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Everything posted by Tsillah

  1. Well that's really thin of course, but the point is that Makeb is not locked when you skip ahead. So it has no bearing on the main story.
  2. You get level 75 gear mostly from doing level 70 content. All expansions had the level cap raise and new gear tiers. I do understand the new tiers of gear because it keeps people busy in an MMO that doesn't have a whole lot else to offer to veteran players, but the new levels are completely and utterly pointless. It's just so people can feel good about a meaningless higher number. It's not as if you become more powerful from the levels themselves. It all comes from gear and there are no new skills, they just spread the skill acquisition over more levels. And now they're pruning the existing skills, which is ok by itself, but it does mean there will be more levels and fewer skills. And no more utilities to select either. I really can't wait till they do the same thing as in WoW, reducing the levels back to the original levels. The levels are "like butter scraped over too much bread".
  3. Ironically, chapter 4 is not part of the main story line
  4. You can with the current gear since all gear you earn is legacy bound. However, we don't know anything about gearing yet in 7.0 except that the set bonuses of level 75 gear won't work for level 80 characters. So either way you'll have to earn new gear in 7.0 but that has been true of every expansion. I do think that gear will be legacy bound again, but who knows? Your current gear will be obsolete, however.
  5. Heh, I didn't even realize that. I just assumed that he sorted that via CS, but upon reading his post again, I think you're right.
  6. Well, like I said, you have to choose to do that and gather people around you that are like-minded. Mind you, I also deplore this, so I get you. One thing though, you may want to do things your way, but you do not get to impose this on other people. And the nature of group content is that the exception has to conform to the group and when you use the GF to find a PUG then that's where it's at. That's why I say that you will have to form a group first, but I gather that you do not wish to do this. There is something, let's say unpleasant about wanting the world to conform to your wishes though. That's the part of your attitude I don't understand. You can join a guild that is casual oriented and does FP runs that they take their time for as well. You do have that choice.
  7. But sweeping generalizations are ok apparently.
  8. It'll get worse in 7.0 with combat styles since all characters will have access to a combat style with stealth. So choose your combat styles carefully. But the way it is intended has changed over time. Because of the way gearing is done now and the newer FPs being avoided mostly, speed runs are the way BW has pushed gameplay. So apparently that's the way BW intends players to play. And it's not because they have little time that people do speed runs, it's because they do many of those runs because the loot is RNG. BW could easily change that but they won't. It's high repetition with RNG loot. If you want something else create your own group in chat saying what you intend to. Then hit the GF as a taxi to the FP of your choice (you can select and deselect any FP in the GF).
  9. Well that's the issue indeed, ML can be set during combat. Particularly during the last boss fight of an Ops. That's when it usually happens. Nobody notices it when they're too busy fighting and if they notice it, it'll be too late too do anything about it.
  10. Well it seems like more people feel like this. Not sure if it's something BW worries about as the number of people that are like this are snowed under by the rest. Well we like different things and therefore we focus on different things and that means that whatever BW does can affect us differently. I've always appreciated discussing those differences. Well it might be the epitaph for you and me and probably some other people but I doubt it will be SWTOR's epitaph. Yeah, for years I was like that. I paid for the potential that never got realized. I stopped doing that at some point. I looked at what was and then judged if that was worth my time. Currently, this game is not worth my time. I spend more time on this forum than in game lol. But hey, that's part of the sub, so at least I'm still using my sub I do have hopes on various accounts, but it's tempered with a healthy dose of realism: Story - For me the story could still be cool if it surprises me with the direction, fits all classes and isn't different for rep and imp players (meaning the saboteur approach). New Ops - the new Ops could be really cool in atmosphere and boss mechanics. I don't mean the harder the better but actually fun. The last two Ops were just not fun for me even though I played the Ops before it in all modes. Gearing system - they haven't said anything about this yet. So that raises my curiosity. However, it could be equally a disappointment or great. I don't expect these things to happen in a way that I would enjoy, but I do hope it. I really want to keep playing SWTOR but right now there's just nothing here for me. No conquest or seasons or combat styles are going to cover up that content hole.
  11. QFT - this is how I feel about the game as well. For me the breaks are getting longer and longer though and I see that as a worrying situation. But to be honest there isn't much to come back for except nostalgia. That's a powerful thing but since I don't really care for the newer content of the last few expansions, the nostalgia factor is getting pretty slim.
  12. Well command levels became renown levels. The same architecture in the back with lesser rewards because of the new way of gearing. And that's the reason I say that they could disappear because in the end the rewards in them are pretty ****** so that begs the question, what's between ****** and nothing?
  13. The thing that annoys me with Koth as well is that he always (apparently) knows the circumstances of the decisions you make WITHOUT him actually being there. So he's privy to information he really wouldn't have like why you made a decision or even that it was your decision to begin with.
  14. My sub runs out in January (I renew it every 6 months). Whether I will renew it this time or not depends entirely on 7.0 and it's not looking good. Even if this ends up being ok, there is still the issue that I don't have enough variety in things to do. All I can do now is repeat things ad infinitum at this point. Get achievements for doing the same stuff for the 50th or 100th time. Or do things that I really don't like (which I won't do). And 7.0 will not bring a lot of new content, on the contrary, but it will bring new ways to play exactly the same content over and over again. That's not gonna keep me busy for long. I'm not even playing SWTOR right now. I log in occasionally and that's it. I'll give 7.0 a shot but the last time I took a break it was around 1.5-2 years. It sucks but what can I do when I get bored with this game? Take another break indeed, but then it will be even longer likely, before I come back again. And I really don't like what they've done with the game in the last few expansions. /shrug
  15. I find it boring af. It's a legacy extension to Conquest with very limited objectives. More of the same basically. That's all this game seems to be able to do.
  16. Nothing is known about gear(ing) yet in 7.0. It could even be that there will no longer be renown boxes. I mean, I doubt they will take them out but it is possible.
  17. They will have them, but you will also have to choose between them. How fun is that?
  18. You mentioned a Trooper CS. There is no such thing. Trooper is your base class or origin story. Commando and Vanguard will be the CS's that stem from the Trooper base class but you will be able to use all tech CS's. You really should look at the topic again, you're not understanding how it works. So let me try to make it easy for ya: Trooper, Smuggler, Imperial Agent and Bounty Hunter are the 4 tech base classes and they will be renamed to Origin Story but you could say base class if you want. Commando, Vanguard, Gunslinger, Scoundrel, Mercenary, Powertech, Sniper and Operative will be the tech Combat Styles. and they will be available as a group to any of the 4 tech base classes mentioned above. You do have a limit of picking two of the CS's per character though and you can switch between them using loadouts. You can still respec within your 2 chosen CS's because Disciplines will still exist within each CS. Utilities will be gone as they are merged with your abilities. Hopefully that clears things up for you.
  19. Yeah they're renaming everything so people will be more confused lol. I guess there was still the point of the 2 combat styles being for subs, but it's unclear whether or not f2p/preferred players get to have 2 or even be able to have 2 (with an unlock or something). And the ds/ls V requirement is for the legacy so if you already have that unlocked you can take any force combat style regardless of the character's alignment.
  20. Oh I agree but that level shouldn't go over 9000 or it becomes absurd. I think we just got there with this...at least for me.
  21. When you move, you move your borders and you end up living in a situation that you never thought you would get to before, because it was too absurd to consider. All I'm saying is that I'm very surprised Lucasarts is ok with this.
  22. Ok I have both DS V and LS V unlocked in my legacy. So this means that I can make a new LS Jedi counsellor with sorceror as combat style from level 1. I can keep her light side by means of the toggle, I can make light side choices all the way but I can still use abilities like force storm and force lightning. I can also get the title of Jedi Master while using nothing but DS powers. In other words my characters can be 100% light side but still use dark side powers. So it's not like Rey who flirts with the dark side in the latest movies and picks yellow for her own lightsaber (grey jedi) and casts force lightning out of extreme anger. No I can be entirely goody-two-shoes and still use dark side powers. Also, NOBODY will notice me using those abilities. So the entire Republic won't recognize me using force lightning and will go on with their lives as usual. I mean I know the jedi council are unaware of many things but that's taking it a bit far.
  23. That's not the only thing that's illogical with the combat styles though and we'll just have to accept it all. What is more interesting to me is why Lucasarts has ok'd this even though it goes against SW lore when it comes to force users especially.
  24. Well during character creation there has to be a selection of the base class because of the story and because of the pool of combat styles you get access to, so it may not have specific skills anymore but I think it will only add to the confusion to say the base class is gone just because the base class skills are added to the combat style.
  25. Erm, there still will be a base class. That determines which story you play. They just renamed the Advanced Classes to Combat Styles because in the new set up I guess it doesn't really make sense to call them ACs anymore. But you will still have a base class. So the following will be true based on what we know now: You will have a base class and then you will pick 1-2 combat styles out of 2 pools either tech or force. This is also determined by your base class. So a Trooper (base class) means that you will play the Trooper story and get to pick your combat styles out of the tech range. Then you select your Discipline, like now, once you pick a combat style and you can reset them as you can now. There will be no more utilities to select since they are merged with the skills you pick. --- As for the combat roles, they will be determined by the discipline and since you will be able to reset those (after choosing a loadout) you will be able to play all 3 roles with the same character. All it requires is that you choose one combat style that has a healing discipline and the other a tank discipline. There can of course be only two loadouts (at the start anyway) So you can make the loadouts to be a healer and the other as a tank and then you can respec to dps on either of them.
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