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Everything posted by Ankido

  1. I just noticed there's no real time damage. When you use an ability, the target takes damage before the animation happens. This goes for both melee and ranged. Why is that? It kinda throws the combat off. There's no damage when a light saber hits or when blasters hit. For example: For Melee, there is a Jedi ability that strikes twice. Say for example, the damage for the ability is 100. The first strike should hit for 50 and the second for another 50. That would total 100. For Ranged, say the blaster shoots 10 rounds of bolts. If the damage on the ability is 100, each bolt would do 10 damage. Of course this is all based on crit. There is one bolt that might hit for 15 while another hits for 8 and another for 25. This just seems odd and makes the game feel weird. I knew something was wrong the moment I played. I'm not use to this type of combat animation.
  2. <Enter Sarcasm> Someone was arrested for exploiting ebay. They were told by the judge that it ruined the United States economy. He is now serving life in prison. <End Sarcasm> Your error not ours. Nice cover up though with the Gold farmers.
  3. I love Star Wars but I think Bioware is going to get us by surprise. They are working with a super evil company EA. Again for those who don't know me, I worked for EA and it's one F'ed up company. I thought I'd be in for the long haul but you can count me out. 30 days and I'm done.
  4. I will have to agree with Ten Ton Hammer. BioWare is at the top of it's game when it comes to story, which is perhaps SWTOR's greatest strength. Companions and their associated assortment of crew skills greatly enhance the overall gameplay experience. No more having to ask for help from friends, guildmates and strangers in general chat. The decision to go all in with fully voiced player characters and NPCs has paid off in a big way. Unfortunately, they're not the only ones that did it. Remember Conan? However, as amazingly written as the class stories are, each faction only offers one unique path through content up to the endgame. The advanced class selection system does a pretty poor job of offering enough information to players about a (currently) irreversible decision, where the only recourse is to start over again on a new character if you're unhappy with your first pick. In Conclusion, the game is not as fun as most of us expected. There are already complaints about end game raiding. I'm not sure why raids are open at this time, we're still in week 2. The profession system is far too easy with companions and doesn't feel as though "YOU" are actually doing the professions. There are far too many quests with Heroics, Bonus, Standard and Class. At least color code them to help with confusion. Overall, the game is solid and has potential to be one of the best. My Review 75/100 Gameplay - Clunky and poor engine 85/100 Graphics - Looks good but not great. Sometimes simple is better 75/100 Sound - Where is the Star Wars music? Only hear sabers and blaster sounds. 70/100 Multiplayer - Who needs them when you have companions? 70/100 Value - Get's boring at times especially when you're traveling a lot 80/100 Lasting Appeal - Been there and done that. I think it was in 2004. 76/100 Overall - I was looking for a WoW replacement and found the same title of 2004 with a Star Wars theme. You would think BioWare learned ideas from Blizzard.
  5. Sorry to post so quick again but I want to address this. First off, they are competing against the 2004 WoW. The content you see in the game is based off of what blizzard did in 2004. Secondly, had bioware used the latest "IDEAS" and "INGENUITY" that blizzard used for the past 8 years, then this launch was awesome and the game was amazing. It blows my mind that bioware wanted a re-hash of wow 2004 and slapped a Star Wars theme and called it an MMORPG. Here's a list of broken crap in the game that should have been addressed during beta. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=104361
  6. One thing Blizzard did and that was NOT OPEN RAIDS. MC wasn't open until way after everyone was hitting 60. Right now you have raids in SWTOR and we're in the second week. Big mistake!!! At least Blizzard allowed us to work on pre raid gear and professions before MC and BWL opened up. Told you Bioware should have followed the blizzard standards.
  7. I'm sorry, let me rephrase that. Mage runs around and grabs a crap load of mobs and AOE's them down. That's an exploit right?
  8. Stop talking! Seriously stop! You have no clue what an exploit is. "hey let's not get a high level and run is through an instance while grabbing every freakin mob. ITS PROBABLY CAN EXPLOIT". Just stop!!
  9. How the hell is that an exploit? You trying to tell me if there was a rare monster in the game and I knew the spawn point and logged in every time to kill it I'm exploiting? You make no sense sir. Professions in this game is all screwed up. You can max out your profession at low levels by paying for it through companions or having a high level take you through all of it. THIS IS NOT EXPLOIT. Like someone stated, level lock the zone or containers and better yet professions should be advanced by certain level. Ban me for wanting to level my profession as a low level or wanting more professions and duel boxing. This is ludicrous. Bioware screwed up and now they're taking it out on the player. How many more days left for the free month? Watch how fast that million account goes down.
  10. Actually he's right. I worked for this company as a GM. We all had hammers regardless of the severity of the problem. If he was banned for slicing at low levels in a high level area then the problem is with EA/Bioware. This is not an exploit. This is a way to stop someone from doing something that was biowares fault. If you don't know how to create a profession system, then you have no business being in the MMORPG business. All Hail Blizzard for having the patience and man power to put together a system that works. Really, companions doing profession for me? This game is KOTOR online. Lame!
  11. I worked as a GM with EA and there were times where someone did something but we were unsure if it was an exploit. We banned him to keep people from doing what he did even though it wasn't illegal. They own the game, they have the right to terminate you without cause. Another instance was a guy who didn't know how to spell Japanese. So he asked someone if he was ***. The guy answered with yes and it seemed like a harmless conversation. Someone reported him for saying *** and I was forced to suspend his account for further review even though it clearly showed he didn't know how to spell it. I asked him "why did you say ***?" He replied with "I was trying to say Japaneese". By him not spelling it correctly, I knew he wasn't in the wrong. His account was suspended.
  12. How do you know this before you throw assumption. Maybe they are doing it and maybe they are not. Not right for you to call someone a liar. If they are deleting posts regarding this issue, apparently it holds water.
  13. They are banning people because they go to a certain zone? I've never in my life heard of anything like this. If this is true, bioware will lose a lot of credibility.
  14. I went with Mochi. This was the name given to me in SWG's. Ankido Mochi Adamu Mochi Nechi Mochi
  15. LMFAO, you sound like a developer. +1 for the post. Thanks for the list. You just fueled the fire in many of us. What you listed should not have made it into launch without being fixed or added to the game. I'm concerned with what went on in beta. I will use your post as a reference if I find anything. Thanks!
  16. My doctor told me to stop playing after I had a seizure and he upped my dosage. Can I sue for credits or possibly an epic speeder? Seriously...I ignored it. I'm guessing it will be addressed soon. It's just a flicker and doesn't constantly flicker to the point you are buying cigarettes because the subliminal message told you too.
  17. 1. Make it a skill to learn in your tree? (fail) 2. Keep toggle on after death? (fail) You died!!! 3. Make it an ability you learn passive? (fail) 4. Leave it alone as it is and I'll be more smarter in applying buffs and add that to the list? (WIN) Remind me to kick people from raids or the guild for that matter that don't know when to toggle spring after they die. That means you forgot to buff after you die. That to me is a useless noob. Seriously people, TOGGLE THE DAMN BUTTON WHEN YOU BUFF YOURSELF. LMFAO!!!
  18. Exactly! Jedi's are not spoken as Warriors, this is something that was recently introduced. They are Jedi Knights. Bottom line, Warriors should not be used in Star Wars but this is taken off the page of Fantasy. Star Wars is not unique with Twi'leks and so on so on that other games don't have. Blah, I just got a brain fart. End of conversation. lol
  19. How many times have you heard Warrior in Star Wars movies or books?
  20. You are a smart cookie. You pay good attention. Honest truth though. We're all on the same team. We want SWTOR to succeed. 4 years is a long time waiting. Better yet, 6 years for me. Since the concept and thought about SWTOR was announced back in 2006 and it was just a rumor. Too long for me brother. I expected a lobster not a goldfish.
  21. This argument is like beating a dead horse. In the end, 100% of TOR customers want to see this game succeed. I am probably on top of that list. Someone made a good point about comparison. You always compare a new product to what you have or used before. Don't get mad when someone compares SWTOR to WOW. In the end, you will lose that battle and 99.99% of the time the WOW defender wins. It's common sense as I stated before. This is just another 2004 WOW clone with a Star Wars stamp on it. To be frankly honest, blizzard did a better job. Crossing fingers for a better push in the next months coming.
  22. You're the kiddie here defending like a child. Do you blame them ( should say "US") that we played a game for 8 years and then decided to make the jump to something that was empty? It's like going back to 2004. Common sense man!!!! I bet you my life had it not been for blizzard, SWTOR wouldn't look, feel or play like what it does today. Where do you think they got the whole concept from?
  23. They are not even close alike. If you want to compare World of Warcraft (2004) vs Star Wars The Old Republic, then yea, I pick SWTOR because I'm a star wars fan. If you compare WoW of 2011 vs SWTOR 2011, I go with WoW LANDSLIDE. Biowares big mistake was not taking advantage of the new ideas blizzard used for it's many expansions. You don't build a game vs another based on what they used in the previous years. You go with what is new. That's the argument everyone has about this game.
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