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Everything posted by Korghal

  1. Where you actually online day 1? It was AWFUL! mobs camped, servers crashing and restarting, website totally screwed up. And this didnt get fixed for about 2 freaking weeks!
  2. They said this in late August about staggerd iirc, i might be misstaken but its been a LONG time since they mentioned it. AND BOOHOO FOR YOU! Im not in yet, you dont see me whining? And i want in BADLY!
  3. I wonder where people get this fabled "everyone in til the 15th"-lie that is going around. They have said from the start that its UP TO 5 days(later change to up to 7 days), and have ALWAYS said MINIMUM of 1 day early access. Im just baffled at the lack of brain of some people on this forum, the sad part is most of you arent even trolling...
  4. Ran this on a 460 gtx 1Gb(wifes comp) during last stress test, had 50+ fps all the time. Re-install windows is my largest bet. Unless your unlucky enough to run windows vista. If you are, get Windows 7 x64, will run 100 times better.
  5. 1. I agree on this, but naming should never ever be a reason to change launch strategy. 2. I completely disagree, this will make them create less pvp servers which means more encounters BY FAR. Good for PvP'rs.
  6. http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=66561&postcount=6438 This more or less says we are getting in tomorrow! Stephen Ried
  7. Ive been around since the birth of MMO's, played every major one out there(including asian ones). And this is by far the smoothest launch, nothing is even close to this. So many ungreateful morons on this forum, this is early access, nothing has been promised except the following: 1. Atleast ONE day of EGA. THATS IT. Even tho i cant change your minds, i implore you all to QUIT THE GAME. Let us be rid of you when we get ingame, please?
  8. Can all the whiners PLEASE QUIT THE GAME! I would love that, please? pretty please with sugar on top?
  9. When did you redeem your code on the website? Im guessing NOT 21st of July.
  10. There was NEVER a promise. Your lack of brain disturbs me.
  11. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=4196 last wave for today, sadface
  12. Yeah i did. LG 30" TFT W3000H-BN IPS-Panel, 3 of them for wide view. 2x 590gtx 3gb for SLI 12Gb 2Ghz DDR3 Corsair SSD 240Gb Asus M4N98TD EVO SLI AMD Phenom II 955 Black Edition 4x core (only thing i didnt upgrade, will do soon tho)
  13. Its called LOYALTY, you should look that word up mate. I think this idea was fantastic! And no im not playing atm, ordered August 6th so ill have to wait a while.
  14. Stephen Ried twittered there is 1 more PLANNED, i bet they are doin more tho.
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