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Everything posted by jayfourc

  1. Run for your lives!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
  2. jayfourc

    3 != 8 !!!!!!

    I started a lowbie civil war last night with only 3 on our team. Fully expected the wz shutdown timer to start. When it didn't we were like, crap, they must have at least 6 on the other team. People came much later and we eventually had a full team after the score had run down - even came back to barely win it. But yeah, this kind of crap shouldn't happen.
  3. Random thoughts: If you're pumping out 800K+ heals obviously it's having an impact. They would be dying in 1 GCD if you weren't. If they're going down that quickly they're being focus fired and they should go down. One healer should not be able to hold off 3 DPS. I agree that the pendulum seems to have swung a little too far though and needs to go back a bit. 800K+ is pre 1.2 right? There's no way any one stays alive long enough now for you to put out those kind of numbers now. Also, to and too are two different words.
  4. Think it happens when I die from a ravage or a smash. Spawn on the floor flat on my back. Can't move. Can't /stuck. Kicked out by deserter timer.
  5. This is more exciting than sliced bread. I went SS so I could blow up Sorc and Op healers. Going back to DF now with this change so I can blow up EVERYTHING. MUAHAHAHAH can't wait
  6. /Golfclap. Now hopefully you'll quickly figure out not to waste your stuns to fill up their resolve bar but instead let a teammate with a knockback punt them down to the pit.
  7. Totally feel for you on this. I think it's 3 problems, the biggest one being that letting people play an MMO on a small server is like selling someone a Ferrari but only letting it work in their cul-de-sac. The fixes should have been in this order: - Server mergers to even out the server populations - Cross-server wz queues - Even WZ teams for starts With the first 2, the last one should become almost an afterthought - wouldn't come up that often.
  8. Cent gear is already worthless. I can crit a full centurion sentinel for 5.6K with my aimed shot. Throw the instant crit charged shot, sabo charge, trickshot, and quickdraw in there? He's dead in 3 seconds.
  9. I run similar stats in DF - sacrifice some base cunning and power for higher crit (more energy recovery, inherent unmitigated damage from bleeds, etc.). But for SS I swap out 2% crit and 10% surge to pack my power since I can spec into higher surge for 2/3 of my nukes and SS. Probably doesn't change things that much, but hey it makes me feel like I'm cool
  10. Yeah, forgot to mention this - true for any class. If you look at the mapping I have in the my first SS video in my earlier post, you can get a good idea of how many mappings you need - pretty much all of them I've since gotten rid of my strafing keys (W and R) and mapped those to my relic/adrenal bombs. Dedicated strafing isn't necessary since you can mouse+turn to get the same effect. That opens up 4 more abilities to be mapped easily with just shift.
  11. You don't lose hunker down, you just can't spec into a shorter CD. But a full DF spec won't have the defensive points from SS that help with staying alive in cover - ballistic dampeners help a lot. I use cover a lot (but not for long durations) in DF since I like the burst from sabo charge and it keeps people from interrupting my wounding shots casts (which is like, 80% of your damage). I do this in the first DF link. Oh, if you do spec into SS, definitely recommend taking the points for bal dampeners. Just don't forget to keep moving and re-cover to refresh your 30% mitigation and also get the instant CS procs.
  12. Correcting/clarifying some of your assumptions: 1) Mostly because we get our healer companion pretty late compared to other classes 2) Ditto. Not as involving as a sent/mar, but a hell of a lot more fun to play than a merc/commando dps. 3) You mean terrible looking? That's a matter of opinion if you're talking about pre-1.2 capes/cowboy hat. For post 1.2 it's a matter of fact that our end-game gear is a joke appearance-wise. Good thing there's orange gear. 4) Ranged DPS is a necessity in raids because of boss mechanics. Plus we do some sick sustained DPS when allowed to free cast and pace our energy consumption. In short, not sure where you're hearing that there's no PVE love for GS. After 1.2 you can look forward to having pretty much the highest burst dmg in PVP in SS spec (instant crit charged shot, 1.2-1.5 sec Aimed shot, instant (animation delayed) sabo charge timed with AS GCD, instant trick shot, plus bonus 30% surge on CS, TS, and SS, 20% armor pen+trauma, additional armor pen on AS, yadda yadda - you are a beast against L/M armor. Factor in all of our defensive CDs and kiting abilities and honestly anyone who cries about lame 50 pvp probably only has 2 rows of quickbars hotkeyed. . Granted this is against bads, but still illustrates what you can do (dmg drops about 20% against equally geared BMs - so no 5.6K crits, but I still rock light armor for 4.6K regularly). getting pummeled by tanks, healers, and some bad DPS. But there's still 6 of them. As a dirty fighting GS you can look forward to a very different run and gun playstyle that centers around blowing up unsuspecting people with your dots+wounding shots combo. You should be focused on bringing down targets that have 80% or more health since your full rotation takes time to set up but packs a ridiculous punch. You have less survivability in terms of abilities compared to SS (no dampeners, hunker down and scrambling CD reductions, etc.) but in practice you tend to survive just as well due to not being noticed (not doing 4K x 3 hits behind a glowing flag) until you're roflstomping someone with >10K damage from your wounding shots. On and yeah you still have your 40 meter 3K-4K instant finisher if they try to run. Internal damage means you don't give a eff if it's a tank that you're going after. He/she is still dying. Not the best gear on this healer, but he's guarded and has his bubble up. Disclaimer, DF is great as long as your helpful enemy Operative and Merc healers don't know where their cleanse button went. Inqs have to spec into tech cleansing, and most do not.
  13. While in cover, yes. That doesn't help a scoundrel much though. Look around at the set bonuses. A lot of them, 2 and 4, don't seem that great. It's not like getting the 4 BM pieces hurt you that much in any way. But yeah, relative to the 2 piece PVE bonus, it's not worth getting if you're sawbones.
  14. Maybe you should help your buddy craft his posts better then. Your post and his are completely different. What happened in your situation is more of a douchey guild member than something that has to do with the set up of PvP in this game. Sure, same faction allowed for that situation to occur, but should it be changed so you don't have to face your own ****** guild members? No. So, to address the combination of what you both wrote: Same faction huttball is good - You're better off anyway having had that interaction with that person and getting rid of him/her from your guild. In same guild huttball I will focus the hell out of my own guildies because I know what they're capable of if left alone. This is particularly true about our own healers. The same applies in reverse - I fully expect to have a more intense (and fun) game than usual. Douchebags will be douchebags no matter what - But, chasing down someone that is undergeared solely for the purpose of getting easy kills goes beyond just being a dick. On top of being a clown, they're not helping with objectives since they're just shutting down a weaker player nonstop.
  15. Bro you're taking this way too seriously. We're a bunch of people sitting behind computers pushing buttons and clicking mice to control toons - Alderaan Civil War is not the American Civil War.
  16. Check some of the posts here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=367592 and here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=369399 The biggest difference I think between how you play DF and how I play DF is that I'm not looking to be in any kind of support role. I'm there to kill healers and high dps targets as quickly as possible. I don't view shrap and vital as a useful form of damage, but like you I'll use them to keep a few targets dotted up to help with energy regen. Everything else I do revolves around keeping energy and CDs up to enable the full shrap->vital->hemo->wounding rotation on a high HP healer or priority DPS. I throw in flourish, sabo charge, flurry, thermal, quickdraw, and defensive/CC/hunker/interrupts down as the situation calls for it. I hardly ever use charged or aim since I'm rarely ever under cover outside of throwing sabo->wounding shots. Mobility is the key.
  17. I think what would give us the most bang with the least change to the current system is this: SS/MM - talent that allows flourish shot to stack up to 3x. Dirty Fighting/Lethality - talent that allows vital shot to stack 2x. I like the speed shot slow idea a lot too.
  18. Where are you getting this comparison? Are you factoring in what expertise does?
  19. Here's my two cents. 80% of the rage is because you're bad at your class. For every person exaggerating about how their AC is the "worst ever" I can give you an example of someone who excels in that AC. My point? Anecdotal evidence is anecdotal evidence. At the least, play another class so you have something to compare to. If you don't have time to do that then tone down your QQ claims a bit since you know they're not objective in any way. Now for the other 20%. Are certain classes more suited for 1 v 1? Yes. Are you playing 1 v 1's in WZ's? Maybe. Should you be? Sometimes, if they pissed you off enough. Should you only be doing that? Only if you don't care about winning the actual match.
  20. Glad to hear it was helpful and that it's not just me getting caught up in my own swag and spewing hot air 500K is pretty solid - should translate to kb's - what are your gear/stats? I've been enjoying my 31/3/7 build a lot. The only part I'm a little sore about is not having the same tank-killing potential. Since tankassins and dps juggs are so powerful, I think this might put my team at a pretty big disadvantage come ranked. But, against softies who are incredibly bad at positioning and awareness, this is what happens:
  21. 2 points in Bravado, 2 points in Fighting Spirit and stack a bit more crit (sentinel champ enhancements help there). For bigger engagements I throw a shrap and vital around as energy regen tickers before I look for my primary target. Know when you should hit Cool Head and when it's a waste. In my first vid you can see Fighting Spirit working as WS procs - really helps get you out of the super low energy dumps. That doesn't prevent you from burning through your energy like crazy if you want to, but when I do at least it almost always results in a kill. Pacing with flurry of bolts in between all the instant casts helps too, if burst is not absolutely critical in that fight.
  22. Yeah tankassins are a pain in the ***. For anyone they're fighting. I haven't really had a true 1 v 1 against one, but I think the internal damage from DF takes them down faster though.
  23. I didn't mean that you can use them all in one fight. Just that I've almost always had something up to help push a dualie away from me / avoid their melee damage long enough to burst them down.
  24. Actually we're the hard counter for marauders/sentinels if specced into SS. Aim shot knockback, pulse, leg shot, flash, nut kick, hunker down, accuracy debuff, dodge, bubble? You almost never run out of ways to keep a marauder's melee off of you enough to burst them down. It's a tough fight if everyone's cooldowns are up, but they are definitely not our counter.
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