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Everything posted by -Sidac-

  1. fight with a dps companion. Makes fights a lot quicker. You will have to tell your companion who to attack tho since it is too stupid to attack your target. Most people work along the lines of "i gots me a healer , im god!" just shoot through the heals. they are quite crappy and easy to mitigate with a dps companion.
  2. thats why i gave you the option to deal with it instead of crying like a 2 year old. Most people here choose the act like a 2 year old method i see. you could see who was on your server, didnt like the imbalance? choose another one that BW didn't assign to you! Not too hard. Thats what my guild did. We are still outnumbered 3-1 but it gives us a lot more imps to kill and we love it.
  3. for the people who are complaining non-stop about pop imbalances, stop crying like a dolt! you should have done some research. Empire outnumber republic on nearly every server you dont like playing the underdog, DEAL WITH IT OR ROLL IMP! ps. most of the nerfs that you have proposed are just because you get rolled by someone using it. There are plenty of ways to counter them. How about using your brain for starters.
  4. I heard it tanked HARD and after hearing the sub fees. o dear lord its ugly.
  5. They take the servers down, install the patch (its not instant like most people think), make sure stuff loaded correctly, do internal stability checks, and then load the server back up.
  7. PVP: Galaxy Wide PVP Missions! Daily missions in the same place gets excessively old. This would spread the pvp throught the galaxy. Not 1 planet. Ilum gets boring after a while. To keep it fair, you wont get credit if you kill someone 5 or more levels below you. This keeps high levels away from camping low levels for the mission. ps. I camp low levels on tattooine so their 50 friends come out. I've started some awesome high level, large scale fights all over the galaxy. Been a lot of fun. would be nice to be able to do this and not have to head to ilum to get credit for pvp.
  8. I agree with you on those but they arnt WH specific. The crappy warzones and boring daily quests is why i roam the galaxy killing players galaxy wide. More fun!
  9. GENIUS IDEA! Step 1: Call the future, bring in the death star, blow up ilum, never speak of it again. Step 2: IMPLEMENT GALAXY WIDE PVP MISSIONS. (obviously have it so lvl 50s cannot get kills off people 5ish levels below)
  10. fixed! warhammer pvp was a dismal failure and a joke! musical keeps can ****!
  11. obviously it is. BW should have sent him a brand new top of the line video card with his purchase of the game.
  12. an mmo? a bad patch? crybabies screaming for their bottle? MMOs just wouldn't be the same without them. I am staying. I don't do daylies or warzones. Both are boring as hell. I goto voss and ilum and open world pvp there. Sometimes I go to tattooine and camp lowbies till their 50 friends come. Its rather enjoyable. No valor, no gear (except my crafted stuff), just pure, plain, fun!
  13. it may be to bioware but, every company sees these types of posts 24/7. You leaving is nothing but a penny to them. no one will miss it or think twice about it when its gone.
  14. actually, after reading your summary, i can say my response roughly hit it. I may have read too much in depth, but it seems liek it rolls with yours a little.
  15. I am and don't call me shirley.
  16. ive never played wow but there is still reason to talk about it due to the fact that it has had huge successes while others have failed. players prefer more cookie cutter theme park mmos (ie. wow) than a skill based. there is no escaping wow, as it has done everything. if its not 1st at doing it, it takes the working ideas from another and adds them. plus, their business strat for making money is ingenious.
  17. regretfully, that is the way of mmos. Squeaky wheel gets the grease while the rest is ignored.
  18. ps. did they remove the suggestion box? i know it was around in beta but i've never seen it since.
  19. well thats why i was saying no getting credit if you kill someone 5ish levels below you. that would keep the mission the same for all people and would have the people on tat duke it out while the higher levels have ilum, voss, quesh, and the new planet they plan on releasing.
  20. doesn't need to be a base exactly but it would be nice to see other zones to fight in other than ilum. its just pvp. designated pvp zones, where you get *reward* here and not anywhere else, just kills pvp. Instead of a specific zone, you need to add the benefit everywhere you go. otherwise pvp becomes dull and lifeless. look at restuss in swg (i know its a different game). Prior to that coming out, pvp was EVERYWHERE and much fun was had in all cities in the game. Then it was only found in 1 place. same story with wow, aoc, and more games than i can list.
  21. How about a galaxy wide pvp mission? would make pvp more interesting than playing on ilum every day. no credit if you kill someone 5 or more levels below you. ps. im not entirely against the new ilum, had some fun there already. I just am shocked at how fast my valor has gone up in so short a time.
  22. you know an easy fix to this would be to have a galaxy wide pvp mission. to make it fair, you wouldn't get credit if you killed someone 5 levels or more under you. I didn't mind the new change at first. that was before I looked at my valor level and after gaining 10 levels in an hour and a half. too fast, not much fun for me. ahh well, bioware made a bori. my room mate owes me a keg. thanks BW i knew you wouldnt fail me.
  23. you might not pay but there are plenty of other saps out there that will!
  24. go sage! spam force armor on everyone and win the pvp match that way. The imps do it all the time and sages have yet to figure out that little trick. i am a commando/combat medic and its pretty ******. Less healing than sage and we wear a huge KILL ME FIRST! sign when we have to stop and stick our finger in our ear or shoot the beam heal.
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