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Everything posted by Ratajack

  1. Nico Okarr, HK-55, all of the HK-55 themed rewards, the HK-55 bonus chapter, Shae Vizla, The party Jawa, the Hutt holo trainer. I could go on and on. It seems the times are not changing that much. I sleep very well, but then I do not have a false sense of entitlement.
  2. You are absolutely correct, but you will still likely be called "elitist", "entitled" and/or "only concerned about 'muh exclusives' ".
  3. Unless I am mistaken, one of the reasons for the timer is to help protect against credit card fraud. If you want a particular item on a particular character immediately, nothing is stopping you from purchasing that item on that character.
  4. Fortunately, BW has thus far honored those implicit agreements no matter how loudly or how long those who did not meet the criteria to obtain any of the past subscriber rewards have cried, whined and begged on the forums for a "second chance". Hopefully, they will continue to do so. I, for one, will continue to be here advocating that they continue to honor those implicit agreements. Once again (despite your continued attempts to paint those who actually met the clear and explicit criteria and earned those past subscriber rewards and therefore are actually entitled to have them as big, bad, mean bullies who's only concern is "lording their exclusives" over those who did not meet the clear and explicit criteria and simply have an entitled attitude) this is not about "muh exclusives". Go ahead with your bad self, though, and continue to try to paint us a big, bad, mean bullies if it helps you sleep at night. Can BW "cave" and make past rewards available again? Sure they can, but they are not obligated to do so, and there will be a cost if they do, even if that cost is an intangible one.
  5. Really? Allow me to quote Eric and your response: It sure seems that you knew the price would go back up to 1,000 CC. Eric's post advising us that the cost would go back up to 1000 CC was dated 11/22/2017. That was almost three weeks notice that the prices would be going back up to 1000 CC. Then on 11/28/2017, Eric posted this: So we had 2 weeks notice of the exact date that the transfer costs would go back up.
  6. The HK-55 chapter was a bonus chapter and has no bearing on the "story" as a whole. It was a perk for those who remained subscribed during a "content drought". Possibly you were not playing at the time, but there were many who were openly bragging that they were going to unsubscribe and then after all the KotFE chapters had been released subscribe for a single month to get all the KotFE chapters. They ridiculed the bonus chapter reward promotion believing that the bonus chapter could not possibly be any good. Then the bonus chapter was released and suddenly those same people were clamoring for a "second chance" to gain access to that bonus chapter. My desire to see BW honor their implicit agreements with those who met the clear and explicit criteria to receive any past subscriber rewards and keep those rewards exclusive to those that earned them by meeting those criteria has nothing to do with "lording" those rewards over those who, for whatever reason, did not meet those criteria. It has to do with the negative impact that violating those implicit agreements would have on any future subscriber promotions. How effective would any future subscriber promotions be if BW sent the message that players did not need to subscribe to receive those rewards and all they had to do would be to wait a bit and then cry, whine and/or beg enough on the forums to be given a "second chance" to obtain those rewards. Is it disappointing to know that there are things in the game that I will likely never have? Yes, but I understand that in game, as in life, sometimes things are only available for a limited time and that if I miss my chance to obtain them, then I simply have to play the game without those items. HK-55 and the bonus chapter were subscriber rewards for being subscribed at the appropriate time(s). The republic and imperial containment armors were in game items, not subscriber rewards. There is a difference.
  7. I saw nothing nasty or "unfriendly" in your post, but then I, too, think that 1000 CC is a fair and reasonable price for server transfers.
  8. Lower instance population should not affect queue pops or players' ability to form groups on their own to do content such as OP's, FP's and WZ's, which were the major concerns of the "Merge servers NOW!!!!! I NEED more LFG fodder!!!!!!" crowd. Lower instance population would still allow players to form groups to "do content", including dailies/ heroics if that is their choice, while alleviating much of the frustration caused by excessive competition for quest mobs, quest objectives and resources, etc.
  9. To be fair, those are two different groups, though. Before the merges, the "Merge servers NOW!!!!! I NEED more LFG fodder!!!!!!" crowd were complaining about servers being "dead" because queues did not pop fast enough for them. Those who preferred a lower population server brought up things like increased competition for quest mobs, quest objectives and resources as likely negative consequences of server merges. The "Merge servers NOW!!!!! I NEED more LFG fodder!!!!!!" crowd chose to dismiss and ignore these concerns. Now that server merges have happened, those who predicted that server merges would result in more frustration due to increased competition for quest mobs, quest objectives and resources have been proven to be correct in their predictions.
  10. I did read that. MMO's are games that are CAPABLE of supporting large numbers of players on a single server. Nowhere does it say that MMO's HAVE to have large numbers of players, that players are required to group or that MMO's should not lower the maximum number of players in a single instance in order to alleviate frustration due to massive competition for limited quest objectives, quest mobs or resources.
  11. For those that apparently think that a different thread will somehow change how the collections interface and legacy gear work, allow me to quote myself from another thread:
  12. Another person who apparently does not know what an MMO actually IS and defines MMO only by what they WANT it to be.
  13. It sounds like you got your armor sets mixed up, then. IIRC, there were at least two sets of armor available during the DvL event, but only one had the XP bonus attached to it.
  14. Unless I am mistaken, legacy bound items cannot be added to the collections interface. IIRC, the HK-55 helmet had to be converted from BOL to BOP in order for it to be added to the collections interface. For those that say "just make the DvL armor BOP and add ot to collections", those who earned the armor earned ONE SET of that armor (or one set per server on which they completed the requirements), not an infinite number of sets, and not multiple sets across multiple servers (unless the requirements to earn additional sets were completed on additional servers). . The armor being BOL means it can be passed from character to character within a legacy. If a player wishes to start new characters on a different server, they can transfer a character with the DvL armor in order to have access to it on the new server. That, of course, means it will not be available on the original server, though.
  15. First we have: then, later: These two reply posts are what one could expect from someone who exploited and is now worried about the consequences of their actions. I'm not saying that the poster who responded was an exploiter, only that telling someone who inquires about what actions will be taken against the exploiters to "worry about themselves" and then wants the exploiters to be able to keep their accounts despite the harm that those exploiters caused the game displays attitudes that would be consistent with those that one could expect from someone who is worried about possible actions for having exploited. IMO, permaban and total loss of account would be the correct action to be taken against any exploiter who does not come forth voluntarily and confess to Eric or Keith. Those that come forth voluntarily and confess to Eric or Keith should lose all credits on their account as well as any items they may have purchased since the date of the exploit. Anything less sends the wrong message, IMO.
  16. Does right clicking the buff icon not "remove" the CXP boost which would then enable the use of another boost?
  17. If Johnny has 6 minutes left on the CXP boost when the WZ pops, nothing is stopping him from using another boost to make sure the boost does not run out during the WZ.
  18. I'm sorry that your work took you "out to the field", but for every promotion BW has offered, there have been many who have come to the forums begging to be given a "second chance" because they missed out due to <insert random reason here>. IF, and that is a big "IF", BW were to make Darth Hexid available again, what happens if your job takes you "out to the field" again, with no PC or network connection during the second promotion? Should they make her available a third time for all those that "didn't have time" to meet the requirements either of the first two times? If they make her available a third time, what happens when the complaints of "not having time" to meet the requirements during any of the previous three promotions crop up, which they inevitably will. Where does it stop? Should BW just throw in the towel and give her to everybody, since there will always be someone who "missed out" (for whatever reason)?
  19. Didn't have time? Almost three weeks wasn't enough time to do any three PVE group finder missions that were eligible for the daily reward or any three PVP WZ's? This is BW's game and they can do whatever they choose to do. I'm hoping that Darth Hexid is not made available again, though. Darth Hexid was not a subscriber reward and required actually doing some in game content to meet the requirements to be eligible to receive her as a companion.
  20. You might want to collect legacy armors. Billy might want to collect all the BOE armors. Johnny might want to collect all the BOE weapons. Someone else may want to collect all of some other item. There are so many items in the game that one person or another might want to collect that in order to have "looked forward enough", BW would likely have needed to create enough storage to store at least one of every item in the game and then extra storage space to allow for future items. Talk about database impacts. I fail to see how Johnny deciding to collect/hoard all the legacy armors is a BW issue. You can say that BW created all the legacy armors, but they also created all the armor sets that are quest rewards, as well as every other item in the game. If Billy wants to keep every BOP armor set he earns as he levels, is it up to BW to provide extra storage (or add those BOP armor sets to the collections interface) to accommodate Billy's hoarding? Every MMO I have played has had limited storage, although those limits have varied by game. The common denominator in every MMO I have played is that players had to make choices on what to store/hoard and what to let go.
  21. Heroics are now solo content, listed in the SOLO section of the activities interface. Can players group for heroics? Sure, but they are not required to do so. Bars are multiple customer businesses. Would you walk into a bar alone and get upset at the guy sitting at the bar if he didn't engage in conversation and drink with you? Is that person being anti-social?
  22. IMO, that would depend on how that "legacy token" was coded. IMO, certain things should be bound to character and NOT legacy bound, including but not limited to: relics, earpieces, implants and certain BOP items that are earned per character, such as the armors from the new FP. If that legacy token could be coded so that it would not work on relics, implants, earpieces and items such as the the armors from the new FP, then it would be a more viable solution. That does sound like a lot of intense coding and work just for what amounts to a simple storage issue, especially when no one is being forced to keep all those legacy armors and/or weapons, though.
  23. I'm guessing that the event currency is used for multiple reasons, including, but not limited to, providing incentive for players to participate in those events even after they max out their rep and maintaining a level of rarity for those decorations. Oh noes, I said "maintaining a level of rarity". I'm sure there will be an incoming "elitist" comment.
  24. And that would be why they're listed in the SOLO tab of the activities interface, right?
  25. I guess the individual player has to decide which is more important to them. Is getting those decorations important enough to put forth the effort to earn the currency to obtain them? or Is the player's aversion to the effort required to earn the currency to obtain those decorations larger then their desire to have those decorations? This may be a game, but in games as in life, some rewards may require us to do things we would prefer not to do. All we can do is make our own choices as to how much we want those rewards.
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