-sighted, ill and a strong argument in itself to avoid you and your opinions altogether.
    You can put me on ignore, I won't mind. It is antithetical to your 'community' though if you cannot bear disagreement. Posting in an echo chamber so you only hear your own point of view won't provide you or anyone out here with an opportunity to disagree, revisit assumptions, and possibly grow, but if that is your sense of 'community', who am I to stop you?
  16. Here's what I see as a problem. If I see a level 32, yes they may be an idiot but I have to assume they have some idea about what a rotation is. And I'm not saying the perfect rotation for their class like I see in guides or tricks like when DPSing and pulling agro, wait for tank to taunt then drop threat. What I am saying is that a player understands their character and is at least consistent. But lately I've seen people that cant decide whether they're tanks, heals or dips. People who are inconsistent in how they use stealth or use stealth in ways that it is clear they have no experience in stealthing. For example, if you have cleared out a section of KDY, why are you stealthing through it? The idea that stealth=slow and you don't need to stealth if no one is around comes from experience. The limitations of a DPS build tanking comes from experience. Knowing that as ranged you don't need to kite the same way as melee or that smuggler/agent are played VERY differently depending on whether or not you can take cover - all of this is comes from experience which noobs using the 12xXP on their first few toons simply are not getting.
    All good points, but I'd argue it is also a good point that people who don't have that experience have to have some way to get that experience. They aren't going to magically acquire everything you already worked hard to learn for yourself before anyone really knew how the systems worked. So (granted I'm using an extreme case for illustrative purposes) if nobody will group with them because they haven't run the instance how can they gain anything like your level of expertise unless the rest of us will take them underwing (given they aren't jerks and are willing to learn)? How many rejections and boots do we expect these people to suffer before they give up not because of the game, but because of the self-righteous?
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