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Everything posted by Przemo_No

  1. Clearly you don't get it , do you? The problems are at least 2: 1- with multiple alts, one cannot actually know HOW MANY tokens will be accumulated - each login on an alt adds them to the pool and instead of getting rid of them, we only hoard them more. 2 - There is absulutely NOTHING to buy, and these 4 armor sets are some reskins of old stuff (or similar to it) and besides HOW many of that same armor or mount you can have?? I have about 700 Light tokens and 500 Dark ones and already purchased all I could/wanted to before that "event". So tell me, what's the incentive for people like me?
  2. I fully agree. I started today with certain char, suddenly had 260 Light tokens (no idea from where). Switching toons caused this to reach some whopping 400 tokens. Now, what on Earth am I supposed to buy with those?? I have everything I could possibly need/want and I cannot claim the GS reward due to 1 token. Just ONE TOKEN. Amazing idea, indeed! I suppose if I opened all of my toons, I may end up with more than a 1000 tokens and absolutely nothing to spend them on. All that currency restrictions are completely nonsensical. 1100 tech frags, 1200 FP/WZ frags, etc, etc. WHY, OMG ,WHY that nonsense exists even ??? It's not like people with these tokens would buy-out all the supplies dry from all existing vendors!
  3. My thoughts exactly. Alternatively, they might be trying to bring more new CM items with bigger price tag on them, so this is the pre-emptive action, to make players empty their CM pouches and be "incentivized" to buy more CM coins with real money.
  4. Like many, i also tried to play this year, but gave up pretty much quickly. First and foremost is the inability to play few machines same time. they modified the "sizes" such a way that you cannot position yourself even to press 2 Smuggler machines. i am not sure maybe this is body type 3 issue only, but I guess not. and...on contrary to many players i do not and i did not spend credits on the coins. Last 2 years i did the initial quests in full one 2 or 3 chars, and that gave me enough basic coins for "Feeling Lucky" on each of them. Then I bought literally 3 or 4 Max Bet Kingpin Coins and gathered few Emperor's coings via various game activities (FP, Ops, PVP, world loot, etc). Having these, I was either playing Max Bet kingpin machines or Emperor's and got all the "new" items. No, not in a row, it took some time of course, but with abundance of Kingpin regular coins and "feeling lucky" you could get the rewards. Rinse and repeat on different alts. This year, I had 10 Emperor coins and literally lost 5 of them, + got 3 CM certificates and 1 purple pet, which was considered as "jackpot". Pathetic. Waste of time basically and end of the "event" for me. They modified it so badly that it is absolutely not worth playing it for rewards, because there are none. That "new' helmet is just ugly and not worth the time. The rest I already have, so..." event gone, carry on" :)
  5. I guess, I will be in small minority with my opinion, but regardless. here it is: Indeed, I believe the current content delivered and subscription prices are disproportioned, because the subscription price is far too low. What is the ESSENCE of this game is 8 different classes individual, fully voiced stories and THAT'S what players wanted the most. Unfortunately that is exactly what we are NOT receiving since years. I bet Euros against peanuts that if the original stories were continued through all the expansions (so in fact each player could play 8 different stories all the time), the game situation would be way different. Instead, we got half-baked expansions, unification of roles and all these things that came along last 12 years. It all resulted in people leaving the game, complaining about nerfs/buffs, pvp toxicity, etc, etc. All the things so far we received, was just an ersatz and excuse not to deliver 8 separate classes storties further on. One can say that it is expensive to develop such game on such scale, but they have already DONE that 13 years ago. So why not to continue? I tell you why: because the money necessary to develop such thing are probably 10 time more than it was originally needed, thus the montly subscription price, instead of 11 Euros, should be 111 Euros. And THAT is probably the very hard stop. Frankly, when the game started, the montly subscribtion price meant something. Today, sometimes it is a price of one beer in a pub (if you go to London or Amsterdam pubs). Huge inflation has happened to the real world as well and I actually wonder how do they still manage to keep game prices on such level. I do not say rising the sub prices would in any way help the game at this moment, no. I am just saying, that keeping the initial development level of the game, would require increasing sub prices throughout all those years. At thi spoing we are left with whateve the small devs team can squeeze on the budget they are provided, that's all.
  6. Since some time, when i log into the game, the initial character selection appears and then when i choose one, it leads to "no server available". This forces me to close the game, restart and then it works. But today i had incredible lags. Actually the lagging started to happen after they moved to those "virtual" servers or whatever it was... But today the lagging was particularly nasty.
  7. So, how does it correspond to the fact that I already HAD that possibility directly from the appearance kiosk? it was there, and it costs 80 CC. By BUYING the unlock, I wanted to get rid of that cost for multiple characters. it did not happen.
  8. Ok, Steve, I am lost. Are you trying to tell me that by buying that unlock, I have actually bought the POSSIBILITY to SEE the specific hairstyle in the appearance manager?? if so, this is ... just unbelieveable. It's just....What the heck????
  9. Ok, let me explain: if I approach the character appearance modification station, I can select ANY hairstyle (that is assigned to certain species, ofc). In case of human male, I can see and preview ANY hair and beard style. If i decide to change the hairstyle, I have to pay whatever the CC cost is. Therefore seeing that unlock in CM, I was misled by information that it applies to appearance station too. I basically thought that by buying that unlock I will have that particular hairstyle FREE of further charges in there, Because WHY otherwise buy it??? It costs 80 CC without the unlock and still another 80 CC with that unlock. So what gives? I am not interested in creating more characters, because I have full servers of alts and I am pretty much done with it. So i wanted to buy the hairstyle unlock in appearance station , as it was advertised. No more, no less.
  10. That ability was ALWAYS there. I could buy it for the same 80 CC, But I thought that buying the unlock will eliminate the necessity for paying for that hairstyle each time i wanna use it, in the appearance manager. That is NOT the case, ergo - false advertisment. Gonna make a ticket, and see what the respnse will be.
  11. I cannot force myself to carry my alts through Manaan and that Voss "enclave" with cantina duty. I did it about 6 times and I was exhausted. Both instances are SO BORING and bring absolutely nothing except tonnes of mobs. Ruhnuk is not that bad, neither Kessan, but Manaan, OMG, what an incredible drag! I wish we could skip it all on some point.
  12. There were some new hair and beard customizations on CM. I bought both of them, clicked the inventory item, it said, it is unlocked for the account and.... I STILL need to pay for them if I want to change my character hairstyle or beard. I mean what the heck? I just BOUGHT that unlock! So, do I do something wrong or is this a bug?
  13. There are "Stylish Defender Googles" sold by one of the vendor in Cartel Bazaar on the fleet. they cost about 2500 credits (if I remember correctly). But those are set on the eyes, like the normal binoculars. If you're looking for something that Koth wears, I am afraid there is no such thing available (or at least I haven't seen anything like that in years) There are two other armor sets (check GTN) called "Opportunistic Rogue" and "Exiled Revolutionary" that also have googles as a headpieces.
  14. Whether it is a slog or not, depends heavily on the server and the level bracket you're playing in. For instance on Darth Malgus, lvl 80 PVP is rather healthy and pops are regular, so (Sarcasm: ON) even if you loose all the time, it goes fast (Sarcasm: OFF) But for lowbies it is more sloggy, and more frustrating, particularly in arenas. Not later than yesterday I participated in games where there was 2 against 4 or even 1 agains 4 (though that one was shut-down). So, what is a complete mystery to me is the "matching" system - like it does not distribute players evenly, even whenit is obvious that 4 lvl 40 are gonna win against 2 lvl 20. That is certainly broken. Also on Shae Vizla server, one cannot run PVP season, because the matches are NOT created at all. Either because no one is interested or there are too few players around. Strangely it was working quite well, when the server was open, but now PVP seems totally dead to me, no matter what hour i log in. I for one was happy that the ranked was removed, because I hated it with passion. Oh, I tried it, for sure! But for a solo player not using the FOTM class, and being NOT on any voice connection, it was a nightmare. Not to mention all that cheating and match throwing. So "no ranked" PVP is good - the consequence is that that one may be so unlucky and get stomped by the premade group, but I also witnessed PUGs vs pre-made where PUGgroup won, just because they knew what they were doing. Not to metion the pre-made arrogance. With current population and current PVP set-up, I do not even try to find a good solution for it. No one is going to be able to create matches with all players differing max 3 levels from each other, and being distributed evenly. And balance the classes properly. Currently it seems Madness Sorcerer is the FOTM but not for me - I simply cannot play standing turret, casting some spells, but that's just my own problem.
  15. I cannot find now who stated that (someho the original post disappeared?): Remember that the managers answer to other managers, who eventually answer to the Board of Directors, who in turn answer to the investors, who demand that EA keeps its share price up, which generally requires EA to not make 'poor' investments (or at least,not too many 'poor' investments)... which is the sad truth about every aspect of our lives, gaming included. It is the sheer GREED of the "investors" that prevents developers from unleashing their creativity, because "shareholders want return" Question is WHY those investors want those returns? Don't they have ENOUGH already? Otherwise HOW would they even try to pay for the development of such trivial thing as pixels on computer screen? if I was so obscenely rich that I could afford funding game development, I would primarily expect it to be FUN game, A fun for everyone who decides to play it and immerse themselves in it. My personal financial gains would be tertiary (or even smaller concern) because I would like to see people enjoying the game! That would be the desired RETURN, Not some coins flowing into my account! Some things cannot ever be paid by money, But the world is constructed differently, and THIS is the problem of our game. And our planet.
  16. I have started the "Old wounds" part on one of my characters and... I found myself NOT remembering what was it all about. Long cinematics, running around, trying to remind myself where at the whole story actuall am I, but it was all like a dream that you know you had, but cannot remember any details when you wake up. The point is that the whole "Malgus saga" is so incredibly scattered and published so rarely that it is simply hard to remember what was its main issue - that's how detached the players become! You do not remember what was your character doing, hwat was his/her goal in the whole story, because it all happened a year or 2 ago and in the meantine, you had few "seasons", events and whatever else to actually keep players away from doing the ADVENTURE! Not to mention that all Manaan and Voss parts are just an incredible drag and super slow "expansions", where you need to constantly fight mobs, all day/night round or even clean Gormak cantina. Yep, the Allmighty Outlander who killed the Biggest Bada Boss in Whole Galaxy (along few other nasty creatures), needs to grab the broom and put the dirt aside, because...reasons. Exactly the reason I did not even start the newest "expansion" because it repels me, to spend my valuable time on removing pixels from screen every 5 seconds and seeing no progress whatsoever. The worst is however the fact that Biosford is throwing all those "events" on us without any planning as it seems. GS5 and PVP S4 happened the same time, along with "LifeDay" and some other regulars. And not that long AGO after GS4 has finished! Can we have some breaks between these, so we can actually play the the content and not run like rabbits from one task to another?? Anyone remembers class stories? How neatly were they placed, how different they were? These were the ESSENCE of the game, we could follow the story and we KNEW what was it all about, on each class and each story. Currently, with that ignorant "unification" of all classes into one "Outlander" the stories make little sense and are totally inconvincing and easily forgettable. I had no issues remembering each of my characters "story location" in the base game, but after Valkorion, I just lost it, because ...it does not matter anyway, I will end up cleaning another cantina with my Galactic Superhero... becuase no one can actually invent a meaningful story for our characters.
  17. While the Vet mode is obviously more challenging, I think, the issue lies elsewhere. I figured that whichever Chapter I have to do and my "story" companion is not on level 50 (that's majority of cases) it causes heavy issues because they die like flies and are unable to help with healing. (not to mention tanking!) The mechanic is clearly broken, because if you survive the initial fights in any chapter, the situation starts to improve and suddenly the companion "gets more brains" and avoids enemy attacks or heals themselves/me more effectively. I have experienced that few times, and usually the remedy is to re-start the chapter. And btw I rarely attempt to do Vet content without improved gear (334/336/higher).
  18. They will be directly available for purchase till Jaunary 6th 2024, (if I remember correctly). With weekly rotation of colors. Regarding "December" - what did you think? BioSword employes also need to buy their Christmas gifts
  19. ...while I vehemently disagree with said policy to put the new and (literally) shiny items into a lottery with miniscule winning chances, I gues we all need to see this situaion a bit differently. This is a PRODUCT. An ITEM that a company 'produces" in order to make profit (and pay hefty bonuses to its bosses and shareholders - but not to employees). Think about it as spare blades for Gilette or Wilkinson shavers, think about it as its printer toner or even Nespresso capsules. Companies sell the main product with reasonable pricing but they go bananas with the spare parts. This is exactly the same case. The ONLY difference the hypercrates make is the gambling. When you buy coffee capsules or razor blades, you KNOW exactly what you're buying and for what price. Here you don't and it's simply WRONG. I expect the initial pricing of those dyes will be about 4-5 K CMCs. So, only the whales will buy them directlly. Funny enough they would not be able to make obscene credits on GTN with them, due the sales price cap and new tax. I think I have bought a CM crate last time when they introduced those "hypercrates" and after utter disappointment, never spent a dime on them. If people stop buying these "chance cubes" (again, with minimal chance to win anything valuable) maybe that would teach the bosses about making business. but NOTHING would pay better than new content for each class separately.
  20. " The transfer of some high value items through mail or direct trade is subject to a credit fee based on its value, paid by the sender " I think people misread this line. The meaning here is that it is NOT your standard 8% tax, but another one, based on "avergaed market value" on all servers. (or any other "valuation" construction they used). But whatever it is, it works, because the intention was NOT TO allow people to sell items for obscene prices. That is all. And now we hear crying about it.
  21. Also confirming the issue. The previewed part of armor lasts about 3 seconds and resets to whatever currently the character is wearing. Impossible to preview more than 2 parts of the outfit, without resetting.
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkTibALwfNg
  23. My brief experience on the new test server has been very limited. Since I am EU player, I experience heavy lag. I did not ping it, however te time between my click and actual movement is about 3-4 seconds. Not feasible for any competitive play, particularly PVP. I went to a planet or 2 and could cope with class missions, but I cannot imagine all that lag being helpful in testing anything. So I am happy that APAC players have their chance, but for EU players it's not practical.
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