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Everything posted by FridgeLM

  1. 1) I don't have a problem with their survivability (except for missile break on distortion), I have a problem with their burst. It's outrageous and unjustifiable, especially when no other ship can come close. Frankly if you strip away some burst I'd be fine with upping their survivability elsewhere. 2) Actually, people do complain about TT on speed scouts, because it's just as awful to be blown up before you can react no matter which ship is doing the burst. TT is overpowered. 3) Can you show me a design document that indicates that BLC is "supposed" to be the best laser on any ship that can equip it? In-practice it is especially in close range high mobility dogfighting, but given this game has at least half a dozen laser variants that all cost the same requisition I somehow doubt this component was intended to blow away all competition. And I'll have to drop a giant [Citation needed] on your claim that "the best" T2 pilots use quads.
  2. Battle scout. Honestly it's not the frame, it's the components. Distortion field needs its missile break removed and replaced with something else, and TT and BO need severe nerfs. Then bump up their survivability on the frame, maybe. Also nerf armor pen so that damage reduction isn't a beginner's trap. Also BLC should not be the best laser cannon on any ship that can equip it. Some combination of the above changes is probably what the forum can come around to with enough persuasion. But like you said, none of that's going to happen.
  3. Again, you are desperately grasping for conclusions when there's insufficient evidence to support them. Also known as reaching.
  4. Onderon and Dxun are featured prominently too. Dxun's a moon. Hell, Endor's forest moon is a moon. Oricon is a moon. There are lots of moons. You're really reaching here.
  5. Vods for State of the Galaxy Episode 5: Twitch
  6. We're live now with State of the Galaxy Episode 5.
  7. Vods for last night's episode of State of the Galaxy: Twitch (1) (2)
  8. We're live now with State of the Galaxy Episode 4.
  9. State of the Galaxy will return Sunday, September 7th at 7:30 PM CDT.
  10. In one sense this is a good thing because without getting stomped by veterans they might actually learn to like the game.
  11. This is a pretty outrageous claim and probably nonsense. I'd have gone with, "he seems really good to me."
  12. Here's the vods for tonight's episode of State of the Galaxy: Twitch
  13. State of the Galaxy Episode 3 is going live in 7 minutes.
  14. There is no flight style adjustment possible in the game as it exists right now that makes RFLs better than any alternative a ship can equip. This is because your opponents will still be flying the correct way - evasively. Your time on target will be garbage, which destroys all the dubious advantages of RFLs. That he's rude doesn't make his point any less correct. RFLs are the single worst laser in the entire game and nobody should use them. That they're equipped by default on the two starter ships is, I'd argue, a serious reason why more people don't play the game: they do almost no damage in their first few matches, get blown up by people using good lasers, and quit.
  15. The next episode of State of the Galaxy will be Sunday, 8/24/2014 at 7:30 PM CDT.
  16. Vods for State of the Galaxy Episode 2. In this episode, Justin and I discuss strongholds, conquests, Season 2 rewards, and whether parsing on a dummy makes you a better player. Twitch
  17. We're going live now with State of the Galaxy Episode 2.
  18. Here's the VOD of our world 4th timed clear of NiM DP. I can also confirm we will be doing Episode 2 of State of the Galaxy this Sunday at 7:30 PM central time (8:30 Eastern, 5:30 Pacific).
  19. Here's the vods for the first episode of State of the Galaxy. Topics discussed included an autopsy of 2.8 as relates to PvE, class balance, and nightmare power in addition to a discussion of 2.9 and the future of the game beyond 2.9.
  20. Going live now with State of the Galaxy.
  21. Howdy. I stream progression raiding for <Death and Taxes> and will be using this thread to keep the community updated as to the goings on with my stream. Raid schedule for <Death and Taxes> is Sunday-Thursday starting at 7:30 PM Central. This is as good a place as any to let people know that <Death and Taxes> is starting a show where our members will provide high-level commentary on the game in general. The tentative title for this show is "State of the Galaxy" and our first episode is tonight (7/27/2014) at 7:30 PM CDT. I plan on keeping the structure of the show loose so as to match our typical guild discussions - it will very likely closely resemble our discussion of the roadmap this year. Feel free to contact me with questions or comments: Twitter is the easiest way to get ahold of me, but private messages on Twitch or these forums will do fine.
  22. Pretty sure you didn't read what I wrote to do. Parking "behind a fin" doesn't LOS both attackers in the scenario I outlined.
  23. You actually can, and it's not that hard. A team of two can do it by parking above and below the sat in strike fighters. You'd be surprised how many minelayers are completely unaware that their evasive flying isn't accomplishing anything when you break enough distance to cancel most of the LOS blockers. The answer to the question of "where are they supposed to be" when fighting a minelayer is anywhere that isn't in a mine's detonation radius.
  24. Except in your example, the "everyone" getting "lit up" by a mine set off by "someone" are also making mistakes by being that close to an active minelayer in the first place. They're doing that because they don't know any better, and that's their fault. Games should not be balanced around people who don't know how to play them.
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