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Everything posted by namesaretough

  1. It was only 2 slingers, mung and tco. chestibor/yolo/sky all ran dampeners, and the two without didn't die much unless other stuff went wrong.
  2. Well it was too much burst, like you said a sage is a goner if they aren't at 100. But I didn't complain about it because it was doable if people weren't messing up, the only guaranteed wipe was if it hit a kiter right before a knockback with no chance of recovery.
  3. I know, it's amazing we managed to get all those kills with how bad we were edit: of course there were mistakes. someone died. when there aren't mistakes people don't die. way to miss the point of linking the video, laughing at mung. fyi the real reason he died was because something screwed up on the pull and our healer for that group was focusing on the kiter instead of topping off the group he was responsible for. p.s. in general we didn't need our slingers to put points in ballistic dampeners while we were 5 healing. maybe our healers were just better than yours.
  4. I tried to fit "DP NiM 16m clear world first and second and third and fourth and fifth and maybe sixth but i lost count" but it killed it.
  5. Re: how fast the burst happens in 16m (gunslinger takes more than 85% hp in a gcd, nothing buffed) http://www.twitch.tv/m_o_s_e_s/c/4662980 Only slightly relevant, but I can't get enough of watching mung get pooped on. You don't bring 5 healers because the outgoing dtps is too high in general, you do it so you can top people off super fast to keep people from getting burst down like that. I wouldn't expect people who have never done the fight to realize that because it's not something you see just from watching kill vids.
  6. Maybe if more than 8 people in your 16m were good at mechanics you would have killed it a couple months sooner
  7. Not sure why one was a step further ahead of the others, but they definitely got to the middle
  8. If I can promise you one thing, it's that the chances of zorz coming back are totally independent of how much you want to watch them raid.
  9. Please do! All I've wanted is a more competitive 16m community, I'd be happy if one arose
  10. Grats! Glad to see 16m isn't totally dead GL on dread master next week!
  11. Considering the last progression post was June 28th, and there's only one guild even still trying to progress on 16m pre-nerf, I don't think it's a huge problem.
  12. I've only ever heard one guild accuse us of poaching their best people, and yea it was carnage, but of the 3 we "took" from them only 1 was even still raiding, and he was about to gquit anyways because reasons. It's just as funny to me now as it was then that people thought we were trying to steal them, when they were the ones looking for a group that didn't have 8 carries. And the reason we got so good was ctor and i joined, clearly. But to be fair to SG pre-2.0, sure they were like 4-5th in NiM EC, but iirc they did in less pulls than the guilds that killed it earlier (they used to raid 2 nights most weeks) and with a homemade strat, not one copied from a video. They had most of the pieces to be great before the xpac, they just needed a couple more good people and to put more time in.
  13. How many all-galaxy titles does it take to carry a guild through NiM Council?
  14. This post made me smile gl getting council <3 Edit: I'll just repeat this here
  15. We certainly could have, but when all the officers are ready to be done and no one else wants to take over sometimes you have to let nature take its' course. I would have argued that it was a good thing for the community, since we had 8+ people who would have been willing to continue playing elsewhere and that many talented players could have helped any guild get a kill, but for some reason no one tried to recruit them. Odd, since I hear everyone's recruiting so assiduously.
  16. Well a couple real facts, like Harb has good players, good players are out there, and it takes work to get them. Ultimately though, it's all just my opinion, shaped by my experience over ~8 months of making sure SG stayed a 16m guild, and watching Thin do the same for another 6 months or so before that. Nope, no chance. Any chance we'll see a kill from you?
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