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Everything posted by Arodin

  1. I agree with this. A soft enrage is just a hard enrage that happens gradually. What difference does it make, really? Why is one more "creative" than the other? I prefer a hard enrage personally because it provides a very specific time frame for DPS to do their job. When you have a soft enrage, it's harder to pinpoint exactly what went wrong when you wipe -- did too much time pass, or are the healers not keeping up with the gradual increase in damage, or is the tank not mitigating enough damage? Hitting a hard enrage states quite clearly that the DPS was too slow (assuming they're all still alive). I'd wager most people who hate hard enrage timers are weak DPS players who like to blame their failure on healers.
  2. Ha, yeah... Lots of animations are borked. Like when my Agent pulls out an invisible gun during cutscenes (happens all the time). I'm waiting for him to say "Bang! You're dead! Ha ha gotcha!" Sometimes I think I should put off playing the game for a few months to let them work out all of these kinks. I'm enjoying it well enough, but my first time through has been marred by things like this.
  3. Bioware devs have said that your alignment choices will never "gimp" your character. So for those people saying "you knew the consequences" -- well, there wasn't supposed to be any. Light/dark choices were not supposed to make your character weaker, but that is what's happening. Those of you so jazzed about consequences, why should only grey alignment have consequences? If consequences are so great, maybe they should give better light sabers to light side characters. There should be consequences for going to the dark side. So what if that means light-side players dominate PvP... it's a game about consequences! Bottom line is players should be free to play the story however they want without it negatively impacting balance in PvP or their ability to be effective in flashpoints. That should be blatantly obvious. Story having consequences within the story is OK, in fact strongly encouraged. But story having consequences in PvP and other areas of the game does not make any sense. And having no relics is a pretty significant consequence.
  4. You're not supposed to complete every single quest on every planet. Bonus mission objectives, and Bonus mission series are for BONUS XP. Don't do those unless you need the XP. Additional sources of XP have to exist to make sure people are never stuck grinding.
  5. Nope. I disagree. Body 2 is fine for what you are describing. It's not that skinny.
  6. I think this is the point people aren't understanding: those of us playing a "neutral" character are not intentionally setting out to be "neutral." We're not thinking "well, I picked dark last time so I have to pick light this time to even it out." That notion of picking dialogue options based on the alignment points is exactly what we're trying to avoid. We're responding to each decision separately, basing dialogue selections only on the story and asking the question "what would my character do here?" And as it happens, sometimes the dark option makes sense and sometimes the light option makes sense. For example, I am playing an Imperial Agent who is always motivated to do what is right for the Empire. He's not evil, but he will deal with threats to the Empire ruthlessly. So when faced with a dark/light decision to kill a bunch of Empire workers just to make a point, I will pick the light-side option. Killing trained laborers who could do good work for the Empire just to prove what an evil d*** I can be does not help the Empire one bit, so my Agent won't do it. On the other hand, if I track down a Jedi who has been a thorn in the Empire's side, defeat him in combat, and then have the option to kill him or let him go, I'm going to take the dark side option and shoot him in the face. Letting the Jedi go would only be giving him the opportunity to make trouble for the Empire later. Playing that way has resulted in a totally grey character, so far. Personally, I think I'm playing the character the way he should be played. My relic slots shouldn't be empty just because I'm playing a character that uses common sense when making decisions.
  7. I got into early access on the first day, I've been playing only one character, I'm playing way more than any human being should realistically sit and play a video game, and I'm just at level 38. I think it's hilarious that someone could play this game so vigorously to have reached 50 already, and then complain about being alone. Use a little common sense.
  8. I'd like the game to have hundreds of choices for my character to make, not just one. By forcing players to pigeonhole themselves into an alignment, it literally removes all of the moral decisions from the game and replaces it with one oversimplified choice that you make at level 1: light or dark? For example, if you make a Jedi and you decide "I'm going light," well now you're done making any character decisions for the rest of the game. All of the critical dialogue options for he next 50 levels of gameplay have been decided before you even know the story...
  9. Yes, I agree with this as well. My Kaliyo is currently walking around looking like she has a big golden watermelon covering her head. Sometimes for cutscenes I have to remove her helment, go through the cutscene, then put her helmet back on. Crazy.
  10. I don't know if there needs to be more healer companions, necessarily, but I would like to see companions be more versatile so we could have more of an option about which companions to play with. Currently it seems like one companion is always going to be better suited to the player. It shouldn't be so clear cut that a healer companion is always superior for dps and tank players. That leaves the rest of the companions to chill on the ship making boots. Even if they added heal abilities to another companion, that would still leave most of the companions out of the game. The gameplay should be tuned so that every companion can provide enough support for players to defeat the challenging encounters in the game, regardless of the player's spec.
  11. SWG SWG SWG blah blah blah blah... The less this game is like SWG the better. Good riddance to that tired old dirt farming simulation. SWG was all about community? Then I'm glad SWTOR is friendly to solo gameplay. SWG had a bunch of tedious stuff to do at endgame? Then I'm glad SWTOR encourages re-rolling new story content. SWG was let you explore vast empty nothingness? Then I'm glad SWTOR focuses on a linear story. In short, I hope they never do anything similar to SWG. That game is poison. It's dead and gone where it should be. The sooner its fans figure that out the better.
  12. Stop it. You're just confusing people with bad information. Stop using torhead.com. Look in the game, not some unfinished website database. Torhead doesn't know what it's talking about. Two orange items from ANYWHERE in the game of the same TYPE (light, medium or heavy) with the same MODS will have IDENTICAL stats. This is the WHOLE POINT of orange gear.
  13. Yes, there is no difference. An orange item that you get at level 5 with mods A, B and C in it will have the exact same stats as an orange item you get at level 50 with mods A, B and C. Stats on orange gear are decided 100% by the mods.
  14. It depends on the group. I would ask first before rolling need on orange gear that is modded for another class. The mods are valuable, too. Someone looking to improve their gear could do very well with the stats on an orange from a FP, whereas you would rip out the mods and just use the orange because it has a nifty cape. If you want to be a fair and community-minded person, ask first.
  15. People have been complaining about this impractical implementation of surnames since the day it was revealed during beta. If Bioware is paying attention to the feedback, they should already be working on a change to this feature, which will probably come out whenever they properly finish the Legacy system. It's currently just a shell of what it's supposed to be. I just put anything in for my Legacy name and then immediately disabled it in the options because it's totally useless to me the way it is now.
  16. Yep, I agree it is buggy. And yes "not visible" means the enemy is out of LOS, but you can get that even when the enemy is clearly in view. Also it sometimes gives you a cover spot facing with your back to the enemy, and many cover spots give an arrow symbol indicating there is no path for you to dive into that cover even when you're standing right on top of it, and many fights including sometimes against elites are in an area where there is no cover available. There are enough issues with cover that I don't even bother trying to use it anymore.
  17. Why do people feel like they need to do every single mission on every single planet? If you did that in any other MMO you'd outlevel huge swathes of game content, too. But for some reason in TOR people feel they can't skip anything. I guess the reason is that there's story content to experience in TOR whereas quests in WoW and other MMOs are just boring old blurbs telling you to kill stuff. If you're leveling too fast, don't do the bonus objectives. You can still get all the story that way without overdoing it on the XP. Besides, if you care about absorbing every ounce of story that much, then surely you are planning to roll every class, and that means you'll have plenty of opportunity later on to do any of the missions you've skipped on your current character. In fact, it's better off if you skip things to leave fresh side-missions for you to do on future characters. The other side of this is that if you slowed down leveling, people who want to just solo and don't want to do FPs, heroics or pvp will end up having to grind levels, and nobody should be put through that. And yes, even though it is an MMO people should be able to solo the game... your way to play is not the only way that is right.
  18. I tend to agree with Bioware's concept of having human-like player characters. But there are some good human-like species that Bioware could add: Devaronian Cathar Chagrian Togruta Omwati Nautolan Falleen
  19. Yeah, Legacy surname is a messed up concept. To be fair though the Legacy system is basically a shell right now. There is much for them to do to finish that system, and hopefully along the way they will make the legacy surname a little more logical and user-friendly. The way it's implemented now, you might as well say that the game doesn't really support surnames, because using one surname for all characters is silly. It's not The Sims in space, y'know?
  20. There is just as much to do (if not more) in this game than there was in WoW when it was first released. I think it worked out OK for that game, so I suspect TOR will be fine.
  21. Yeah... FPS games are all the same. Racing games are all the same. Etc. Game mechanics being familiar isn't necessarily bad. Could be that you're bored of that style of gameplay just as I'm bored of FPS games. That's fine, it's not for you. But that doesn't mean it's a problem for everyone.
  22. I don't think its a bug, the game expects you to make your legacy name once you complete Act 1.
  23. Yes, Legacy surnames are poorly implemented. Here are the suggestions which I've made before which I think should fix the way surnames are handled in the game: 1a) Let us create a surname at character creation. 1b) OR if we have to wait until level 30, let us change it if we want to, to avoid being "stuck" if we made a mistake. Reasoning: In some games, you can create a first and last name at character creation. If I mess up or decide I don't like the name I created, I can just delete that newly created low level character and start again. However if I'm creating a name at level 30 and I make a mistake, I'm stuck with it because I don't want to delete my level 30 character. Worse yet, in SWTOR I'm stuck with this name for all of my future characters on the server. 2) Make surnames not unique, meaning two or more players can have characters with the same surname. Reasoning: The first names of our characters are already unique, so there is no technical reason why surnames have to be unique. It would allow for role-playing scenarios, such as a husband & wife playing characters with the same last name, and it alleviates problems with preferred names being reserved before newer players get a chance. 3) Allow us to make different surnames for each of our characters on the server. Reasoning: For obvious roleplaying reasons it doesn't make sense for my Jedi Knight and my Sith Warrior to have the same last name. When I create a new character with a different race and a different faction, he should have a different name. There would be no harm in allowing players to create however many surnames they would need for their characters if my previous suggestion was also implemented.
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