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Everything posted by FridgeLM

  1. So given that you use this as your reasoning, it is not an unreasonable assumption to assume that you want the game balanced, at least partially, around people who don't know what they're doing. Do you understand the problem with that position? Bombers should not be punished because bads don't know enough to know they're bad. Revert the LOS change.
  2. I don't want them to make a type 4 strike. Everything you want in a type 4 strike can be made out of type 1 or 2 depending on preference if they changed a few things. For example, missile lock breaks should not be as ubiquitous as they are, or missiles favored by strikes (concussions etc) should do more damage. I'd be fine with either of these, leaning toward missile buffs personally since my favored strike fighter is the Quell and the one-two ion/concussion is just so satisfying. Alternately they could increase the firing arc for those missile types to make target acquisition easier. For the type 1, the OP is right. For being a laser-focused platform, its laser selection is quite limited as opposed to the Quell which has almost every missile type in the game. I loaded mine with ions/quads and like it just fine but unlike a scout it has no TT or BO to turn it into a real butcher. The type 1 (and the game in general) could really benefit from an overhaul of Rapid Fire Lasers - but honestly I'd argue they should just be removed, as they have no place in a game where time on target is so low. They're a beginner's trap in terms of selection and they're only effective against beginners who don't realize they're even being shot at. As an aside, Verain, shield power converter is better than any missile break IMO. I have it equipped on my Quell and all my bombers and I've never regretted it.
  3. This never happened unless the enemy was bad or insisted on flying battle scouts - and even then you can't just sit there in a bomber if they fly in. Evasive flying around a satellite is not as easy as you seem to think it is, especially in the slowest, least-maneuverable ships in the game. I don't want this change. I want the AOE to go through static objects again, because that change was completely pointless. If every mine becomes essentially a seeker mine, what is the niche of a seeker mine?
  4. This subforum has some really dumb jargon. It's especially egregious for a game type that is as newbie-unfriendly as GSF currently is. On-topic, I haven't flown a minelayer since they got nerfed for no reason other than battle scout pilots can't handle hard counters.
  5. Only in theory, and this is like setting the standard for micro in starcraft 2 to be at the level of the Automaton 2000. In practice, a non-zero amount of lateral movement by a target in a zoomed-in railgun's scope sends it careening off the screen. Literally almost nobody will get a hit this way unless the target is stationary or flying straight forward with no course deviation.
  6. Cool, so they'll literally never hit anything ever again because targets move too quickly to be consistently acquired while zoomed in. Gunships are fine. If anything, they should just remove the zoom because it's pointless.
  7. This is a completely unreasonable expectation if you're any good at this game at all. Even in my worst games ever, using nearly-stock ships that themselves aren't very good alone on a team of 2 shippers against double premades, I expect to at least break the 10k damage threshold and one or more kills. No amount of shutdown outside of the entire team focusing me to the exclusion of all else will prevent the potshots necessary to cross that threshold. On-topic: Armor penetration is a way bigger problem than shield pen, which was already nerfed. I actually think shield pen is fine as is currently, but armor pen makes multiple components into a beginner's trap.
  8. The blackbolt is my favorite scout. I go mass mass booster power on it, with laser cannon and pods. I'd agree it's probably a beginner's trap but once you learn how to fly well it's a fun ship to play and not hard to do well on.
  9. Change the method: Test specific bosses at specific times. When it's not those times, no bosses should be available. This is how WoW does it.
  10. Bump, also looking for a dps.
  11. <Death and Taxes> Death and Taxes is recruiting for progression operations. We are an 8 man guild with a long-standing history in this game and others stretching back over ten years and we are a constant presence in the highest echelon of each game's PvE scene. SWTOR has thus far been no exception. We are looking to expand our roster for SWTOR. As of 2/19/2015, we are looking for tanks but we are flexible enough to accommodate exceptional DPS and healers. Mercenaries are (still) preferred. If you would like to apply, please do so at our website. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact Rhomea, Kurdros, Ne'biros, or Dominion in game - if one of us isn't online you're welcome to /who the guild and ask around.
  12. So even with a randomized spawn location you're being camped? That's pretty impressive, do you even look at the map when you're dead?
  13. That's super cool if you have a system ability worth anything, but what about non-command Strike Fighters? Especially the missile variant? No, thank you. Nothing should block secondary weapons, ever. Missiles are hard enough to hit aware pilots with as it is. That and scout system abilities are too strong and almost ubiquitously useful (save sensor beacon) to warrant the luxury of never being disabled.
  14. Disagree with this one. This'd allow minelayers and drone carriers to continue using their drones and mines. All it'd stop from them then are seismic and seeker mines. Basically the proposed idea is a tradeoff, not a buff.
  15. Given I've literally streamed games where I just fly around uselessly when the matchmaking is heavily favored toward my team I don't think this ridiculous conclusion you've taken from my statement has a lot of meaning.
  16. Pretty horrible idea for what should be obvious reasons, not least of which being how anti-fun it'd be for the game to tell you "sorry you can't play your favored ship type because of hurt feelings."
  17. Maybe you're just having a bad day, I dunno. Can't approach the issue that way, but I'm sure you understand that.
  18. You're a pretty terrible class rep if you actually have this attitude about this process. If Bioware made a mistake in this round of questions and answers it was in selecting you in the first place. I hope that was just venting.
  19. I use ion missiles in conjunction with concussions on my Quell. I engage most targets outside of quad laser range as a missile platform. This is probably the only halfway viable way to use them, I can't imagine having them as my only secondary weapon option.
  20. You just answered your own musing about why it doesn't have merit. Blizzard added in-game VOIP to WoW in the middle of the Burning Crusade, the first expansion. Its implementation broke an ungodly amount of unrelated systems and nobody used it, making it a colossal effort for effectively no benefit. The only way to beat organization, assuming the people who are organized aren't bad, is to organize yourself.
  21. That's not the only way to slap around a battle scout. Seismic/concussion is my personal favorite. There isn't a battle scout flying on pot5 who can contest my minelayer without significant support, and that was the case even before the giant pub premades (who wrecked the server's scene for a couple of months at least) left.
  22. I've been doomsaying about the inevitable rise of battle scouts if bombers are significantly nerfed for months now. Bombers have not been significantly nerfed, interdiction mines are not necessary to keep battle scouts from dominating the meta. I never bought into the interdiction craze because concussions work just fine and, post-patch, they will continue to do so. The interdiction nerf makes sense because people were taking it for the raw damage, not the snare. Concussions are your obvious damage dealers once again, and all is right in the world.
  23. The situation as I see it is they won't implement cross-server until after 3.0, and that most of their current resources are allocated to 3.0 and Strongholds. They're gambling on the issue, betting that they'll retain enough people through content with Strongholds and 3.0, and that players will be busy enough with whatever they've got cooking for 3.0 that they will be able to afford the allocation of resources that implementing cross-server would require.
  24. Disastrously wrong. My quell doesn't care about single railgun hits. The single attack I'm most concerned about in that ship is a TT or BO BLC crit, or if I'm somehow afk for long enough to get hit with a proton torpedo.
  25. I use ion missiles in conjunction with concussions on my Quell. I call it the one-two punch. Getting hit by even one of them makes a ship easy to finish off, getting hit with both is almost certain death.
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