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Posts posted by Gleneagle

  1. I wouldn't take that bet.

    After Earth & Beyond I wouldn't have taken the bet they would pour out their purses on SWTOR but they did. It has fairly decent rep out on the net, better than LotRO's common rep anyway (though LotRO isn't doing that badly). It seems within the realm of possibility they would go for another effort I just don't buy they would throw away what they already put into this game. More likely what is called SWTOR 2 should extend the current game. I mean look what they did with Balmorra from the Emp side and from the Pub side. Largely the same environment but totally different story. That same design recycling could progress the story while minimizing new development. I don't think we know the backend quite well enough to speculate whether the current art assets could easily transition into a new engine, but it might also be that there is a new generation of Hero that looks like Cryengine that would make art portable.

  2. I have noticed a trend during the last 10-15 threads discussing the lootsystem.


    The ones with signatures confirming they are members of a guild and those with a handle that I know are in a guild are usually in favor of the current system. It might be beacuse those never have to experience what true pug gearing actually is. It might be only me that sees this, but it is something I have picked up along the way the latest loot threads or so.


    I am guilded but I also enjoy the freedom of several guildless characters, the guilded characters has no problem at all gearing up since everyone respects the lootrules. The unguilded characters however has much more problems gearing up since no matter what is agreed upon at start, players do need on items that their current character can not use. This is very common with groupfinder teams.


    I think it is important to have those two perspectives when talking about the current lootsystem, to truely gear up 10 characters through pugs up to 168-180 gear is a interesting experience.

    I think you should go into signals intelligence because you notice cogent patterns that aren't obvious. Bioware/EA are invested in the philosophy that guilds are better for the game in terms of retention, so development choices are chosen to make it easier if you guild. I'd venture to infer that the preferences of those who don't guild, compared to those who do, are valued similarly as greed is to need. Where an issue is of no consequence to a design question the preferences of non-guilding subs are consulted over F2P players, but where guilders do have a preference their desires find domain.

  3. People might be surprised how far straight up honesty will get them. Yes, occasionally, youll get kicked out before the instance starts but far more often they will be grateful and much more understanding.


    Just make sure you pay attention. If someone admits they have no idea whats going on and then does not or refuses to use any of the info they are given... the group ends right back up in the territory of "Great, lets kick the noob..."

    Well, that is encouraging news anyway. I hope it pans out like that when I'm ready to roll.

  4. no one likes paying a sub.
    Well, I guess I'm nobody then. Thanks bunches I always imagined I was somebody. I do prefer to pay a sub when the consequence is a better game among better behaved players. I believe in supporting my developers if they are putting out good product I can enjoy.


    I do wish they would attend to the continuation of class stories, but I'm just big on interactive fiction and tales well told.

  5. Are you advocating taking a name from a subscriber just so Johnny can have his precious name?


    Of course not. Where did that come from? Your hypothetical situation described two posts above this was absurd. I'm talking about someone who stopped sub and hasn't played for half a year. If they drop sub and haven't played then their character names should go forfeit. Bioware could give extended leave of absence for corner cases if the player has the foresight to set it up. For the troops a .mil email address should qualify.


    Or are we somehow invested in discouraging new players thinking of subbing from making a character by giving them a naming nightmare because all the guys decided it would be clever to create all 350 characters across all servers just to lock up names?

  6. I still don't get it, what has this to do with the Halloween items? :confused:
    Thread title was also about weapons.

    There was disappointment that the weapons weren't among the new items offered. I suggested maybe the weapons will be available later when they are ramping up hype for 3.0 is all.

  7. ...btw I was a founder and left the game for several months and came back to find all but I think one of my characters on new servers requiring a renaming, and it wasn't a big deal for me. I haven't had much of a problem coming up with new names. But I had to try enough times on a few of my alts to think that a new player just starting out could become quite frustrated.


    The Terms of Service you agreed to in order to install the game stipulates that the names belong to the company anyway. They cannot be stolen.

  8. ...and if they're not playing them, and haven't been, then they have already lost them, according to the guidelines that were quoted up thread. So really, what's the difference? If they'd done as you propose, and rolled characters that they didn't play past a certain point, those names were already purged. So now, we're saying "It's ok to steal a name from somebody else, because I can't come up with anything original". The last time this thread came up, the OP then suggested increasing the level to 50, and inactive for a week, subbed or not. Is this what you're going to shoot for too? For all we know, a player with a capped toon that's been inactive for 6 months might be deployed in the military, and unable to get on. So the reward is "hey, thanks for your service and all, but we're stealing your character names so Joe NewPlayer can have a name he can pronounce"?
    How do you imagine it is stealing a name if the player abandoned his account? The new player isn't 'stealing' a name, he's making a name up. He has no idea someone once had a character by that name.


    I don't know many soldiers who don't pull up their toons at the USO gaming hot spots when deployed, btw.


    I don't know why you are pushing your issues, but your argument so far is bogus.

  9. Would this be the same self-centered selfishness that demands you get somebody else's name? The only person entitled to a name is the person that got it, either at creation, or as a result of a merge, and in the latter case, I'd hope they'd look at activity and levels before they decide which one keeps the name. Other than that, nobody is entitled to get a name somebody else already has, barring the guidelines set out for the purge(s) they have previously done.
    I don't believe it is the same, possibly self-centered selfish Robert, who would call himself 'bard'. Rather it may be someone simply attempting to find a reasonably pronounceable name that will not be terribly difficult to use and isn't surrounded by nonsense numerals.


    If everyone on opening created as many alts as they could in order to reserve character names, as is not uncommon, yet left the game without a backward glance, why should all those names be locked away forever?

  10. If you dont like being judged and found wanting by some group, figure out why it happened, and correct the problem instead of whining about how unfair it is.
    And yet many of those dependent on groups worry about why some prefer soloing in an MMO, using derogatory words like 'fool' and 'whine'. The simplest and most elegant way to avoid mob castigation is by playing independent of them. Yes, we miss some content and our voices are excluded by the developer who caters to guilds. Such is the price we have to be willing to pay for preferring independence wherever possible.
  11. 3. I really don't agree with the sense of entitlement of some people. So what this is your first 55? Run it till you get the gear you need. Guess what...I had to do the same, everyone does. You are not a special snowflake. Running with a guild will make this much faster....
    Fair play is now 'entitlement'? Hypocrisy is expressing dismay at the "sense of entitlement" in others while asserting that they're 'entitled' to need a blue for an alt that nobody can see... which item will, btw, soon appear at an inflated price on the GTN... but their entitlement is a natural right, and somehow not really 'entitlement'.
  12. Does everybody who could be considered an elitist fall into this stereotype?
    It isn't a stereotype, but no: not every elitist gives bad advice. Some elitists give sound advice but ineptly package it.


    Basically if you are identified as an elitist then either they are mistaken or you are packaging your nature poorly. The elite are painstakingly polite: they are genteel, gentlemen and gentlewomen. Those who imagine they are elite who fail to address their appearances adequately are posers.


    You do realize, don't you, that anyone 'could be considered' elitist by someone, even if that purported elitist never said a word?

  13. The phrase "But you already knew that didn't you" is for their benefit, so they don't have to admit that they're not playing the right way. If they did or didn't know what you've told them already, they can just shrug it off and say "Yeah I did know that" without feeling stupid. I fail to see how that phrase is in any way patronizing.

    Yours is a nice sentiment but you cannot control how others will take it. It is rather like theory-crafting and min-maxing: the best of intentions like the best laid plans are prone to grow askew. All it takes is a little dose of human unpredictability and intentions, like algorithms, are bolloxed beyond recognition.

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