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Everything posted by Zantul

  1. A few Sith Sorcerors were greay and even made friends with Jedi and the JEdi always kept tabs on them. One of the sorcerors turned dark and VERY powerful and they were purebloods.
  3. The best one is where they move into the ground and popout of the walls. Is there a David Copperfield class I never heard of? Yea pvping with hacks is EXTREMELY ****. To each their own.
  4. Sure if u buy the collectors edition you get a CD with the music.
  5. I dont know whoch class it is but 7k on a ranged hit? So I get stunned and I see 7k and mind you I have almost 300 expertise at about 250 which is not super but I should not be taking 7k a hit and its a rebel class cuz we were fighting rebs. So 7k is half of my life..Geez...
  6. Nobody in feathers is a bad *** im sorry they look like a bunch of drag queens ready to paint the town red.... ITS REDICULOUS!!
  7. If he has all that pvp gear with those mods then Sorceror needs to be overlooked. 5k damage is piss compared to the 7k+ hits I am getting in ONE shot in pvp...
  8. I just wish I knew what the devs were thinking when they said lets make the elite Pvp gear with feathers!! How about spikes or horns or FIRE!!!?? Feathers? My headpiece looks like an old duster! Everyone is out there complaining about my saber cant be blue or my pants are too tight but come on man.. We are busting our chops for this gear and it has FEATHERS?? Why would a Sith Lord wear feathers? I did some old comic book searching and I still can not find a old comic book pic of a Sith with Flowers and in the process saw TONS of great ideas! I just dont get it who feel asleep during the meeting of making epic armor in feathers. We need to keep a post like this bumped. Maybe not as whiny as mines you knowe one of those wordy lawer posts everyone likes!! I just dont get it. Its my ONLY gripe with the game...
  9. What a total waste of my time reading this post... Maybe if you complained about something that was actually an issue or a bug. I dont know but you must be fussy as hell in rl. Imagine ur poor GF lol!
  10. Yes this is a GREAT idea when everyone hits battle master we will all look the SAME!
  11. My favorite crafting system us swtor? Why does everyone want to change this game?
  12. I see the recipe is BOP anyone know where it drops?? Or anyone on prophecy of the 5 have it ? I can provide mats and some coin to sweeten the deal.
  13. Its people like you that ruin this game. I dont mind the gear grind being long... What I would hate is for it to cater to you where you do 20 bgs and ur in centurion gear right is that what you like mr instant gratification.. These games are going south because of people who want everything right them and now... God forbid we would have to work a month or two to get a full gear set ohh no!!! Mr I want it now will get it right away!!!
  14. Sorry but the Jedi wanna bees are trying to re write the Jedi code... THEY DO BELIEVE THERE IS NO EMOTION.. Truly there isnt. Where does emotion exist? In your mind... What is in your head really exist? No you can make anything in your head but it doesn't really exist, nor does passion or that matter.
  15. Very smart to diffuse something like that. Pubs dont like to get nerfed LOL!!
  16. I am sure they pulled the feather look from some old comic... What I dont understand is why didnt they use something else besides feathers?? A game that is 90% male why make your EPIC gear with feathers??
  17. Zantul


    spolier Yea Malgus' character was just getting interesting when he killed his love Eleena.
  18. sages are op they woop on si everyday
  19. And I actually miss the grind. Between the stories, the nintendo 64 space game and the awesome pvp I had a blast. My favorite thing is the story driven quests.I enjoyed it.. LOL being called a slave 1000 times and to rise to power was quite a fun ride for me. I thought my story was apropriate and adhered to the SW lore to the T. Hell I can find i n SW wiki where the imperials at the time we are in were taking in Slaves and making them sith... Why? The Empire was desperate. Anyways....thats another post.. Again the grind in his game was fun, hell now I want to start a new character just to do the quests again.. To me this is the best MMO ever. It made the grind fun. No other game can claim that. Unless you macroed!! Just mastering the art of macroing can be a game in itself. Well I didnt need or even want it here and I am sure I would have thought of something lol! This game is young and look at ALL it brought to the table on launch. No one else has come close to this. Just imagine how much it can be with some time. What worries me are the cries I see that simply dont make sense to me. I have seen perfectly awesome game be driven into the ground by the player base. I just hope Bioware takes it in as a grain of salt and not the entire meal. Bioware deserves a huge kudos. Thank you Bioware!
  20. In the end and THIS IS A BIIG BIIIIG SPOLER the Rebels and what left of the Empire team up to fight the new threat to the galaxy the Vuzah Vong and I know I spelled that wrong totally sorry. What is left from that becomes the Galactic Alliance.. The Jedi are reformed and that lie you call the Jedi code gets revamped and the Jedi can have kids and family Basically the light and the dark shake hands again. WAAAAYY back when there was on ONE Force not two sides. Then the Force Wards happen and the Force split into two light and dark side... In the end it seems like they made peace and everyones happy. Luke is the Jedi who sees them though this and starts a NEW Jedi alltogether.
  21. Zantul


    Yes I have the E-zine for that story... His dad is a scientist and he reseaches animals. So he teaches his the challanges he will face as a Sith by explaining how these animals survive that are in his care. During the fight with the two Jedi, he goes back to the story of his dad teaching him about a bird who feigns its true power until the right moment. Basically its a bird who acts like a baby chick until its strong enough to overpower the step mom... If the momma bird only knew her true baby chick was breakfast for the one she is feefding. So the litte basterd molts into its true form kills the mom eats her and moves on. So the creature was just feigning its true powere similar to the strategy the Jedi was using by backing him up into a trap. Sad I would like to read more of Malgus and I do like the way Paul writes...
  22. Zantul


    Did anyone read this? PAUL S KEMP book... Anyways what other book can I read about Malgus?
  23. I was thinking if a combination of Codex Lore research and Legacy levels could get us something nice... A new power for the sorcerors digging up all this Lore would be nice. Maybe even a cool title?
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