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Everything posted by JonnyMadDog

  1. Well thx for the legit comment two above, dunno how to perceive the one immediately above tho, w/ the link...if it's insultn, scru off 2, if legit, yes there's a problm, peopl r meen to mself for no reason and ey'm still not doin wrld firsts as ey should be by now, trols' libel keeps mself from most grps.
  2. Ey'm not subscribing to the bahd publicity thing w/ this, ey don't want neg. attn., and scru off w/ the droppd/huhg thing as a chil', that one postr said those thigns specifically cause ey daid ey hayt when peopl say that to pis mself off, that's troln, stop troln mey threads, get some livs srsly. And if ey don't wanna typ outy m-D-P-S (which isn't even grammaticaly correct, 'ey'm a melee dmg per sec?" Ey can typ out "ey'm a dmg-dealr (much more sensical) damag-dealr, it's more of a noun then the other, or say just melee or just mDmg that's perfectly acceptable. Ey don't wanna lend credence to the copetition that suks, namely the gam-that-must-not-be-named-that-starts-with-a-"w", where most of these terms/abbrev.s came from. Yes, some existed before that gam, as did m m o's before that one, but it's no big deal to say mDmg if one doesn't want to typ out the more used term, the gam isn't gunna crash cause of it, there's no need to bash that persn for that, go away. Talk about ignoranc, if yaz have nothin to contribute that's positiv to a thread or chat comment don't say anythign at all, how bout that ol' sayn? If one can't read what someon says in chat/forums, carry on or politely whispr for clarification, no need to say "that sentenc gave mself cancr" cause kar-muh's a yew-know-what and yaz may just get cancr...
  3. No, the majority of the peopl who like n run w/ mself do so, not out of pity, which is something mself and em have for the trols who bash mself n others, among other things, but outta decency, respect, fun, etc.. Words yal know nothing of. Srsly, stop bashn mself on mey threads, if one has nothin to contribute to mey thread or is nice get out, yr only showin the pitiful depths some would go to to try n feel superior then others by making em feel inferior, scru off, yr not getting the last word here, if yaz wanna kil mey threads stop troln em, it bumps em up. Again, it's the trosls who have the initial problm w/ mself yet refuse to ignor mself, they want mself to ignor em, that's not happenin for a prolognued period, they just wanna keep seein mey lfgs, n questions, n answers, n etc., so yaz can bounce off em n libel about em, and when asked if they're denied/not-tru ey can't c em so yaz can corrupt the innocents n say "c e no deny em, must b tru", ey will defend mself. Yr obviously lending merit to mey posts, despite sayn the opposite, by continuing to visit em, yr not changing mey mind, so go away.
  4. The depths some peopl will sink too and the time they'll waste outta their livs to grief someon else...Go back to yr bridges before dem tourists finish crossin, srsly... Ey'm not selfsh and am not tellin evryone to accept mself ey'm simply explaining mey nuances so any who aren't trols who ignord may understand/at leats hear it from mself firsthnd, and can't get evryone to like mself, the trols for exampl, wil ltrol mself no mattr what, even if ey did in fatc have a mentl illness ro handicap, like they'd say their soree or somethin, they'd just say, "only normal peopl can pale this go away" or some buls-, srsly. Ey'm just asking, politely, in good fayth, for peopl to not buy into the libel and grp up w/ mself/sell stuff to mself. That's all. Ey'm not cravn attn., hence mey refusal of typn -l-, -y-o-u, etc., as pref to have mey cayk and eet it too, (get mey point across, as that's the point, as long as it gets across, scru yr grammr nazeing, it only is a sign of yr need to pick at something due to insecurity about maybe comin up a bit..short....) in that ey can tell mself am not talkn to anyone and this is kotr3 a singl-plaer gam w/ random text comp generatd in chat, not other peopl in reel lyf, as ey didn't address em nor admit ey'm a plaer, and break kayfab, that thsi is reel lyf and ey'm mey charactr, as ey pref not to be a public persn, yet ey wanna pale this m m o, which requires communication and grping, so ey made a compromise, just not spel -l-, -y-o-u, etc., out., nor any negativ words ey feel would muddy up S W, as chat in mey mind is directly tied to the franchis, but if someon needs to be told to eph off, ey won't say it fully, ey'll censr mself. Think logically, if ey wanted attn. as ey'm allegedly a narcises, as accused of one above, why would a narcises want NEG attn? They want POSitiv attn, to look good and be told they look good, ey'm not askin for grief, that's the opposite of what a narcises wants, so yrself just invalidated yr own accusation and yal r givin it to mself, ey'm not askin for this abuse. Ey don't quite get the "4/10" comment...that a rating of the quality or relevance of this thread or something? If it's negativ, which its cadence sounds like it's neg, then go away too. And don't say the huhg as a chil' comment again, ey HAYT that comment/accusation, it's not right at all, not that it's tru or not, ey'm jsut sayn to those who say that about peopl in the news etc., that may not be the reason for their actiosn and it's not somethin to make fun of. Also, ey DO use voiceovr ey said that a dozen tiems or so, ey said ey pref to not be VID rcorded, r run of something basically, frapz w/e that is, and posted, AT LEAST w/o being told about it/asked for permiss/t least told where, when and etc., about it, ey like voiceovr it helps out, ey often ask for vocie info before a run., it's not blasphemi enuff of that. Ey'm still here nto givin up and will do wrld firsts, get a lyf all yaz who bash mself and others.
  5. It rly worth the time n effort outta yr livs and paleing time to come here n insult mself? Yr bridges r calling, hurry before the lil chilren cross em. Ey was and am not ignord by 80 percnt of the servrs only a select few, yet vocal, minority, of meen peopl w/ no livs, for little to no reason. Ey'm still paleign and not givin up till ey do wrld firsts and vindicate this buls-. And ey was not "kciked" off any r p servrs, nor any for that matter, and the whole JK JC grp thing is way old and a long stry, not gettin into it now.
  6. Ey'm not bein selfsh and not givin up, still here, in response to two of the three past posts.... Dunno, atm, what to think of the other post, it's purpose and wat the abbreviatd gam is escapes mey mind atm. If of the positiv sort, thx for readn.
  7. Ey am a proponent of JK GRD Vig deeps, it's, in the opinyon of many, inc. mself, the funnest spec to plae, it's easy to pickup, and is very versatile and viable in both p v e, and p v p, ey've done both, and am proficient in both, so are some others who are the same/similar spec ey know and have seen, in both aspects as well. However, ey see peopl still teasn mself and others in general about Vig JK Grd's in endgam (there is no "mastr clas" peopl, stop w/ wanting only pure clases for deeps, ex: sentls for melee and slingrs for rangd, in yr grps, EVERY SPEC should be able to do well if the plaer behind it is skilled and the team is coordinated enuff, in ANY and ALL aspects, YES some a tad more in some areas then others, but it should be, as it's been said pre-launch, a marginal 5 percnt window, difference, that even if one loaded up on hybrid deeps in ops/ w-zones, they still can win as easily or not, as the opposite),... ...and hayt how peopl say they're only tnkers, not deeps, unless "smash"...what is this "smash" peopl say? Ey believe ey've been told it's focus Grd's who rely on sweep alot in p v p, ey'm not sure, just tryn to clarify, ey'm not a smasher in this case, so dunno why am called that. Ey, among many others, am thankful for a stun included w/ mastr strik, but would like to still see some more improvement to JK Grd deeps as Vig, as the devs said, some clases would be getting mroe utility to balance things out, ey'm not asking for, necessarily, or am even sure if this ability would seem "lore"-acceptable by having it w/ r build, but maybe a C-C would give more cause to have r build in grps more, also maybe some buff to somethin, dunno. Ey'm not necessarily sayin this narrow-minded viewpoint is the reason holdn mself back from top-tier content when new, and wrld firsts, but it is 1 reason among several, there's some abuse/libel ey get from meen peopl, and thusly, am not in say, full dredforgd yet, nor even have 1 kel gdragn piece ey should have been in full by 2.4, as am on as long as ey can be nearly every dai n nyt, to be amogn the best, as ey've spent too much time, money, passion, and taken too much abuse here for anything less, but enuff about mself, won't get into why ey spel certain words wrng or not wanting to be in a pRser, at least untill ey do at least 1 remarkable thing w/o one, then will be fine-r w/ jonini a grp's, not that they're required for ops, ey say abolish em or make em built-in, as to make pRses a moot point, also pref not to join a gild (meanin their tag showin/officially), at least untill several scenarios come to pass, but am LF a top tier gild/grp to run w/ n make histry w/ as a member, just not have their tag, mainly, and pref to be told if and when r run is vid recorded and if when and where it's posted and asked permission prior to, that's all. Yaz can read more about mself on mey "j.m.d" thread and some others made. See, Vig based dmg has 3 brns, one can apply all three n see them all on an enemy at the same time for a sec or 2, if throw em off one after another, and 2 of em r able to activate mastr strik which is r best/main attak and deals direct dmg as well as dispatch, these intermixed w/ sundrin strik and sometimes reg attak, focus boost, health boost, some stuns and sweep, should one need to use some of those and/or get a not-great r n g on mastr strik popping off cd, is r rotation, the main difference between this build and others is that r build has no boosts to other builds (inspiration sentls have, sounds like a JK G ability but eh..), nor can deal more then those 3 D o T's, SO EITHER r build, in terms of utility needed, needs more/better D o T's and/or a buff to r direct dmg, which is r main typ of dmg done. Being able to ot in certain circumstances as a deeps build Vig spec is cool, and is some utility, but in serious nitmdoe ops, r build can't do that except maybe a split sec tertiary tnk role, such as beign the deeps to kit rapts in dred pal op, if a grp onyl has 2 tnks and they're busy elsewhere, in which case a deeps that could take a hit (r build switched to tnk form) is ideal for such a situation, but some grp just don't get that, but maily cause it's so rare it's a utility that can be used in tougher ops, r ot'ing is mainly for wzone grding when tnks r elsewhere and dual-queeuing for lower lvl fp pops. But other then that, the only utility r build has otuside of r main direct dmg style of fightn is 3 short brns an, armor breakr, short term stuns, and low lvl/tertiary tnking ability can switch to, that's it rly, so additions to this arsenal is MUCH appreciated by fellow JK Grd Vig-spec's, and mself. Another idea am thinkin of, going back to inspir., wasn't gunna inc. this thought but will anyways now, besides sounding like a Grd ability, dontcha think giving Vig Grds inspir and taking it AWAY from sentls would solve pretty much evrything? Think about it this way, sentls already and would continue to do big numbs, but this would give said more-narrow-minded grps a reason to bring Vig Grds w/ em in ops, they may not do as much dmg total as sentls, but it's marginal and the gam is/should be designd to allow a team of not-on-hi-side of marginal clases/hybrid deeps fillin all deeps roles, to complete a nitmode op, and bringin any pure clases is more of a bonus then a req., WHY does the build which oh so many go to to wannabe top deeps have the ability to boost the entire grp's dmg? Isn't that a bit..off? Shouldn't the hybrid spec have the ability to boost the grp's dmg to make up for their short side of the 5 percnt margin between pure/hybrid deeps, and thusly, allow more hybrids to be included? Anyways, thx for improvements to hybrid builds and look forward to more and thanks for readn!
  8. Yeah, a staggered launch of it, and any content rly, is more favorable and lkely what they'll do and are doing atm, and profitable, then a massive, potentially gam-breaking, pach or expanson, tho ey do see a boxed expanson sometime in the near futur. Also, regarding capital ships, ey think they've been discussed and will eventualyl be implemented, just not till mid-next yr at the earliest, the p v e aspect of space would need to be added first. And what the community, at least i m o, means by "capital ships"/"gild ships" isn't actual " capital ships", to have a team of say 4-8-16-24 peopl running one, would be lore breaking as it's impossibl uness they come w/ n p c's in background to command/set tasks w/, and despite larger open space maps beign added prior to these, they'd stil be too much to handle w/ so many out there at least w/ this engin esp. on p v p servrs. What the community means IS medium-sized cruisers/CORVETTES like Galaxys had, that a 1-4-8-16-24m team could conceivably operate such as yr own harrowr- or wanderr-clas ships from blak taln and essls, say. There could be mahnable turrets some membrs need to hed to, yet give up mahnning another sides one, to attak an enemy vessel, a inside and outside view for the main pilot maybe a navigatr to tell additional information, an r-t-s point of view/mini gam, etc., like "battlship" in space, and other roles, such as mechanics, membrs who need to run to a damagd part of their ship and interact w/ or w/o an n p c and clik objects and maybe spend some credits or give an item to some slot to repair the ship area from a blast sustained. Inconceivable w/ CAPITAL ships w/ such a small crew and so many thousnds of rooms/etc.. But cruisers could come eventually, some/certain ones obtainable by gilds, maybe if they meet a req., size, something, and/or grps/individuals in general even, should they complete some quests and/or req.'s. They'll have several rooms, elevatrs, w/e, for bunks, extra storag. As one's ship rly isn't enuff right now, and should decorating come (ey read/heard a rumor it may sometime), that'd give alot more room to put things, as ey'm a proponent of mroe then 5 cargoholds, adding decoratability in would mean near-infinite storage, which is cool. Ey'd like for the ability to fly up to another's ship and /shout or some loud command allowing communication to happen between the two FROM the inside/a hailing frequency system. The only question ey'm not sure how they'll answer is what happens when a cruiser, as big and expensive as it is, is damaged/destroyed? Will there be a cutscene or graphic of it blowing up in the outside view, but inside evrything stays the same? Will it be shot and a new one need to be requisitioned? Will items dcorating it, stored in there be there still? Ey think a credit cost to repair a cruiser would be added, a hefty one, but hittin the gambln tabls should help that out ryt? Ey think it'd be cool to board and raid an enemy's vessel as well, and engage in ground combat on another's ship, like essls/blak taln straight up, only all plaers, maybe some n p c's. Thx for readn.
  9. Geez the time some peopl r willin to spend outta their precious livs to give putdwns to others is rediculous. Ey'm not being selfsh and not going to typ out -l- in place of ey nor -y-o-u or any word ey feel is of the negativ variety, and will continue to abbrev em if needed to structure a sentenc, or tell a bulee to "ephh" off. Ey still will not typ out the usual abbrevs for ops like T-C-H-M, and if ey wanna say "LFGF HMode t's c, or toboro's, or toboro's courtyrd, w/e" am gunna do it. Ey'm not leavn cause ignorant peopl tell mself to. Ey will vindicate mey past abuse, and current, and any futur as well. Ey'm NOT the trol here, nor one at all, and no, ey have no clue, atm, who made the chr w/ mey exact name of pot5, but it was made after min was, and heard it was someon from here, likely from a certain p v p gild that wasn't nice to mself here, to ruin mey rep there. Ey'm not being selfsh here, mey speln preferences, outside of typos, aren't that hard to comprehend and correlate to more accepted abbrevs, such as mDmg = m-D-P-S, and just cause ey don't spel it that way, doesn't mean ey'm being disrespectful like oh so many others r to mself. And it wouldn't be hmelf, it'd be emself. Also, ey do own up to things, ey say "m b" if ey mess somethin up, and usually in voiceovr say that a wipe may have been mey fault, even if it had little to nothin to do w/ mself and say "np it happens" if another scrus up. And it's not 40 somethin doalrs for a transfer it's 20 somethin ish if even, depending on various variables. And why would someon, the one postr above, ask for clarification, and then day they didn't read it when ey answered? Why even come here n comment if one doesn't know the scoop? Srsly, yeah typd that, srsly, enuff, ey made this thread in good fayth, not "ey'm gunna scru w/ peopl on fleet and forums mwuhahahahaha/some funy laugh from "insert gam here"".
  10. Ey too have been clamoring for more gambln-racin content, such as: Spectating and bettin on w-zones (both ground and space ones), ops, duels, and the aforementioned races, ey've read a rumor there may or may not be some building on racing to come (but suggest lookin that info up yrselvs, not sure if reportin said rumors is O.K.), that was to be added earlier but they, allegedly, held off on it, to polish it. More then simple "clik" slot machines on multiple planets, not just nar, tho nar should be a hotspot of said activities, tho am fine w/ thsoe being implemented, as long as they're a minor feature along w/ many other, larger ones. Many, including mself woudl also like, pazaak (from kotor 1-2), w/ other plaers and n p c's, to build on/make a ruleset for how to plae dejarik and sabaac, if not already known in some previous work of some form of media, gam, show, book, w/e, if so, reiterate em for this crowd, the masses. The demand is there, the passion is there, the C M has been paying off recently, they could tie some of this content of gambln and racin to it, perhaps buy certain colr shcemes off the C M not obtainable in gam, for one's speedr/racer/cards, perhaps a certain pack of cards or card number/type individually as well maybe, it can and will be profitable, ey feel these thgns will come, in time, just gotta give it to em. Perhaps a reoccuring event w/ rep tied into gambln/racin to boost replaeabilty w/ said mechanics, despite always being there when implemented, just maybe add certain thing/mechanics only for the event in designated areas of it each time it comes around, as peopl know, the daili payout isn't that high, so maybe doing what an n p c says to another when walkn by em on nar says to do, hit the tabls n make yr luk turnaround, would help the galactic economy, maybe tie that into the lore reason why such an event, and or permanent features, are implamented, some organization travels around or holds some TOURNAMENT (GASP, there's an idea! Galactic Racin and Gambln tournaments sponsored by the "insert syndicate's name here"), in an effort to stimulate the galactic economy in this wartorn time. There could be peopl's livs/livilyhoods on the line so there's a lore reason for certain clases/ r p 'ers to join in on the fun. Just some thoughts, thx for readn.
  11. No, ey'm NOT a selfsh, egotistcl trol, and am not gunna be buleed into leavn, am here to stay and vindicate mey abuse, and ey'm not tryn to "plae victim" ey am one. It's PAST TIME for the reel trols to be thrown out, cause they bring the gam dwn, there should be in-gam, reel-time, 24 hr mods w/ hightlightd chat text, to answer questions periodically, direct peopl LFGs to those who are LFM for same stuff, and delete posts and warn/ban meen, unscrupulous, rude, barely-can-call peopl, that'd be cool.
  12. Ey'm not tryn to be egotisticl nor selfsh, yes ey knwo about the letter studee, and use that as part of mey argument actually, yes some words don't have the same first n last letter but some do, the ones that don't rly aren't as hard as some of yaz r makin out, ey will try to make those which ey have a problm w/ typng out fully conform to at least that studee, and instead of leain out the first and/or last lettrs, find a midle one to take out, fine (This is outside of typos, again, evryone makes em)?
  13. Ey'm not egotisticl dood/gyrl. That would be tru of someon if they made a thread shoutin in all caps how great they think they are and can beat anyone on any servr in any activity always... Ey'm not "bumping" this thread to keep it aliv, ey've let mot of min fall at leats until someon provides feedback, and if positiv, ey say thx for readn and if it's to offer to go on a run of something or sell something ey listen/read, and respond, if it's insultin, negativ comments, that're not necessary, like the abvoe few, and many more elsewhere on thsi thread and others, and in chat, they bump the thread too, anyone who does brigns it up, and ey respond with a rightbackatcha/go away response. Ey originally made this to tell peopl n set the record straight, contrary to popular belief, ey'm NOT a trol, and just wanted peopl to know that and ey have legit reasons behind mey mispeln of certain words, outside of typos, and would like othrs to respect em if possibl, as ey respect others' preferences, ey don't eet most the cheez off piza and if ey did ey'd respect another who didn't, like ey don't eet much icin on cayks but respect others who do eet icin mroe so,, but at least if not, get em out there, as ey found out there's an impostr unliek the ones ey have on JC, who have similar names to mey main, but r not mself, nor spelt exactly the same, on pot5 servr, only that's the onyl N A servr ey don't have a placeholder (for transfers) chr of the same name on, that persn is a fake and am just warnin peopl their behavior is not necessarily mey own. Ey also made it as a shout out ey'm just LFGs for gear to get rdy for top tier content and do that as well, so can do wrld firsts (like for ex, dwn boses/clr NITmode dred pal/fort when implemented wrld first and w/e the next secet bos/es is/are), and WTB rare/discontinued things,... If so, PM if yaz have a spot for 1m melee JK GRD who will not use any pRser software YET, after ey do somethign noteworthy ey may get into a grps', pref to keep mey own lgacy gild name but am open to joinin another gild's top tier (in contention for wrld firsts) gild as a membr in all other aspects, at least for now, untill either some combo of the following happens...it's a good gild name that can be an organization and/or tie into one's address, not break kayfab, not be insulting, and/or ey get more then 5 cargo holds to be obtainable, or if there's a dedicated grp that meets wekly of multiple gilds/peopl in diff gilds or not even, that's cool too, even better, as hayt all-membr only gild runs, the devs did not make top tier cotnent to be dwned wrld first by 1-2 gilds only, throw the community a bohn, ey do some of thsi to help community out, and also one that doesn't have a formal "application" to submit, n all that chrap, a laidback, NICE, repeat, NICE, yet hardcor gild/grp, and pref not to be recorded w/o being told/asked for permission/nand would like to be told if and where and when will it be posted if so or just for private studee, that's all., or if have any cool items for sale, and these go for all servrs, am willing and probly will, transfer to diff ones for multiple reasons, am lookn for a new home see, JC isn't that great at all, Harb was cool, all seem to have peopl troln mself/others, some more then others just, whichever has a buncha top tier Rep-side grps n gilds and active all the time servr will be mey new home servr, will still hopscotch for shoppn/bizness purposes, vacations, etc.. Ey know this isn't 10 words or less, but one can't put a limit on how to explain something, wordcount-wise, ey try not to be logn winded, it's not cause ey'm supposedly a socio-, ey'm not keen on the sound of mey voice, ey don't like talkin so long, BUT if there's somethin am either passionate about and/or need to set the record straight o nsomething, or make a point, or f someon asks mself a question, by golly g, ey'm gunna answer that question to a great part of mey ablity, am not one to half-az things...depending on the task, it's not to hear/read mself talk, actually barely do so either in reel lyf, which ey find funy, ey'm told to speak up more in reel lyf, and to b quieter here...maybe it's the quietness breakin out sometimes, but assure yaz, it's to answer to the bst of mey ability, or try to at least. And if yaz don't wanna read, why'dyaz ask, then complain how long mey answer was? Don't understand it? Don't read it, carry on or whispr politely for clarification, no need to lambast the persn for mispeln and/or speekin "too long". Thx for readn.
  14. No it wasn't, and ey had alts and a placeholder on JC when ey was gone, an object in motion tends ot stay in motions peopl who trol, will continue to trol, and they did. No servr currently is rly peaceful untill all meen peopl r bannd. And ey'm not a socio- again. Am back on JC and can leave to another servr and come back whenever ey plz. Is it rly worth the effort and time outta yr plaeing time and daili livs to come here and in chat to bash mself?
  15. Ey'm back on JC and will go back to Harb whenever ey plz and/or elsewhere, and come back to JC whenever ey plz to, so stop it. Was it rly worth the time and effort typn out these rude things? Interuptin yr daili lyf and plaeing time? Come on.
  16. It's cool they're letting the general, unknowing, crowd know what's coming, and even give some tidbits of info as to why and how this came about to all. Many though, mself included, would still like what Galaxys had, in terms of: Open space P V E AND P V P, and somewhat what Battlefront and Galaxys has with landing on and launchign from stations and bases in space, and are willing to pay much attention and, thus, money to and for it. The devs know this... Therefore, to offer, what is essentially w-zones in space, with different maps periodically implemented, such as with ground w-zones, at first, and only, signals several things... They probably wanted to add everything space at launch, but with the rushed push to meet the launch time, it was nixed to be polished for a later, and greater, implementation, this, ey think, was made clear, when someon said the on-rails system was and is, only a placeholder for more space modes. So with the financial blow they took sometime later, fantastic content had to be put on hold for more on content already in and pertaining to the main endeavor to get from 1 to 50 then 55 and nightly ops grps, and implemented the C-M to help sustain them, which is has. However the question is, how much has it? With the addition of P V P-ONLY space content, space w-zones, it means either their recollection from the market wasn't great enough to add more atm, but enough to put something in to get some more buyers to pay for the next space content push, and will take it one feature at a time, or that they've received more than enough money from the C-M and returning subs, and hope a taster will still add to that amount that's more than enough as a bonus, and added space w-zones first and only as it's easier to do one thing at a time, and it's the simplest feature of space content they could add, so why not first? Ey believed they have nearly enough money to cover adding ALL the space features requested, but since many are so different then what content this already has, and said cotnent may not easily be transcribed into the engine this uses, as those other gams had different engines, it'll take time to implement and backup money to have just in case. Plus, if they fail at space content, adding only one feature in, is better to fail at, then failing at all the features they crammed in. It's a smart buisness and creative decision to stagger the launch of space content, it ensures everyone doesn't get bored of it, as soon, at least, (think, how would one think of a new thing several mnths after it's added if that thing was several things, and they tried em all, compared to one who's tried all those things one by one, one after another, with a burst at the end?). Either way, whether they have enough, nearly enough, or more then anough money and workers for new content and systems, (The Force knows the talent, ideas, and desire for such are there), it takes time, but good things come to those who wait, and patience is a virtue of several builds, even all, depending how one utilizes their chr . Nearly all, if not all, these requested features will be implemented in due time, but for now, even though there are some not keen on P V P, lez just relish in the fact, something is better then nothing, and hit that road when there (who says those who are skilled at ground P V P, or not, will be, or won't be, in space P V P as well?) Lez just hope also that this means the C-M could be scaled back a bit, and more things can be obtainable through in-gam content, then having to be so reliant on the C-M, it isn't p2w, it is cosmetic, and ey am fine with money-shops if they are cosmetic-only, however, the system already in-place IS a tad too reliant on the C-M, and the credits are rly in the resale of items from it. If dailis could dish out mroe credit,s more peopl would do em, for now, they're too many in number, take too much time, and do not yield enough credits to make them worth the time spent away from ops to do them. Those are mey only complaints about the C-M, if done right, markets are fine, if done wrong, they're detrimental to the community and gam itself thusly. Right now the C-M walks a fine fine in-between helpful, and detrimental, slightly on the helpful side just, but still would prefer it to be farther away from the line then it is (Plz take out the public servr titles from collections, such as the strike team ones, that are no longer, and barely were to very few who even went for them, and get rid of achievements, ey hoped they wouldn't have evr have added them, smart buisness decision, both, but achievs ensures ey continue to have a heavy back-log and other thigns crumble around mself, which has already happened enough the way it is w/ the some of the abuse ey and and others, get, but ey digress) am cool w/ collections, just anything unobtainable needs to be taken out, even if one has some of the now-unobtainable items, and not everything is even collection-able, nor are some items retractable from it...it's very uneven atm). This should happen if evrything goes according to plan. Thanks for writing and for reading!
  17. According to mey one thread on Harb's servr forums some already do, nice peopl, there's ltos mroe ncie peopl there btw, then JC, so enuff with yr insultin, am not phased, will keep at it and do wrld firsts despite buleeing get from multiple peopl. Ey'm not "baiting" peopl for attn or to "plae "the victim ey AM a victim, decent peopl would just carry on or ask politely in a whispr f or clarification, not say "thatsentenc gave mself cancr" be careful wat they say, kar-muh is a muddr-...they have t he INITIAL problm w/ mself THEY ignor mself, ey shouldnt nor will for a long time, have to, then they win and can continue libeling and isnultn the PROBLM doesnt go away, they crave the status quo so much onyl way to, like in reel lyf experience have, get rid of vulees is stand up to em, grab em tell it liek it is, make a zinger maybe, the vrowd is there's, they go away, when didn't stand up for mself or others, they continue, an object in motion tends to stay IN MOTION....till hit and stopped...it's peopl's opinyon ey'm a socio or the trol here or attn seekr or something, they're wrong but their opinyon respect the fatc peopl hjave their opinyons which they r indeed titled too, but don't have to like nor resptect theirs, only respect the fact peopl can have em,even if in disagreement w/ mself sometimes respexct their views but sometiems they don't even mean what they say, they just liek to say outrageous thigns for n reason except get a cheap pop/kick, and don't respect that. Like malaki here...e's nice, respect iz opinyon, but disagree w/ it completely, iz opinyon tho can''t/not gunna change it, not being hypocritical here when ey do make some effort to change others by explainign ey'm nto a trol ,as then, if ey don't defend mey rep innocent bystanders havea tendancy to believe the other and that's less grping/progress for mself and the trols want that, want mself to notgo anywhere as am havin toubl ddoin one way or other reason wise...thx for readn nicer peopl.
  18. Ey'm not smoochi, whoever that is, am guessin a trol? Am not a trol at all of any servr or at all. Ey made this before leavin JC to LF a new home ey went t o harbngrfor bizness and ended up liking it, for the most part, and stayed for a wek n a half, last nyt...2 nyts ago technically, ey came back to JC, and am back here again, but will return eventually in the comin weks. Dunno exactly when. Yeah if legit thx for well wishes, will try n hopfully dwn council in smode here ey came back for bizness and storage/mail/alts/inventory but will refresh and head back and/or to another servr, likely harb again for now, sometime soon. Ey already made mey placeholder again, so again, all correctly spelt chrs w/ no special chrs in their name/mey exact named chrs, on other servrs all N A ones, are lvl 1-10 ish, n barely touch em/talk w/ em, mainyl for scoutin yr gtn's. So like have impostrs/parodys on JC, watch otu for em elsewhere...ey DO NOT yet have a placeholder of same name on pot5, the persn who took mey name there IS NOT mself, the reel mself, again, btw, just a frendly reminder. Wanna get this smode council outta way so can gear up for nitmode wrld first ckrs/dwns of dred fort n pal when in and secret bos/es to come/are in and am behind again, see peopl doin hmode fort n pal already think they've been clred too....grrr... Anyways, yr servr's nic,e lots LOTS more peopl then JC has mroe nicer ones, thus, and always on too, 'mericans primetime then in erly mornin/late nyt got apacs out, can contiue till light out there lol, est coast servrs cant rly do that. Thx for readn. PM if got a gild and/or grp w/ a mdeeps spot for gearin up for said endeavors and/or have any skip tracr crates to sell/rare/discontinued items. Thx.
  19. Ey'm not a sociopath, again, whether yrself is accusin mself of bein one or not. No, the majority of the community are nice peopl, the minority are the trols and peopl who buy into their buls- and may not, but still have a neg. opinyon of mself and/or believe ey'm a problem, they ARE in the minority, just a very loud one, the mj=ajority, go about their bizness, even if add together all the insultn peopl ey get in chat and forums together, they don't equal by a longshot the number of those who don't care or do like/support mself. Same in lyf, got alotta shi- from bulees but just because the amount of shi- was great, they were in the minority, ey got alot more kindness from peopl then that, it's cause niceness is rarely loud, negativty is loud usually, jst cause a room is loud w/ insults at a comedian or public speaker, doesn't mean evryone/51 percnt of the room is against em being loud, some foo' can have controls of the speakers n mics n shout stuff, a hndful may join in or cheer em, but the majority either leave, gaze at em, have their eers covered, or support the persn in question. Peop IN the social norm get trold, some even wors then ey do, in reel lyf or in a gam. There's nothing wrng with a diff persn/ostracized one to ask others to accept their ways and know e's ok, and set the record straight all ey was doin, just a tell all. Yr sayn those who stray off the beaten path, wanna be individuals, counter-culture, etc., are sociopaths? Some r, some aren't, same as those who r IN the norm, some r some aren't there's a duality to lyf. Same duality law applys to mey treatment, not evrywhere ey go n act liek this in other gams, ey get this treatment, some peopl would somewhere some peopl wouln't somewhere, sometimes same place, come on....
  20. Was just goin to call it a night, when thought would hit the forums and am glad ey did, didn't c this till now. Ey'll tryn break up the spacing to make it more readable, then ey usually do. 1) Ok, well, first off, thanks for reading and replying to mey thread here... 2) Sidenote, ey still don't have the orb from entity (just the amulet from dred 10 stack, think that's wat yr thinkin of, r grp only ran entity twice and they both failed at 69 ish percnt), if ey did ey'd be looking for haytful essenc more so then ey casually look for atm. 3) Ey'm not a sociopath, that's not to say, however, yaz accused mself of being one, ey commend the choice of words "exhibit the behavior of one", and not sayn "yr a sociopath", outright. Mey choice of speln certain, select words out incorrectly (outside of typos of course) may or may not, depending on factors/the word/s in question mispelt, be due to an anti-norm preference of min (listed 8 or so reasons on OP, won't reiterate all, am sure yaz read em), some R, will admit,... (don't like some of the net speak used as ey just think it's plaed out and is tiresome and, in mey mind, represent the "w" gam-that-must-not-be-mentioned, which is r competition and am not a fan of (yes these abbrevs came before it, at least some of em, know), and some of it doesn't even make sense (damag per second..."ey'm a damag per second"...??? Doesn't "Ey'm a damag-dealr" sound better? It's more of a noun that a persn can be associated with. Ey won't rly say that ey'll say "mDmg LFGF..." as it's not that hard to comprehend that mDmg is the same as m D P S, "dmg" who rly doesn't know wat those 3 lettrs together mean) ...BUT some aren't. Ey pref not to typ any "curs" words, or negativ-sounding/meaning-ones out, at least correctly, unless to tell someon who rly needs to be told to eph off to do so, it's about the POINT getting across, not the speln, it's really no big deal. Am fine w/ said language in voiceovr/elsewhere etc., don't get mself wrng, am pro-free speech, and believe there's rly not such a thing as "bahd language" but still, just S W is sacred to mself and pref to keep it pure.... The other big of the top 3 reasons ey typ the way ey do is to not feel as if ey'm talkn to or about someon and/or mself to another persn, at least not YET, ey just don't wanna be a public figure, am a private persn, atm, but will most likely typ out -l-, y-o-u, etc., in chat whenever ey become more public/get jobs/dream careers, etc., ey'm having mey cayk and eeting it too, c. Know yaz read mey 8 reasons so won't reiterate any further but just thought should reiterate some, and to point out they're just preferences, and in a free wrld ey can do that, and when a grp is in voiceovr, they know ey talk normally and can listen, so none of these have an adverse effect on in-battle/grp operations. 4) Ey'm NOT an attn-seekr/wohr, ey admit ey have a tendancy to get hot/some would say ramble, maybe get a bit long winded at times, but it really depends on wat's being said, if something requires alot of talkn to get the point across/a lecture, to answer a question to the best of mey ability (op strats 4 ex), mean professors talk all clas long, are they sociopaths? Ey'm just sayn ey get wat yr bringing up, but where there's smoke, there may not always be fyr, even tho the opposite holds true as well, there's that duality in lyf, but this is all just coincidence, not evidence. If someon has (a) chaos button/s and/or subjects of interest, if yrself is a fan of a team of an activity, say, if peopl around yrself start talkn bout em, there's a high chance even if yr a quiet persn by trade ..... (which am, rly don't talk alot at all, and this is so ironic...in reel lyf am told to speak up more yet when am talkn bout the gam in voiceovr am anoying to some am told...when ey rly am not (yes ey know the other persn sets the standard of if one is being harasing/anoying, etc., but they can lie about being anoyed, maybe to get another in troubl, or maybe they're just being a bit overzealous/uptight with that and needa "come on" know?) ...will feel a strong urge to jump into the convo and talk about said subject, ey try to hold mself back and am a bit more successful off-line then on, but there's nothin wrng with getting into something. Ey even try to be courteous to others by saying "interrupting anything?" or "in the middle of something?" to start off mey interjection in voiceovrs. Think of it this way, ey'm tryn to have mey cayk and eet it too ryt, with the "ey's" n such ryt?...well, craving attn. is the exact opposite of wat ey'm wanting, if one thinks about it logically, ey only would like the normal, necessary amount of attn. needed to complete ops n such here, and if ey did want any, ey'm not a maso- here, ey wouldn't want neg. attn., ey'd like pos. attn, despite... 5) some saying mey preferences opens doors to be insultd/trold, ey've been and peopl are and will be trold even if they nvr said a word, as ey avoided gen chat untill several mnths after launch, when ey could not be soloin anymore. the saying goes "trols will trol", and they do, and ey shouldn't have to do things, or not do them, if ey prefer to, just because of potential backlash, and it's potential because ey'm not forcing these peopl to say "that sentenc gave mself cancr"(did it rly?....) THEY alone say that, and choose to trol. 6) Ey'm not sayn yal will adapt to mself eventually, there r peopl who r trols for lyf and can't win ovr evryone, know, there r those who aren't but just still aren't keen on mself/mey quirks atm have. There r thsoe who liek mslef n couldn't care less about mey preferences, r grps get stuff done, ey can plae they can it's all good (thx for yr support if yr one who's readn this piece btw). 7)If peopl rly don't like mself n do stuff w/ mself due to the perception ey suk or am a trol or mentlly ill, it's NOT all in the presentation, looks can be deceiving, can't judge a book by its covr, for peopl to not give someon a chance or at least listen to em in voiceovr and instead just go solely based on wat they typ certain words like in chat to reach those conclusions, their just narrow, close-mindedness and that they have no toleration, and wouldn't wanna op w/ em anyways, as their bein hypocritical to their 'show tolerance" gild messages on their sites...Ey scrape most of the cheez off piza n icin off cayk and even if ey didn't if ey saw someon else do that ey'd respect their preferences, they still get their foodtype of want. Some of those "monologues" btw on fleet n oricn planet are LFG messages and WTB/S ones, that ey tryn keep short n sweet and space out time-wise, as am not a spamr. Also, ey'm not opposed to other's ideas/suggestions, in fact, in an op todai/earlier tonyt, r grp got further then mey previous grps did by mself followin their strategy then min, which still got pretty far in a previous run, not that those were "min" anyways, ey learned em from multiple grps, how can ey do ops and know the fights if ey was nvr told a grps strategy, ey sometimes come up w/ one, but usually listen to theirs and that is accepting another's opinion, ey nvr said mey word was gospl and none othrs r accepted...Ey just tell those grps who won't inv or r full gl and am standing by if needed. This may seem like a long winded attn-seekin monolgue, but it's rly just long due to tryn to address as many points as yrslef brought up, 1 by 1, if somethin takes a long time it will, t o show respect to each point and address em. Btw, this is D/Linxs ryt? What r these alts yaz made to try mself out w/ also, btw? Just curious. As if ey've evr insultd yrself, it was likely just throwin back wat was given to mself that was offensiv, am just not one to take a joke about mself, am one to throw it back as hayt those who r glas canons, like to throw it, but can't take it. Ey don't instigate, just retaliate sometimes, when needed, or not in good mood and apologiz if any of those hit too hard. There are sociopaths, and then there are unique individuals. Thanks for time put in/concern.
  21. "Yr postin a valid suggestion" How'dyaz know what ey'm suggestin if yew can't read wat ey'm typn out? One or the other, and yrself double-replying to mey thread seems to mean it merits yr attn., and others, despite negativ remarks made, so yal are only provin it's not hard to figure out, which it's not, the main word ey pref not to typ out right is ...-l-..., which is "ey", that's it. Enuff of the grammr po po ness esp. if one doing that, as have had done to mself (m-y-s-e-l-f) in the past, doesn't use it impeccably emselvs, such hypocrisy. And, even tho am not tryn to garner attn., let alone neg. attn., yaz keep coming back to comment negativ things to mself in-gam or here and not just walking by, is only givin mself attn....so if yaz truly believe that, y even comment? Srsly, ey'm not troln, just posting legit requests/suggestions/comments/LFGs/WTBs/etc., when in chats/forums, w/ some words spelt a bit diff then they usually r/mispelt, that's it.
  22. Ey'm legit here all, am NOT troln, am not tryn to get "net famous" w/ mey typn wrng of certain words, srsly, enuff. Just LFGs for top tier content wrld first, and some rare items.
  23. Hmm...not sure if legit compliments or not, there's no "h" in mey first part of mey chr's name, that may be an impostr/parody of mself, thsi is the reel/orig. mself. Ey have no yew tube vids, at least atm, channel-wise, there may be a dwning of a tuff bod or something up but pref not to look up stuff of mself, or peopl w/ no livs pretendin to b mself. Yal read it hear first.
  24. And it's already OVER 9000! lol, just had to get that outta the way, but srsly, power lvl not quite the choice of words here should go for, that sounds like an insult almost, like a trol's power lvl or somethin, am legit just lfgs and items, not troln, but yes every insult ey get drives mself further to be among the best, and keep sayn among cause there's no 1 best at anything, will keep at it, not givin up. If yr in a gild that is in contention for wrld first dwnings of top tier content known (NITmodes) or secret (haytful essenc for ex.) and can facilitate mey goals and/or have these skip tracr items/any rare discontinued hting for sale, plz PM and thx for readn.
  25. That is one pretty look navatr there, and probly r handsom/pretty in reel lyf too, thx for the sentiment, but unfortunatly, like on JC, they just don't learn that, they prefer to bounce off whatever ey say, as ey'm the cool thing to bash, and seem to have nothing bettr to do then bash mself, and they have the nerve to say ey should ignor em, ey rarely ignor anyone and it's nvr permanent, as they're the ones to ignor someon/mself, they have the initial prob. not mself. Ey guess it makes emselvs feel superior then others, maybe tryn to compensate for a lil somethin, insultn someon on the net and feelin giddy they got away w/ it, dare em to do that to whoever they bulee in reel lyf...cowds...thx again. Just LFGs and items to buy, and have 3 minor prefs. when it comes to oping, A.T.M, PM if can facilitate ether.
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