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Everything posted by ObiQuixote

  1. This is sad news. If it's bad as people are saying, level 50's with 5 mil from slicing without really working at it, this is going to screw up the in game economy as bad as a credit dupe. If they don't jump on it quick it will be a long hard road to bring it under control. Looks like another lack of MMO experience issue for the devs
  2. There were a couple of quest lines that were decent. But once I started skipping them and saw how much time these cut scenes take, paragraph after paragraph just blinking by, I just can't go back to watching them. But, MST3K without Tom and Crow is a good way to describe most of them.....
  3. Hell ya. My toon got laid twice before level 25, hope he gets to hit her as well but it's looking more like he'll have to kill her.
  4. Made it to level 30 with out skipping a cut scene. Just can't take them anymore and thought I'd share my experience for those that have been skipping them.
  5. Senate Page [insert your name here], I'm glad I found you. The fate of America is in dire pearl, the evil Canadians have tunneled their way into the pentagon basement and are threatening to use our own nuclear missiles against us. Normally we'd send in seal team six to deal with this, but they're busy having lunch or something, so we need to send you in instead. Luckily for you I think there's something that can be used save us. We just discovered an ancient dungeon under the Capital building and we think Benjamin Franklin's glasses are buried some where within. These can be used to take back control of the launch computers and save our country. So you will need to find those and report back to me. Once this is done you'll get a Boeing 777 to fly around in. You'll probably need it because we suspect Australia is under threat from the French, they've learned to tunnel as well as the Canadians.
  6. The screen where you select your talents? No respec button for some reason.
  7. Where / how do I respec? I remember seeing a vendor somewhere along the way but can't recall where.
  8. Love this argument... because it's true. Problem is, When WoW launched, it didn't have to compete with WoW. Today you either need to bring something completely new to the table or you have to launch as good as WoW is now, not 8 years ago.
  9. I was getting real sick of it until I got to Tatooine. Having fun on that planet. Much more open than everything before it.
  10. Probably never know. It may be an active anti farming system but there are a lot of ways they could handle loot that would just make it look that way even though that wasn't the intended goal. And BW will want to be very tight lipped about anything concerning how their loot system works due to credit farmers.
  11. Things start to get a little dodgy when there are more than 100-130 people on a planet. Connection is there, just seems like the servers can't keep up with combat at that point.
  12. One of the more annoying situations is when you pick up side quests along the way of these very linear sub dungeons, you get to the end, have everything accomplished but the turn in's are so spread out that you have to fight your back through all of the respawns instead of hearthing back to the quest hub. Edit: I'll add, if there was something to explore or other paths to take, it wouldn't be so bad, but in the end it's walk down the hallway and kill everything, walk back down the same hallway and kill everything. I never thought this type of linear design was a "feature." It was a compromise made back when RPG's first started using 3D and the technology of the time didn't allow for huge open worlds like the old Ultima games. Why they built this so linear I don't understand.
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