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Posts posted by Gleneagle

  1. Not that I disagree with your last sentence but, again, why is that surprising you?

    It's always been like that. Bolster made things a bit better in PVP for players in PVE gear (and by that I mean they no longer get destroyed in 2 CDs like before) but what I'm still confused about is why you'd connect disciplines to a worse PVP experience and gear grind when that's always been the case

    Is it all as it should be? Shouldn't there be an avenue for crafted armor and gear to gain equivalence? Wouldn't it be better were players empowered to enter the most dangerous and challenging environments for the first time appropriately geared and at the same time improve the high end crafting game?


    You look at the complaints and half of them, I estimate, are about improperly geared players. Shouldn't there be an alternative to being a burden to groupmates until they have a decent full set?

  2. LULZ!


    Yeah, I mean, if the players suck so bad, then Bioware probably doesn't even want em playing right? I mean, who wants anything but the best of the bestest playing their game?! This is a HARDCORE gamers game!!! All them sucky players should go play something that sucky players play right?! Only the HARDEST of the HARDCORE are welcome here...and even they might suck! Those blasted "casuals"...always ruining it for all us epic HARDCORE players!!! :mad::mad::mad:

    </wave>This is not the sarcasm they are looking for...
  3. I am all for the Bioware development team enhancing the storytelling opportunities in both Flashpoints and Operations. However, the Class Story feature is something truly special and unique and it would be great if they could double down on their original objectives. To this day it's what separates SWTOR from the rest of the MMO herd.
    Whereas I'd say it is their storytelling in general that separates SWTOR from the pack: I don't get the emphasis on 'Class' as a standout example. Are the class stories good? Certainly. Must new stories be class stories to be good? I don't think that is true.


    It would be great if the class storylines were extended with another chapter, no question. But I don't think extending the class stories are necessary if the writers have something else in mind. I just want MOAR.

  4. I wouldn't maintain that narrowing the focus of interesting plot lines to 'class stories' is a good idea. There were and likely will be interesting tales to tell where the plot involves the character's class, but to me the important thing is that interesting stories will be told. I wouldn't confine those to be 'class'-centric any more than I would confine any other potential more than necessary. There are many aspects that could serve as objectives toward which plot lines can lead, from armor to implants to weaponry, and so on. There is also the potential of adding epic talents, and other avenues that don't so much provide a specific boon as much as they explore the vast array of the lore. There are stories to be told that open a new planet, or delve deeper into existing ones that become available under specific circumstances, such as specific dark-side/light-side alignments. There could be tales that bestow lore for entire guilds. There are stories that could more closely integrate GSF into traditional stories and vice-versa.


    The big thing for me is the story, not so much the class.

  5. Not really. See previous examples made by me and other people about trying to get a certain name and having to come up with something else - either a variation of that name, or a completely new name altogether.


    If you can't get the name "Jack," then use Jackie, Jake, Jackey, John, Johnson, Mack, Dack, or some other variation of it. "Jack isn't available and isn't played anymore" is not a good reason to rip it away from someone else.

    I'm not concerned about a specific name. I'm concerned about a new player amped on finally getting into the game, taking an hour to get their first character just right, then having to spend hours trying to get a name accepted.


    I think that experience is a let-down, and would like as many names available for that new player as possible.


    Now you and I might be creative types. As a native westerner (now in the East) I do rather well using the names of American Indian tribes. But not everyone has a natural gift as we have, and they are just as well financed as the rest of us. Valuable customers. They should have as many available names to come up with as possible to label their toon and get into the game while they still have an excited, good feeling about it.

  6. Yes pleeaaaaaase do a name purge. Same thing with me, I have been monitoring the characters with names I want and they haven't changed level/location for many many many months!
    Single-handedly you just blew away my argument that nobody is arguing for specific names. How much did the Bard pay you to post that sabotage?


    Just because a character hasn't been played doesn't mean it is on an inactive account.


    FINE, Robert: You win. There really are such people around. /disgust

  7. Again, what happens when the name you're clamoring for isn't available after a purge? Again, are you going to push to change the rules so that you can finally find a way to get it?
    Except I don't see anyone pushing for a specific name: you have an argument against something nobody is talking about (that I have seen). The position you are arguing against is a strawman fallacy.


    There isn't a good reason why abandoned names should be kept reserved for players who have clearly moved on.

  8. So, does he deserve to lose the name of the character named after his wife, since he has not logged in to that character in over 17 months? Do you think that character, with the name it has, is kind of important to him?


    Did he let the sub lapse that he endowed with his late loved one's name and the cartoon character he made of her? Such an emotional investment clearly wasn't present when he left the game. Why should it be more present when he returns?

  9. Why can't you use Group Finder? The rewards are pretty good. Sure, you're not solo, but there is no commitment. Just queue while you are running Section X, CZ, or Oricon dailies/weeklies. If you have a healer or tank, the queue should pop in a reasonable amount of time.
    Why should he have to? Whyever would anyone want to? Subjugation should not be compulsory unless we are a darkside culture. Even if we often seem a darkside culture...
  10. It's nice that people still think that's the truth. But, much like another studio that EA bought, their failure has totally been on them. Remember the defense of the ending of ME3? It had nothing to do with EA wanting it a particular way (really, EA probably would have had them cave and change it) it was about their own "creative freedom"
    You must be in law, because reading between the lines isn't lawyery.
  11. I LOVE to think Bioware is this clever...but they simply aren't.
    Oh sure they are. You are one the few who thinks otherwise that I've read. Bioware is superbly clever, it's just that they have this layer of overhead oppressing creativity, gambling, risk taking, and other brilliant but risky behaviors. Once it was only the imaginative Doctors, but no more.


    The great hope, for me, is that something about ME3 gifted them a powerful lesson about imposing managerial parsimony on the growth of creative dynamics.

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