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  1. Equip it with any other droid parts, it's not that hard.
  2. I'd like to see this http://www.flickr.com/photos/53415931@N05/5672864604/. The outfit you have in your trailers. More love to the dark side.
  3. Yes and it's not 100% successful.
  4. lol insulting already? Maybe you should actually try to solo it instead of having NPCs help you and claiming its soloing. There's a limit to the force you can get through sacrificing HP, doubt you can bring him down before that limit.
  5. If that other mob wasn't there he could have killed you pretty quickly when Khem is stunned.
  6. Your companion window didn't show you had a companion out at the start of the fight but it was still there, weird. Though I'd say its not solo if you just kited it to other mobs. They actually take the aggro when the ghost stuns your companion.
  7. Backing this up. Server transfer would be good.
  8. What you call "social rewards" aren't rewarded to those that actually do all the grouping from lvl 1-50. At most you'll end up at social 4-5 at lvl 50, there are items that needs social 10. How else will you get it if not for BT/Esseles?
  9. And your point? Does my grinding effect you?
  10. Only social 5? Correlia stuff requires social 10 so without Esseles/BT farming you'd never reach it. If the points were implemented the right way we wouldn't need to grind those 2 flashpoints at all. Why do ppl care what others do in game that doesn't really effect them, I never get this one.
  11. Tried it, kicked me out in about 30 mins.
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