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Everything posted by FridgeLM

  1. Sorcerers come close but Pyro Deception and Vengeance pretty much blow everything out of the water. Carnage too.
  2. I've yet to see a single ranged dps out-aoe Pyro, Deception, or Vengeance.
  3. VoD for State of the Galaxy Episode 11: Twitch
  4. State of the Galaxy will return tonight, 7:30 PM CST (6 hours from now) @ my twitch channel.
  5. VoD for State of the Galaxy Episode 10 Twitch
  6. State of the Galaxy will return November 30th at 7:30 PM CST (1:30 AM GMT) @ twitch.tv/fridge_sa
  7. VoD for State of the Galaxy Episode 9: Twitch Bonus Content: Community Roundtable
  8. We're going live (actually, partially prerecorded) with State of the Galaxy Episode 9.
  9. Unfortunately I've just been informed that the embargo date has been pushed so that it lifts Monday the 24th instead of Friday, so that's when the special edition of SOTG will be.
  10. We're live with State of the Galaxy Episode 8.
  11. State of the Galaxy will return Sunday, November 16th at 7:30 PM CST @ twitch.tv/fridge_sa I'm also pleased to announce that Bioware has invited me to fly to EA Redwood Shores next week to preview upcoming SWTOR content. As a result, we'll be doing a bonus State of the Galaxy Friday, November 21st to share the details of that visit.
  12. Here are the vods for State of the Galaxy Episode 7 Twitch
  13. It's just like any other stupid jargon on this subforum that serves to make the community as inscrutable to new entrants as possible. Real talk? "Ace" is the same thing - means nothing.
  14. The decision was made so that DPS have a better chance of making it into a queue at all, because in 16 man a higher proportion of the group consists of DPS. If your guild is 8 man, go run the instance the normal way (meaning zone into it with your feet) if you're married to the idea of a 'guild run' of story mode. Splitting the queue would just ensure it pops less, so they're not going to do that.
  15. Here are the vods for last night's episode of State of the Galaxy: Twitch
  16. We're going live with State of the Galaxy Episode 6.
  17. State of the Galaxy will return this Sunday, 7:30 PM CDT @ twitch.tv/fridge_sa
  18. Welcome to MMO - this is standard. Content becomes obsolete on an expected and predictable timeframe. They'd better not scale any content currently out - especially Oriconian ops, that'd be suicide. Any effort put toward desperate measures to keep them relevant would only serve to alienate people who run ops. The content's old and played out, let it die.
  19. I'm able to effortlessly get to a safe spot to LOS without relying on a machine to perform a ridiculous maneuver for me - one I can't break out of on my own even if I wanted to. That's why I use shield power converter.
  20. The only reason it's bad on republic side is because the crewmembers it's attached to have poor passives. If you're any good at evasive flying and losing enemies - at all - it will forestall and prevent plenty of deaths. As mentioned above, if you have a ship with shield power converter it's ideal. As a player who primarily solo queues and doesn't rely on my team to have a repair drone or command strike fighter, hydro spanner is perfectly fine. I typically average 0-2 deaths per game while maintaining top tier offensive stats, which in TDM is pretty important. Barrel roll sends you careening off into space whereas shield power converter allows you to fly unpredictably and maintain your shields even under the off chance you're struck by fire. I don't miss the missile break on any ship I have it slotted on (which is all of them I can slot it on).
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